Updated on 2024-06-20 GMT+08:00

Buying a DCS Redis Instance

You can buy one or more DCS Redis instances with the required computing capabilities and storage space based on service requirements.


  • To achieve fine-grained management of your HUAWEI CLOUD resources, create IAM user groups and users and grant specified permissions to the users. For details, see Permission Management.
  • You have prepared necessary resources.


  1. Go to the Buy DCS Instance page.
  2. Select a region closest to your application to reduce latency and accelerate access.
  3. Set the following information:

    1. Cache Engine: The default engine is Redis.
    2. Version:

      Currently supported Redis versions: 4.0/5.0/6.0

      • The Redis version cannot be changed once the instance is created. To use a later Redis version, create another DCS Redis instance and then migrate data from the old instance to the new one.
      • The method of connecting a client to a Redis Cluster instance is different from that of connecting a client to other types of instances. For details, see Accessing a DCS Redis Instance.
    3. Instance Type: Options include Single-node, Master/Standby, Read/Write splitting, Proxy Cluster, and Redis Cluster.
    4. Replicas: The default value is 2.

      This parameter is displayed only when the instance type is master/standby, read/write splitting, or Redis Cluster.

    5. Select an AZ.

      To accelerate access, deploy your instance and your application in the same AZ.

      If the instance type is master/standby, read/write splitting, Proxy Cluster, or Redis Cluster, AZ becomes Primary AZ, and Standby AZ is displayed. Select an AZ for the master and standby nodes of the instance.

    6. Instance Specification:

      The default quota is displayed on the console.

      The instance parameter settings are shown in the following figure.

      Figure 1 Buying a DCS Redis instance

  4. Configure the instance network parameters.

    1. Select a VPC and a subnet.
    2. Configure the IP address.

      Redis Cluster instances only support automatically-assigned IP addresses. The other instance types support both automatically-assigned IP addresses and manually-specified IP addresses. You can manually specify a private IP address for your instance as required.

      For Redis instances, you can specify a port numbering in the range from 1 to 65535. If no port is specified, the default port 6379 will be used.

  5. Set the instance password.

    • Select Yes or No for Password Protected.
      • Password-free access carries security risks. Exercise caution when selecting this mode.
      • Even if you created a password-free DCS Redis instance, you can still set a password after the instance is created. For details, see Changing Password Settings for DCS Redis Instances.
    • Password and Confirm Password: These parameters indicate the password of accessing the DCS Redis instance, and are displayed only when Password Protected is set to Yes.

      For security purposes, if password-free access is disabled, the system prompts you to enter an instance-specific password when you are accessing the DCS Redis instance. Keep your instance password secure and change it periodically.

  6. Configure Parameter Configuration.

    You can select Default Templates or Use custom template.

    On the instance creation page, the default parameter templates are used by default.

  7. Specify the backup policy.

    This parameter is displayed only when the instance type is master/standby, read/write splitting, or cluster. For details about instance backup and backup policies, see Backing Up and Restoring Instances.

  8. Specify the quantity.
  9. Enter an instance name and select an enterprise project.

    When you create only one instance at a time, the value of Name can contain 4 to 64 characters. When you create more than one instance at a time, the value of Name can contain 4 to 56 characters. These instances are named in the format of "name-n", in which n starts from 000 and is incremented by 1. For example, if you create two instances and set Name to dcs_demo, the two instances are respectively named as dcs_demo-000 and dcs_demo-001.

    If you cannot select an enterprise project, check your permissions. For details, see Why Can't I Select the Required Enterprise Project When Creating a DCS Instance?

  10. Click More Settings to display more configurations, including backup policy and critical command renaming.

    1. Enter a description of the instance.
    2. Rename critical commands.

      Currently, you can only rename the COMMAND, KEYS, FLUSHDB, FLUSHALL, HGETALL, SCAN, HSCAN, SSCAN, and ZSCAN commands. For Proxy Cluster instances, you can also rename the DBSIZE and DBSTATS commands.

    3. Specify the maintenance window.

      Choose a window for DCS O&M personnel to perform maintenance on your instance. You will be contacted before any maintenance activities are performed.

    4. Add a tag.

      Tags are used to identify cloud resources. When you have many cloud resources of the same type, you can use tags to classify cloud resources by dimension (for example, by usage, owner, or environment).

      • If you have created predefined tags, select a predefined pair of tag key and value. Click View predefined tags. On the Tag Management Service (TMS) console, view predefined tags or create new tags.
      • You can also add a tag by entering the tag key and value. For details about how to name tags, see Managing Tags.

  11. Click Next.

    The displayed page shows the instance information you have specified.

  12. Confirm the instance information and submit the request.
  13. Return to the Cache Manager page to view and manage your DCS instances.