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Creating a Repository

Updated on 2025-02-06 GMT+08:00

A repository is a space allocated in a storage pool. It provides storage space to store backup data and provides data source to restore data. Before backup, create a repository.


A storage pool has been created according to Creating a Storage Pool.


  1. On the navigation bar, choose > Repository.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Set basic information of a repository. Table 1 describes the parameters.

    Figure 1 Create Repository
    Table 1 Parameter description



    Setting Rule


    Name of a user-defined repository

    The name contains 1 to 128 characters and can contain letters, digits, plus signs (+), underscores (_), hyphens (-), periods (.), and at signs (@).


    Description of a repository

    The description contains a maximum of 1,024 characters.

    Storage Pool

    Select an existing storage pool and create a repository based on the storage pool.

    • If a storage pool has been planned for a repository, select the planned storage pool.
    • If no storage pool is planned for a repository and the existing resources need to be used, select a proper storage pool that can provide sufficient storage space for the backup data.

    Full Quota

    Enable or disable full quota.

    • ON: The repository capacity is the maximum available capacity.
    • OFF: The repository capacity is specified by a user.


    Capacity of a repository

    This parameter is available only when Full Quota is OFF.

    The repository capacity must be greater than the total capacity of the unallocated space in the selected storage pool.

    Alarm Threshold

    If the repository usage exceeds the threshold, an alarm is reported, prompting you to expand capacity or delete unneeded backup data. If you do not do so, subsequent backup jobs may fail.

    An appropriate alarm threshold helps you monitor the capacity usage of a repository. The default threshold is 80%. You are advised to set this parameter to a value ranging from 70% to 90%.

  4. Click OK.




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