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Permissions Management

Updated on 2022-09-14 GMT+08:00

If you need to assign different permissions to employees in your enterprise to access your GES resources, Identity and Access Management (IAM) is a good choice for fine-grained permissions management. IAM provides identity authentication, permissions management, and access control, helping you secure access to your HUAWEI CLOUD resources.

With IAM, you can use your HUAWEI CLOUD account to create IAM users for your employees, and assign permissions to the users to control their access to specific resource types. For example, some software developers in your enterprise need to use GES resources but must not delete them or perform any high-risk operations. To achieve this result, you can create IAM users for the software developers and grant them only the permissions required for using GES resources.

If your HUAWEI CLOUD account does not need individual IAM users for permissions management, you may skip over this chapter.

IAM can be used free of charge. You pay only for the resources in your account. For more information about IAM, see IAM Service Overview.

GES Permissions

By default, new IAM users do not have permissions assigned. You need to add the users to one or more groups, and attach permissions policies or roles to these groups. The users then inherit permissions from the groups to which they are added. After authorization, the users can perform specified operations on GES based on the permissions.

GES is a project-level service deployed and accessed in specific physical regions. To assign GES permissions to a user group, specify the scope as region-specific projects and select projects for the permissions to take effect. If All projects is selected, the permissions will take effect for the user group in all region-specific projects. When accessing GES, the users need to switch to a region where they have been authorized to use GES.

  • Type: There are roles and policies.
    • Roles: A type of coarse-grained authorization mechanism that defines permissions related to user responsibilities. This mechanism provides only a limited number of service-level roles for authorization. When using roles to grant permissions, you need to also assign other roles on which the permissions depend to take effect. However, roles are not an ideal choice for fine-grained authorization and secure access control.
    • Policies: A type of fine-grained authorization mechanism that defines permissions required to perform operations on specific cloud resources under certain conditions. This mechanism allows for more flexible policy-based authorization, meeting requirements for secure access control. For example, you can grant GES users only the permissions for managing a certain type of cloud servers. For the API actions supported by GES, see .
  • Dependencies: HUAWEI CLOUD services interact with each other. Therefore, if a GES policy depends on the policies of other services, the permissions of GES take effect only after the dependent policies are granted to users. For details, see Table 1 and Table 2.

Because of the cache, it takes about 13 minutes for an OBS role to take effect after being granted to users and user groups. After a policy is granted, it takes about 5 minutes to take effect.

Table 1 GES roles

Role Name


Tenant Guest

Common tenant users

  • Permissions: querying GES resources
  • Scope: project-level service

GES Administrator

GES administrator

  • Permissions: performing any operations on GES resources
  • Scope: project-level service

If you have the GES Administrator, Tenant Guest, and Server Administrator permissions, you can perform any operations on GES resources. If you do not have the Tenant Guest or Server Administrator permissions, you cannot use GES properly.

  • To bind or unbind an EIP, you must have the Security Administrator permissions to create agencies.
  • To interact with OBS, such as creating a graph and importing data, you must have the Tenant Administrator permissions of OBS. For details, see Table 5.

GES Manager

GES manager

  • Permissions: performing any operations on GES resources other than creating and deleting graphs.
  • Scope: project-level service

If you have both the GES Manager and Tenant Guest permissions, you can perform any operations on GES resources except for creating and deleting graphs. If you do not have the Tenant Guest permissions, you cannot use GES properly.

  • To bind or unbind an EIP, you must have the Security Administrator and Server Administrator permissions.
  • To interact with OBS, such as importing data, you must have the OBS permissions. For details, see Table 5.

GES Operator

GES common users

  • Permissions: viewing and accessing GES resources
  • Scope: project-level service

If you have both the GES Operator and Tenant Guest permissions, you can view and access GES resources. If you do not have the Tenant Guest permissions, you cannot view resources or access graphs.

To interact with OBS, such as viewing the metadata, you must have the OBS permissions. For details, see Table 5.

Table 2 GES policies

Policy Name


GES FullAccess

Administrator permissions for GES. Users granted these permissions can perform all operations on GES, including creating, deleting, accessing, and updating graphs.

  • To bind or unbind an EIP, the users must have the Security Administrator permissions to create agencies.
  • To interact with OBS, such as creating a graph and importing data, the users must have the OBS permissions. For details, see Table 5.

GES Development

Use permissions for GES. Users granted these permissions can perform any operations on GES except for graph creation and deletion.

  • To bind or unbind an EIP, the users must have the Security Administrator and Server Administrator permissions.
  • To interact with OBS, such as creating a graph and importing data, the users must have the OBS permissions. For details, see Table 5.

GES ReadOnlyAccess

Read-only permissions for ECS. Users granted these permissions can only perform resource querying operations, such as viewing the graph list, metadata, and backups.


To interact with OBS, such as viewing the metadata, you must have the OBS permissions. For details, see Table 5.

Table 3 Common GES operations supported by each role


GES Administrator

GES Manager

GES Operator

Tenant Guest

Creating graphs




Deleting graphs




Querying graphs

Accessing graphs


Importing data



Creating metadata



Viewing metadata

Copying metadata



Editing metadata



Deleting metadata



Clearing data



Backing up graphs



Loading backups



Deleting backups



Viewing backups

Starting graphs



Stopping graphs



Upgrading graphs



Resizing graphs



Exporting graphs



Binding EIPs



Unbinding EIPs



Viewing results in the Task Center

Table 4 Common GES operations supported by each policy


GES FullAccess

GES Development

GES ReadOnlyAccess


Querying the graph list


Querying graph details


Creating graphs




Accessing graphs




Stopping graphs



Starting graphs



Deleting graphs




Incrementally importing data to graphs



Exporting graphs



Clearing graphs



Resizing graphs



Upgrading graphs



Binding EIPs



Unbinding EIPs



Viewing the list of all backups


Viewing the backup list of a graph


Adding backups



Deleting backups



Querying the metadata list


Querying metadata


Verifying metadata



Adding metadata



Deleting metadata



Querying task status


Querying the task list


Table 5 Common GES operations supported by each OBS policy

GES Operation

Dependent OBS Permission

Viewing metadata

OBS Viewer policy or OBS Buckets Viewer role

Creating/Importing/Copying/Editing/Deleting metadata

OBS Operator policy or Tenant Administrator role

Creating a graph (with initial data), and importing or exporting the graph

OBS Operator policy or Tenant Administrator role





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