Updated on 2022-09-29 GMT+08:00

Region and AZ


A region and availability zone (AZ) identify the location of a data center. You can create resources in a specific region and AZ.

  • Regions are divided based on geographical location and network latency. Public services, such as Elastic Cloud Server (ECS), Elastic Volume Service (EVS), Object Storage Service (OBS), Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), Elastic IP (EIP), and Image Management Service (IMS), are shared within the same region. Regions are classified into universal regions and dedicated regions. A universal region provides universal cloud services for common tenants. A dedicated region provides specific services for specific tenants.
  • An AZ contains one or more physical data centers. Each AZ has independent cooling, fire extinguishing, moisture-proof, and electricity facilities. Within an AZ, computing, network, storage, and other resources are logically divided into multiple clusters. to support high-availability systems.

Selecting a Region

If your target users are in Europe, select the EU-Dublin region.

Selecting an AZ

When deploying resources, consider your applications' requirements on disaster recovery (DR) and network latency.

  • For high DR capability, deploy resources in different AZs within the same region.
  • For lower network latency, deploy resources in the same AZ.