Updated on 2024-07-24 GMT+08:00

Modifying RI Attributes


If an RI type cannot meet your computing requirements, you can modify the RI attributes and then apply it to your pay-per-use ECSs.

You can modify the scope, AZ, and ECS size of a standard RI.


  • RIs can be combined only when their attributes, including the OS, payment option, offering class, term, expiration time, region, ECS series, vCPU/memory ratio, and discount are the same.
  • The total normalization factors must be the same before and after the modification.
  • A maximum of five RIs can be modified in a batch.
  • One RI can be split to multiple ones, and multiple RIs can only be combined into one.


  1. Log in to the management console.
  2. Click in the upper left corner and select your region and project.
  3. Click . Under Compute, click Elastic Cloud Server. On the displayed console, choose Reserved Instance from the left navigation pane.
  4. On the Reserved Instance page, select the target RI and click Modify RI in the upper left corner of the list.
  5. Modify the RI attributes as required.
    Table 1 Common operations for modifying an RI

    Allowed Operation


    Splitting an RI or combining RIs

    For example, there are six s3.xlarge.2 RIs in an account, and an s3.xlarge.2 RI has a normalization factor of 4. Then, the six s3.xlarge.2 RIs are equivalent to 24 normalization factors. Then, these RIs can be combined into three s3.2xlarge.2 RIs or split to 24 s3.medium.2 RIs. Just ensure that the splitting or combination matches to the total normalization factor.

    Changing a regional RI to a zonal one

    A regional RI can be changed to a zonal RI.

    Total normalization factors are the number of RIs multiplied by the normalization factor of such an RI. The total normalization factors must be the same before and after the modification.

    For example, there are six s3.large.4 RIs with the total normalization factors of 12 (6 x 2) before the modification. These RIs can be split to two s3.xlarge.4 RIs and four s3.medium.4 RIs. After the modification, the total normalization factors are still 12 (2 x 4 + 4 x 1).

  6. Verify the modified RI attributes and click Submit.