- What's New
- Service Overview
- Getting Started
- User Guide
Template Reference
- Resource Formation Service
Application Orchestration Service
- Template Introduction
List of Elements
- Resource Indexes
- AntiDDos.Service
- AOS.Batch
- AOS.Stack
- APIG.ApiGroup
- APIG.Throttle
- APM.AutoScaler
- APM.Pinpoint
- CCE.Addon.AutoScaler
- CCE.Cluster
- CCE.ConfigMap
- CCE.DaemonSet
- CCE.Deployment
- CCE.HelmRelease
- CCE.Ingress
- CCE.Job
- CCE.NodePool
- CCE.Pod
- CCE.Secret
- CCE.Service
- CCE.StatefulSet
- CCE.Storage.EVS
- CCE.Storage.OBS
- CCE.Storage.SFS
- CCI.ConfigMap
- CCI.Deployment
- CCI.Ingress
- CCI.Job
- CCI.Namespace
- CCI.Secret
- CCI.Service
- CCI.StatefulSet
- CCI.Storage.EVS
- CCI.Storage.SFS
- CDN.Cache
- CDN.Domain
- CDN.Host
- CDN.Https
- CDN.PreheatJob
- CDN.Referer
- CDN.RefreshJob
- CDN.Source
- DBSS.Instance
- DCS.Redis
- DDS.CommunityReplicaSetOrSingle
- DIS.Stream
- ECS.CloudServer
- ECS.ServerGroup
- ECS.KeyPair
- EVS.NonSharedVolume
- EVS.SharedVolume
- FGS.ApigEventMap
- FGS.CtsEventMap
- FGS.DisEventMap
- FGS.DmsEventMap
- FGS.Function
- FGS.LtsEventMap
- FGS.ObsEventMap
- FGS.TimerEventMap
- FGS.SmnEventMap
- HSS.Instance
- IAM.Agency
- IAM.UserGroup
- MRS.Cluster
- NAT.Instance
- NAT.SNatRule
- OBS.Bucket
- RDS.MySQL.DataBase
- RDS.MySQL.User
- RDS.PostgreSQL
- SCM.Cert
- ServiceStage.Agent
- ServiceStage.AppGroup
- ServiceStage.ContainerComponent
- ServiceStage.Job
- ServiceStage.StatefulApplication
- ServiceStage.StatelessApplication
- SFS.FileSystem
- SMN.Subscription
- SMN.Topic
- ULB.Healthmonitor
- ULB.Listener
- ULB.LoadBalancer
- ULB.Member
- ULB.Pool
- VPCEndpoint.Endpoint
- VPCEndpoint.EndpointService
- VPC.FirewallGroup
- VPC.FirewallPolicy.Egress
- VPC.FirewallPolicy.Ingress
- VPC.FirewallRule
- VPC.SecurityGroup
- VPC.SecurityGroupRule
- VPC.Subnet
- VSS.WebScan
- WAF.service
Data Structure
- AOS.BatchItem
- APIG.BackendApi
- APIG.FuncInfo
- APIG.MockInfo
- APM.AutoscalerAction
- APM.AutoscalerActionParameters
- APM.AutoscalerCondition
- APM.AutoscalerRule
- Basic.KeyValuePair
- Basic.Label
- Basic.LabelSelector
- Basic.NameAndSecretValue
- Basic.NameKeyPair
- Basic.NameValuePair
- CCE.Addon.AutoScaler.Node
- CCE.DataVolume
- CCE.HelmChart
- CCE.Labels
- CCE.NodePool
- CCE.PublicIP
- CCI.Network
- CDN.Source
- CDN.CacheRule
- DCS.InstanceBackupPolicy
- DCS.PeriodicalBackupPlan
- DDS.BackupStrategy
- DDS.CommunityReplicaSetOrSingleMode.Flavor
- DDS.DDSCommunity.DataStore
- DDS.DDSCommunityReplicaOrSingle.Flavor
- ECS.DataVolume
- ECS.ExtendParam
- ECS.MountedVolumes
- ECS.Personality
- ECS.PublicIP
- ECS.RootVolume
- ECS.SecurityGroup
- ECS.ServerTags
- ECS.VolumeExtendParam
- EVS.Metadata
- FGS.Environment
- FGS.OBSFilter
- FGS.VpcConfig
- IAM.Agency.Role
- K8S.PodSecurityContext
- K8S.SecurityContext.SeLinuxOptions
- MRS.BootstrapScripts
- MRS.Components
- MRS.TaskNodeGroups
- MRS.Tags
- MySQL.DBUser
- MySQL.DBLinkedUser
- MySQL.DataBase
- MySQL.DataStore
- MySQL.UserDatabase
- PostgreSQL.DataStore
- RDS.BackupStrategy
- RDS.HA.Mysql
- RDS.HA.PostgreSQL
- RDS.Volume
- ULB.StickySession
- VPCEndpoint.Ports
- VPC.BandWidth
- VPC.PublicIP
- VSS.Resource
- WAF.Bandwidth
- WAF.Domain
- WAF.Service
- Appendix
API Reference
- Before You Start
Resource Formation APIs
- Calling APIs
- Listing Events of a Stack
- Obtaining Stack Metadata
- Listing Stacks
- Creating a Stack
- Obtaining a Stack Template
- Listing Stack Resources
- Listing Stack Outputs
- Continuing to Deploy a Stack
- Deploying a Stack
- Deleting a Stack
- Updating a Stack
- Deleting a Stack with Conditions
- Continuing to Roll Back a Stack
- Execution Plans
- Template Analysis
- Template Management
- Application Orchestration APIs
- Appendix
- FAQs
The get_input function is generally used to obtain the values of input parameters in the inputs section of the template file. You can also reference system pseudo parameters. For details, see System Pseudo Parameters.
get_input: [paramName ]
Parameter Description
Parameter |
Mandatory |
Description |
paramName |
Yes |
Name of the input parameter defined in the inputs section of the template file. |
Return Value
Value of the parameter
The following shows how to use the get_input function to retrieve the value of a parameter in the inputs section:
tosca_definitions_version: huaweicloud_tosca_version_1_0 inputs: name: default: test-vpc cidr: default: node_templates: my-first-vpc: type: HuaweiCloud.VPC.VPC properties: name: {get_input: name} cidr: {get_input: cidr}
System Pseudo Parameters
- HuaweiCloud.UserId: obtains the user ID of the current stack creator.
- HuaweiCloud.ProjectId: obtains the ID of the project to which the current stack belongs.
- HuaweiCloud.DomainId: obtains the ID of the tenant to which the current stack belongs.
- HuaweiCloud.Region: obtains the ID of the region where the current stack resides.
- HuaweiCloud.StackName: obtains the name of the current stack.
System pseudo parameters can be used together with the mappings and get_in_map functions to obtain predefined configuration information.
For example, an ECS VM can be deployed in the North China, South China, or East China region. You can predefine images and VM specifications for different regions in the mapping table. During stack creation, you can run {get_input: HuaweiCloud.Region} to obtain the region where the current stack resides and obtain configuration information such as images and specifications from the mapping table.
mappings: regionMap: cn-east-3: # Defines the East China region. flavor: c2.medium # Indicates the VM specifications of the East China region. image_id: f2003c7b-99c4-4616-be19-334beaca81b1 # Indicates the image ID of the East China region. cn-north-1: # Defines the North China region. flavor: c1.medium # Indicates the VM specifications of the North China region. image_id: 42f34d95-a538-4d17-be48-e690b48c1643 # Indicates the image ID of the North China region. cn-south-1: # Defines the South China region. flavor: c1.medium # Indicates the VM specifications of the South China region. image_id: a3934478-bfeb-4a02-b257-9089779f0380 # Indicates the image ID of the South China region. node_templates: myecs: type: HuaweiCloud.ECS.CloudServer properties: availabilityZone: cn-south-1a flavor: get_in_map: - regionMap - get_input: HuaweiCloud.Region - flavor imageId: get_in_map: - regionMap - get_input: HuaweiCloud.Region - image_id ...
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