Help Center/ Object Storage Service/ SDK Reference/ C/ Versioning Management/ Setting or Obtaining a Versioning Object ACL

Setting or Obtaining a Versioning Object ACL

Updated on 2024-04-29 GMT+08:00

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Directly Setting a Versioning Object ACL

You can call set_object_acl to input the version ID (version_id) to set the ACL for a versioning object. Sample code is as follows:

static void test_set_object_acl_version()
    obs_status ret_status = OBS_STATUS_BUTT;
    // Create and initialize option.
    obs_options option;
    option.bucket_options.host_name = "<your-endpoint>";
    option.bucket_options.bucket_name = "<Your bucketname>";

    // Hard-coded or plaintext AK/SK are risky. For security purposes, encrypt your AK/SK and store them in the configuration file or environment variables. In this example, the AK/SK are stored in environment variables for identity authentication. Before running this example, configure environment variables ACCESS_KEY_ID and SECRET_ACCESS_KEY.
    // Obtain an AK/SK pair on the management console. For details, see
    option.bucket_options.access_key = getenv("ACCESS_KEY_ID");
    option.bucket_options.secret_access_key = getenv("SECRET_ACCESS_KEY");
    // Set response callback function.
    obs_response_handler response_handler =
        0, &response_complete_callback
    // Initialize the ACL information and specify the object name and version ID.
    manager_acl_info aclinfo;
    aclinfo.object_info.key = key;
    aclinfo.object_info.version_id = version_id;
    // Set the object ACL.
    set_object_acl(&option, &aclinfo, &response_handler, &ret_status);
    if (OBS_STATUS_OK == ret_status) {
        printf("set object acl successfully. \n");
        printf("set object acl failed(%s).\n", obs_get_status_name(ret_status));
    // Free memory.

The owner or grantee ID required in the ACL indicates an account ID, which can be viewed on the My Credentials page of OBS Console.

Obtaining a Versioning Object ACL

You can call get_object_acl to pass the version ID (version_id) to obtain the ACL for a versioning object. Sample code is as follows:

static void test_get_object_acl_version()
    obs_status ret_status = OBS_STATUS_BUTT;
    // Create and initialize option.
    obs_options option;
    option.bucket_options.host_name = "<your-endpoint>";
    option.bucket_options.bucket_name = "<Your bucketname>";
    //Read the AK/SK from environment variables.
    option.bucket_options.access_key = getenv("ACCESS_KEY_ID");
    option.bucket_options.secret_access_key = getenv("SECRET_ACCESS_KEY");
    // Set response callback function.
    obs_response_handler response_handler =
        0, &response_complete_callback
    // Create an ACL structure and specify the object name and version ID.
    manager_acl_info *aclinfo = malloc_acl_info();
    aclinfo->object_info.key = key;
    aclinfo->object_info.version_id = version_id;
    // Obtain the object ACL.
    get_object_acl(&option, aclinfo, &response_handler, &ret_status);
    if (OBS_STATUS_OK == ret_status)
        printf("get object acl: -------------");
        printf("%s %s %s %s\n", aclinfo->owner_id, aclinfo->owner_display_name,
            aclinfo->object_info.key, aclinfo->object_info.version_id);
        if (aclinfo->acl_grant_count_return)
            print_grant_info(*aclinfo->acl_grant_count_return, aclinfo->acl_grants);
        printf("get object acl failed(%s).\n", obs_get_status_name(ret_status));
    // Free memory.




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