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Writing a Function Resource Script

Updated on 2024-02-01 GMT+08:00

Huawei Cloud has registered with Terraform as a provider. You can mount your functions to the provider as resources. For details, see

The following is an example.

Create a file on the server, copy the following script to the file, and save it.

terraform {
  required_providers {
    huaweicloud = {
      source  = "huaweicloud/huaweicloud"
      version = ">= 1.40.0"
provider "huaweicloud" {
region = "cn-east-3" # Actual region
access_key = "*******" # Obtained key
secret_key = "*******" # Obtained key
resource "huaweicloud_fgs_function" "fgs_function" {
  name        = "test_func_rf"
  app         = "default"
  agency      = "function-admin"
  description = "function test"
  handler     = "index.handler"
  memory_size = 128
  timeout     = 3
  runtime     = "Python3.6"
  code_type   = "inline"
  func_code   = "aW1wb3J0IGpzb24KZGVmIGhhbmRsZXIgKGV2ZW50LCBjb250ZXh0KToKICAgIG91dHB1dCA9ICdIZWxsbyBtZXNzYWdlOiAnICsganNvbi5kdW1wcyhldmVudCkKICAgIHJldHVybiBvdXRwdXQ="

Replace access_key and secret_key with the AK/SK generated in Obtaining an Access Key.





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