Updated on 2025-02-25 GMT+08:00

Renewal Date

If you set a renewal date for a yearly/monthly subscription, the subscription will expire on the fixed date of a month.

Important Notes

  • If you do not set a renewal date, the current renewal date is the first day of each month by default in the Set Renewal Date dialog box.
  • You can only set the renewal date to a day (from the 1st day to the 28th day of a month, or the last day of a month) but not to a specific date.
  • The interval between the renewal date and the due date of the current billing cycle cannot be less than one month. After the instances are renewed to the renewal date, the renewal duration is accurate to day, and the renewal amount depends on the renewal duration. For details, see the renewal amount displayed on the page.

    Example 1: Set Renewal Date to the last day of each month.

    Your resource will expire on March 25, 2024, and the renewal duration is one month. After the renewal date is set to the last day of each month, the resource will expire on April 30, 2024. Actual renewal duration = Original renewal duration (1 month) + Duration from the original expiration date to the renewal date (5 days, from April 26, 2024 to April 30, 2024).

    Example 2: Set Renewal Date to the 1st day of each month.

    Your resource will expire on March 25, 2024, and the renewal duration is one month. After the renewal date is set to the 1st day of each month, the resource will expire on May 1, 2024. Actual renewal duration = Duration supplemented from the original expiration date in the billing cycle (6 days, from March 26 to March 31) + Original renewal duration (1 month) + Duration supplemented to the renewal date (1 day, May 1) = 1 month + 7 days

Setting a Renewal Date

  1. Go to the Renewals page.
  2. On Manual Renewals or Auto Renewals, select the instances for which the renewal date will be set, and click Set Renewal Date.

  3. On the Renewal Date page, click . The setting dialog box is displayed.

  4. Set the renewal date, and click OK. A prompt will be displayed indicating that the setting is successful.

  5. Click Pay. After the payment is complete, the instances will be renewed to the specified renewal date.

Renewing Resources to the Renewal Date

  1. Go to the Renewals page.
  2. Select the instance to be renewed.

    • Individual renewal: Click Renew in the Operation column for the desired instance.
    • Batch renewal: Select the check boxes for the desired instances, and click Renew on top of the list.

  3. Confirm the instance information and set the renewal date.

    • Click to set the renewal date.
    • In the Expiration Time column, you can view the new expiration time after the instance is renewed to the renewal date.

  4. Click Pay. After the payment is complete, the instances will be renewed to the specified renewal date.