Help Center/ Cloud Container Engine/ User Guide/ Network/ DNS/ Using NodeLocal DNSCache to Improve DNS Performance
Updated on 2024-11-11 GMT+08:00

Using NodeLocal DNSCache to Improve DNS Performance


When the number of DNS requests in a cluster increases, the load of CoreDNS increases and the following issues may occur:

  • Increased delay: CoreDNS needs to process more requests, which may slow down the DNS query and affect service performance.
  • Increased resource usage: To ensure DNS performance, CoreDNS requires higher specifications.


To minimize the impact of DNS delay, deploy NodeLocal DNSCache in the cluster to improve the networking stability and performance. NodeLocal DNSCache runs a DNS cache proxy on cluster nodes. All pods with DNS configurations use the DNS cache proxy running on nodes instead of the CoreDNS service for domain name resolution. This reduces CoreDNS's load and improves the cluster DNS performance.

After NodeLocal DNSCache is enabled, a DNS query goes through the path as shown below.

Figure 1 NodeLocal DNSCache query path
The resolution rules are as follows:
  • 1. By default, the pods with DNSConfig injected use NodeLocal DNSCache to resolve requested domain names.
  • 2. If NodeLocal DNSCache cannot resolve domain names, it will ask CoreDNS for resolution.
  • 3. CoreDNS uses the DNS server in the VPC to resolve the domain names out of the cluster.
  • 4. If a pod with DNSConfig injected cannot access NodeLocal DNSCache, CoreDNS will resolve the domain name.
  • 5. By default, CoreDNS resolves domain names for the pods without DNSConfig injected.

Notes and Constraints

Installing the Add-on

CCE provides add-on NodeLocal DNSCache that simplifies the installation of NodeLocal DNSCache.

NodeLocal DNSCache serves as a transparent caching proxy for CoreDNS and does not provide plug-ins such as hosts or rewrite. If you want to enable these plug-ins, modify the CoreDNS configurations.

  1. (Optional) Modify the CoreDNS configuration so that the CoreDNS preferentially uses UDP to communicate with the upstream DNS server.

    The NodeLocal DNSCache uses TCP to communicate with the CoreDNS. The CoreDNS communicates with the upstream DNS server based on the protocol used by the request source. However, the cloud server does not support TCP. To use NodeLocal DNSCache, modify the CoreDNS configuration so that UDP is preferentially used to communicate with the upstream DNS server, preventing resolution exceptions.

    Perform the following operations. In the forward add-on, specify prefer_udp as the protocol used by requests. After the modification, CoreDNS preferentially uses UDP to communicate with the upstream system.

    1. Log in to the CCE console and click the cluster name to access the cluster console.
    2. In the navigation pane, choose Add-ons. Then, click Edit under CoreDNS.
    3. Edit the advanced configuration under Parameters and modify the following content in the plugins field:
          "configBlock": "prefer_udp",
          "name": "forward",
          "parameters": ". /etc/resolv.conf"
      Corefile: |-
        .:5353 {
            bind {$POD_IP}
            cache 30 {
                servfail 5s
            health {$POD_IP}:8080
            kubernetes cluster.local {
                pods insecure
            loadbalance round_robin
            prometheus {$POD_IP}:9153
            forward . /etc/resolv.conf {
            ready {$POD_IP}:8081

  2. Log in to the CCE console and click the cluster name to access the cluster console. Choose Add-ons in the navigation pane, locate NodeLocal DNSCache on the right, and click Install.
  3. On the Install Add-on page, select the add-on specifications and set related parameters.

    • DNSConfig Automatic Injection: After this function is enabled, a DNSConfig admission controller will be created. The controller intercepts pod creation requests in the namespace labeled with node-local-dns-injection=enabled based on admission webhooks and automatically configures DNSConfig for pods. If this function is disabled or the pod belongs to a non-target namespace, you must manually configure DNSConfig for the pod.

  4. Click Install.

Using NodeLocal DNSCache

By default, application requests are sent through the CoreDNS proxy. To use node-local-dns as the DNS cache proxy, use any of the following methods:

  • Auto injection: Automatically configure the dnsConfig field of the pod when creating the pod. (This function is not available for pods in system namespaces such as kube-system.)
  • Manual configuration: Manually configure the dnsConfig field of the pod.

To enable auto injection, perform the following operations:

  1. Install the NodeLocal DNSCache add-on and enable auto DNSConfig injection. For details, see Installing the Add-on.
  2. Use kubectl to access the cluster and add the node-local-dns-injection=enabled label to the namespace. For example, run the following command to add the label to the default namespace:

    kubectl label namespace default  node-local-dns-injection=enabled

  3. Create a workload in the namespace with auto injection enabled. For details, see Creating a Deployment.

    The pods for which auto injection is enabled must meet the following requirements:

    • The new pod does not run in system namespaces such as kube-system and kube-public.
    • The node-local-dns-injection=disabled label for disabling DNS injection is not added to the new pod.
    • The new pod's DNSPolicy is ClusterFirstWithHostNet. Alternatively, the pod does not use the host network and DNSPolicy is ClusterFirst.

  4. Check the pod configuration.

    kubectl get pod <pod_name> -oyaml
    After auto injection is enabled, the following dnsConfig settings will be automatically added to the created pod. In addition to the NodeLocal DNSCache IP address, the CoreDNS IP address is added to nameservers, ensuring high availability of the service DNS server.
          - default.svc.cluster.local
          - svc.cluster.local
          - cluster.local
          - name: timeout
            value: ''
          - name: ndots
            value: '5'
          - name: single-request-reopen

Manually add the dnsConfig settings to pods.

  1. Use kubectl to access the cluster. For details, see Connecting to a Cluster Using kubectl.
  2. Create a pod and add the NodeLocal DNSCache IP address to nameservers in dnsConfig.

    Create a nginx.yaml file. The following shows an example:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Pod
      name: nginx
      - image: nginx:alpine
        name: container-0
        - default.svc.cluster.local
        - svc.cluster.local
        - cluster.local
        - name: ndots
          value: '2'
      - name: default-secret

  3. Run the following command to create a pod:

    kubectl create -f nginx.yaml

Common Issues

  • How Do I Prevent Auto DNSConfig Injection on a Specific Pod?


    Add node-local-dns-injection: disabled to the labels field in the pod template. Example:
    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
      name: test
      namespace: default
      replicas: 2
          app: test
            app: test
            node-local-dns-injection: disabled   # Prevent auto DNSConfig injection.
            - name: container-1
              image: nginx:latest
              imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
            - name: default-secret