Updated on 2022-09-16 GMT+08:00

Managing a Storage Pool

A storage pool must contain one storage unit only. A storage pool provides an abstraction layer and realizes physical isolation. You can view, modify, and delete a created storage pool.


Navigation Path


Key Parameter

Viewing a storage pool

  • Viewing basic information:

    On the navigation bar, choose > Storage Pool.

  • Viewing details:

    On the navigation bar, choose > Storage Pool. On the page that is displayed, click the desired storage pool.


This operation displays basic information about a storage pool.


Before performing this operation, ensure that the storage pool has been created.

Alarm Threshold

When the usage of the storage pool exceeds the threshold, an alarm is generated, prompting you to expand the capacity or delete unneeded backup data to release storage space. If you do not expand the capacity or delete unneeded backup data, subsequent backup jobs may fail.

Modifying a storage pool

On the navigation bar, choose > Storage Pool. Move the mouse pointer to the storage pool that you want to modify and click in the button area on the right, or click the storage pool that you want to modify and click in the preview area on the right.


This operation modifies information about a storage pool. After modification, the system automatically synchronizes the modification to the associated storage unit and repository.


Before performing this operation, ensure that the storage pool has been created.


Deleting a storage pool

On the navigation bar, choose > Storage Pool. Move the mouse pointer to the storage pool that you want to delete and click in the button area on the right, or click the storage pool that you want to delete and click in the preview area on the right.


This operation deletes an unneeded storage pool.


Before performing this operation, ensure that the storage pool to be deleted is not associated with any repository.

If any associated repository is displayed in the Repository area, find it on the repository page. Ensure that the repository is unneeded and delete it. Then delete the storage pool.
