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Help Center/ Data Replication Service/ Backup Migration/ Creating an RDS Backup Migration Task

Creating an RDS Backup Migration Task

Updated on 2022-09-21 GMT+08:00

Supported Source and Destination Databases

Table 1 Supported databases

Backup File

Destination DB

RDS Microsoft SQL Server full backup file versions:

  • Microsoft SQL Server 2008
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2012
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2014
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2016
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2017
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2019

RDS for Microsoft SQL Server

  • Microsoft SQL Server 2008
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2012
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2014
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2016
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2017
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2019


  • You have logged in to the DRS console.
  • Your account balance is greater than or equal to $0 USD.
  • For details about the supported DB types and versions, see Supported Databases.
  • If a subaccount is used to create a DRS task, ensure that an agency has been added. To create an agency, see Agency Management.

Before Backing Up File

Learn the backup migration constraints before starting a migration task.

Table 2 Before Backing Up File



RDS full backup files

The source Microsoft SQL Server DB instance has full backups. If there are no full backups, create a full backup for the DB instance. For details, see "Creating a Manual Backup" in Relational Database Service User Guide.


This section describes constraints on backup migrations of Microsoft SQL Server databases.

Table 3 Precautions



Database permissions

Before creating a backup migration task, ensure that the account has the permission to operate the RDS service.

Backup database names

  • Backup database names are case-insensitive, must be unique, and cannot be any of the following:
    • msdb
    • master
    • model
    • tempdb
    • rdsadmin
    • resource

New database name

  • The new database name must be unique and cannot be any of the following (case-insensitive):
    • msdb
    • master
    • model
    • tempdb
    • rdsadmin
    • resource
  • The new database name contains 1 to 128 characters, including letters, digits, underscores (_), and hyphens (-).

Backup file sources

  • RDS full backups: Backup files are manually or automatically created for RDS DB instances.


  • The available disk space of the destination database is at least 1.5 times the total data size of the backup database.
  • Backup database name is case-sensitive and must be the same as the database name in the backup file.
  • The database backup file from a database of later version cannot be restored on the instance database of an earlier version (for example, restored from version 2017 to 2016).
  • The restoration from Enterprise Edition to Standard Edition to Web Edition may fail. That depends on whether the features of the later version are enabled.
  • During a migration, if Overwrite Data is set to Yes, high availability of the destination database is disabled by default. After the migration is complete, high availability is restored automatically.
  • During a migration, stop writing transactions to the destination database.
  • If a primary/standby switchover of the destination database is performed, the backup migration fails. In this case, the migration task cannot be restored.


This section describes how to create an RDS full backup migration task. You can use the full backups of Microsoft SQL Server DB instances in the cloud to migrate data.

  1. On the Backup Migration Management page, click Create Migration Task.
  2. On the Select Backup page, specify information about the task and backup files. Then, click Next.

    Figure 1 Task information
    Table 4 Task information



    Task Name

    The task name consists of 4 to 50 characters, starts with a letter, and can contain only letters (case-insensitive), digits, hyphens (-), and underscores (_).


    The description consists of a maximum of 256 characters and cannot contain special characters !=<>'&"\

    Figure 2 Backup file information
    Table 5 Backup file information



    Database Type

    Select Microsoft SQL Server.

    Backup File Source

    Select RDS full backup.


    Select a backup file whose status is Completed.

    Enterprise Project

    If the DB instance has been associated with an enterprise project, select the target project from the Enterprise Project drop-down list.

    You can also go to the ProjectMan console to create a project. For details about how to create a project, see the ProjectMan User Guide.


    • Tags a task. This configuration is optional. Adding tags helps you better identify and manage your tasks. Each task can have up to 10 tags.
    • After a task is created, you can view its tag details on the Tags tab. For details, see Tag Management.

  3. On the Select Destination page, specify database information and click Next.

    Figure 3 Database information
    Table 6 Database information



    Destination RDS DB Instance Name

    Select a destination RDS DB instance. If no RDS DB instance is available, you can create one.

    Backup Database Name

    After you select the destination RDS DB instance, all databases to be restored are automatically displayed. You can select databases to be restored as required and rename them.

    • Backup Database Name: Name of the database to be restored.
    • New Database Name: The backup database name must consist of 1 to 64 characters. It can contain only uppercase letters, lowercase letters, digits, hyphens (-), and underscores (_). If the name is not specified, the original database name is used.
    • The backup database can be renamed. A maximum of 100 backup databases can be created.
    • The new database name cannot be the same as the name of any other database in the source.

  4. On the Confirm Task page, check configuration details, read and agree to the agreement, and click Next.


    If the SQL Server source contains non-clustered index tables, the index information of non-clustered index tables will become invalid after the SQL Server backups are restored to a new database. For the best performance, rebuild the indexes after the backup migration. In addition, the backup files store only database-level information. If the SQL Server source contains some instance-level configurations, such as login, permission, DBlink, and job, migrate these configurations by referring to Manual Configuration.

  5. In the task list on the Backup Migration Management page, check whether the task is in the Restoring status. If the migration is successful, the task status becomes Successful.




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