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Modifying Products

Updated on 2022-12-02 GMT+08:00

You can modify details of products that fail the review on the My Applications page or update details of released products on the My Products page. The modification takes effect after being approved.

  • You can try again if products failed to be submitted for release or have been modified after release.
  • Specifications of released products cannot be deleted. You can remove them from the catalog on the My Products page. For details, see Removing Products.
  • If you want to add and remove specifications for a product, add specifications first, and then remove specifications that are not required.
  • You cannot add or modify specifications for products of which all specifications have been removed from the catalog.


  1. Go to the Seller Console.
  2. In the navigation pane, choose Product Management > My Products.

    The My Products page is displayed.


    To modify the information of products that fail the review or are in the Draft state, choose Product Management > My Applications in the navigation pane.

  3. Set search criteria to search for the product to be modified. Locate the target product in the list, and click Modify in the Operation column.

  4. Modify the product information.

    • You can modify the delivery method, basic information, search engine optimization (SEO) information, and non-price service information as required.
    • You can change the value of Public Sales to hide or display the product on the KooGallery frontend page. If you set Public Product to No, the product will be hidden from KooGallery frontend page and search results. Customers can access and purchase the product only by using the product URL you provide. To obtain the URL of such a product, choose Product Management > My Products. In the same row of the product, click Details in the Operation column. The URL is displayed in the Service Information area on the product details page.
    • In the Product Specifications area, you can change the name and prices of a released specification and add a billing mode for the specification. (You can only add the monthly billing mode to a yearly billing specification or add the yearly billing mode to a monthly billing specification.)

  5. Modify the product information and click Submit.

    • When modifying the information of a product, you can click Save Draft to save the product information before submission. You can choose Product Management > My Applications or Product Release > Drafts to view the draft information.
    • The modification takes effect after being approved. To view the information of products under review, choose Product Management > My Applications in the navigation pane.





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