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Help Center/ Data Lake Insight/ FAQs/ Flink Jobs/ O&M Guide/ Why Does DIS Stream Not Exist During Job Semantic Check?

Why Does DIS Stream Not Exist During Job Semantic Check?

Updated on 2023-05-19 GMT+08:00

To rectify this fault, perform the following steps:

  1. Log in to the DIS management console. In the navigation pane, choose Stream Management. View the Flink job SQL statements to check whether the DIS stream exists.
  2. If the DIS stream was not created, create a DIS stream by referring to "Creating a DIS Stream" in the .

    Ensure that the created DIS stream and Flink job are in the same region.

  3. If a DIS stream has been created, check whether the DIS stream and the Flink job are in the same region.




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