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SELECT [ ALL | DISTINCT ] { * | projectItem [, projectItem ]* } FROM tableExpression [ WHERE booleanExpression ] [ GROUP BY { groupItem [, groupItem ]* } ] [ HAVING booleanExpression ] |
This clause is used to select data from a table.
ALL indicates that all results are returned.
DISTINCT indicates that the duplicated results are removed.
- The to-be-queried table must exist. Otherwise, an error is reported.
- WHERE is used to specify the filtering condition, which can be the arithmetic operator, relational operator, or logical operator.
- GROUP BY is used to specify the grouping field, which can be one or more multiple fields.
Select the order which contains more than 3 pieces of data.
insert into temp SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE units > 3; |
Insert a group of constant data.
insert into temp select 'Lily', 'male', 'student', 17; |
WHERE Filtering Clause
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SELECT { * | projectItem [, projectItem ]* } FROM tableExpression [ WHERE booleanExpression ] |
This clause is used to filter the query results using the WHERE clause.
- The to-be-queried table must exist.
- WHERE filters the records that do not meet the requirements.
Filter orders which contain more than 3 pieces and fewer than 10 pieces of data.
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insert into temp SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE units > 3 and units < 10; |
HAVING Filtering Clause
This clause is used to filter the query results using the HAVING clause.
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SELECT [ ALL | DISTINCT ] { * | projectItem [, projectItem ]* } FROM tableExpression [ WHERE booleanExpression ] [ GROUP BY { groupItem [, groupItem ]* } ] [ HAVING booleanExpression ] |
Generally, HAVING and GROUP BY are used together. GROUP BY applies first for grouping and HAVING then applies for filtering. The arithmetic operation and aggregate function are supported by the HAVING clause.
If the filtering condition is subject to the query results of GROUP BY, the HAVING clause, rather than the WHERE clause, must be used for filtering.
Group the student table according to the name field and filter the records in which the maximum score is higher than 95 based on groups.
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insert into temp SELECT name, max(score) FROM student GROUP BY name HAVING max(score) >95; |
Column-Based GROUP BY
This clause is used to group a table based on columns.
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SELECT [ ALL | DISTINCT ] { * | projectItem [, projectItem ]* } FROM tableExpression [ WHERE booleanExpression ] [ GROUP BY { groupItem [, groupItem ]* } ] |
Column-based GROUP BY can be categorized into single-column GROUP BY and multi-column GROUP BY.
- Single-column GROUP BY indicates that the GROUP BY clause contains only one column.
- Multi-column GROUP BY indicates that the GROUP BY clause contains multiple columns. The table will be grouped according to all fields in the GROUP BY clause. The records whose fields are the same are grouped into one group.
GroupBy generates update results in the stream processing table.
Group the student table according to the score and name fields and return the grouping results.
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insert into temp SELECT name,score, max(score) FROM student GROUP BY name,score; |
Expression-Based GROUP BY
This clause is used to group a table according to expressions.
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SELECT [ ALL | DISTINCT ] { * | projectItem [, projectItem ]* } FROM tableExpression [ WHERE booleanExpression ] [ GROUP BY { groupItem [, groupItem ]* } ] |
groupItem can have one or more fields. The fields can be called by string functions, but cannot be called by aggregate functions.
Use the substring function to obtain the character string from the name field, group the student table according to the obtained character string, and return each sub string and the number of records.
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insert into temp SELECT substring(name,6),count(name) FROM student GROUP BY substring(name,6); |
Grouping sets, Rollup, Cube
- The GROUP BY GROUPING SETS generates a result set equivalent to that generated by multiple simple GROUP BY UNION ALL statements. Using GROUPING SETS is more efficient.
- The ROLLUP and CUBE generate multiple groups based on certain rules and then collect statistics by group.
- The result set generated by CUBE contains all the combinations of values in the selected columns.
- The result set generated by ROLLUP contains the combinations of a certain layer structure in the selected columns.
SELECT [ ALL | DISTINCT ] { * | projectItem [, projectItem ]* } FROM tableExpression [ WHERE booleanExpression ] [ GROUP BY groupingItem]
Values of groupingItem can be Grouping sets(columnName [, columnName]*), Rollup(columnName [, columnName]*), and Cube(columnName [, columnName]*).
Return the results generated based on user and product.
INSERT INTO temp SELECT SUM(amount) FROM Orders GROUP BY GROUPING SETS ((user), (product));
This statement filters a table after grouping it using the HAVING clause.
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SELECT [ ALL | DISTINCT ] { * | projectItem [, projectItem ]* } FROM tableExpression [ WHERE booleanExpression ] [ GROUP BY { groupItem [, groupItem ]* } ] [ HAVING booleanExpression ] |
Generally, HAVING and GROUP BY are used together. GROUP BY applies first for grouping and HAVING then applies for filtering.
- If the filtering condition is subject to the query results of GROUP BY, the HAVING clause, rather than the WHERE clause, must be used for filtering. HAVING and GROUP BY are used together. GROUP BY applies first for grouping and HAVING then applies for filtering.
- Fields used in HAVING, except for those used for aggregate functions, must exist in GROUP BY.
- The arithmetic operation and aggregate function are supported by the HAVING clause.
Group the transactions according to num, use the HAVING clause to filter the records in which the maximum value derived from multiplying price with amount is higher than 5000, and return the filtered results.
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insert into temp SELECT num, max(price*amount) FROM transactions WHERE time > '2016-06-01' GROUP BY num HAVING max(price*amount)>5000; |
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