Help Center/ Elastic IP/ User Guide/ Elastic IP/ Changing Dedicated Bandwidth Size of an EIP
Updated on 2024-04-08 GMT+08:00

Changing Dedicated Bandwidth Size of an EIP


No matter which billing mode is used, if your EIP is not added to a shared bandwidth, it uses a dedicated bandwidth. A dedicated bandwidth can control how much data can be transferred using a single EIP.

This section describes how to increase or decrease the bandwidth size. Changing bandwidth size does not change the EIPs.

Notes and Constraints

  • If you renew a yearly/monthly EIP in its current validity period, its bandwidth cannot be modified in this period.
  • You can modify the bandwidth of an yearly/monthly EIP only once within the current subscription period.
  • If an EIP is frozen due to account arrears or for security reasons, its dedicated bandwidth cannot be modified.


  1. Log in to the management console.
  2. Click in the upper left corner and select the desired region and project.
  3. Click in the upper left corner and choose Networking > Elastic IP.
  4. Locate the row that contains the target EIP in the EIP list, and click More > Modify Bandwidth in the Operation column.
    • If it is a pay-per-use EIP, the Modify Bandwidth page is displayed.
    • If it is a yearly/monthly EIP, select either of the following method to increase or decrease the bandwidth and click Continue.
      • Increase bandwidth
      • Decrease bandwidth
  5. Change the bandwidth size as prompted.

    You can also change the bandwidth name. If an EIP is billed on a pay-per-use basis, you can change its bandwidth billing option.

  6. Click Next.
  7. Click Submit.