Scala Example Code
Development Description
The CloudTable HBase and MRS HBase can be connected to DLI as data sources.
- Prerequisites
A datasource connection has been created on the DLI management console. For details, see Enhanced Datasource Connections.
Hard-coded or plaintext passwords pose significant security risks. To ensure security, encrypt your passwords, store them in configuration files or environment variables, and decrypt them when needed.
- Constructing dependency information and creating a Spark session
- Import dependencies.
Maven dependency involved
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<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.spark</groupId> <artifactId>spark-sql_2.11</artifactId> <version>2.3.2</version> </dependency>
Import dependency packages.1 2 3 4
import scala.collection.mutable import org.apache.spark.sql.{Row, SparkSession} import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
- Create a session.
val sparkSession = SparkSession.builder().getOrCreate()
- Create a table to connect to an HBase data source.
- The sample code is applicable, if Kerberos authentication is disabled for the interconnected HBase cluster:
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sparkSession.sql("CREATE TABLE test_hbase('id' STRING, 'location' STRING, 'city' STRING, 'booleanf' BOOLEAN, 'shortf' SHORT, 'intf' INT, 'longf' LONG, 'floatf' FLOAT,'doublef' DOUBLE) using hbase OPTIONS ( 'ZKHost'=',,', 'TableName'='table_DupRowkey1', 'RowKey'='id:5,location:6,city:7', 'Cols'='booleanf:CF1.booleanf,shortf:CF1.shortf,intf:CF1.intf,longf:CF1.longf,floatf:CF1.floatf,doublef:CF1.doublef')" )
- The sample code is applicable, if Kerberos authentication is enabled for the interconnected HBase cluster:
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sparkSession.sql("CREATE TABLE test_hbase('id' STRING, 'location' STRING, 'city' STRING, 'booleanf' BOOLEAN, 'shortf' SHORT, 'intf' INT, 'longf' LONG, 'floatf' FLOAT,'doublef' DOUBLE) using hbase OPTIONS ( 'ZKHost'=',,', 'TableName'='table_DupRowkey1', 'RowKey'='id:5,location:6,city:7', 'Cols'='booleanf:CF1.booleanf,shortf:CF1.shortf,intf:CF1.intf,longf:CF1.longf,floatf:CF1.floatf,doublef:CF1.doublef', 'krb5conf'='./krb5.conf', 'keytab' = './user.keytab', 'principal' = 'krbtest')")
Table 1 Parameters for creating a table Parameter
ZooKeeper IP address of the HBase cluster.
You need to create a datasource connection first. For details, see Enhanced Datasource Connections.
- To access the CloudTable cluster, specify the ZooKeeper connection address in the internal network.
- To access the MRS cluster, specify the IP addresses and port numbers of the ZooKeeper nodes. The format is as follows: ZK_IP1:ZK_PORT1,ZK_IP2:ZK_PORT2
Row key field of the table connected to DLI. The single and composite row keys are supported. A single row key can be of the numeric or string type. The length does not need to be specified. The composite row key supports only fixed-length data of the string type. The format is attribute name 1:Length, attribute name 2:Length.
Mapping between the fields in the DLI table and the CloudTable table. In this mapping, the DLI table field is placed before the colon (:) and the CloudTable table field is placed after the colon (:). The period (.) is used to separate the column family and column name of the CloudTable table.
For example: DLI table field 1:CloudTable table.CloudTable table field 1, DLI table field 2:CloudTable table.CloudTable table field 2, DLI table field 3:CLoudTable table.CloudTable table field 3
Path of the krb5.conf file. This parameter is required when Kerberos authentication is enabled. The format is './krb5.conf'. For details, see Completing Configurations for Enabling Kerberos Authentication.
Path of the keytab file. This parameter is required when Kerberos authentication is enabled. The format is './user.keytab.'. For details, see Completing Configurations for Enabling Kerberos Authentication.
Username created for Kerberos authentication.
- The sample code is applicable, if Kerberos authentication is disabled for the interconnected HBase cluster:
- Import dependencies.
Accessing a Data Source Using a SQL API
- Insert data.
sparkSession.sql("insert into test_hbase values('12345','abc','guiyang',false,null,3,23,2.3,2.34)")
- Query data.
sparkSession.sql("select * from test_hbase").show ()
Accessing a Data Source Using a DataFrame API
- Construct a schema.
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val attrId = new StructField("id",StringType) val location = new StructField("location",StringType) val city = new StructField("city",StringType) val booleanf = new StructField("booleanf",BooleanType) val shortf = new StructField("shortf",ShortType) val intf = new StructField("intf",IntegerType) val longf = new StructField("longf",LongType) val floatf = new StructField("floatf",FloatType) val doublef = new StructField("doublef",DoubleType) val attrs = Array(attrId, location,city,booleanf,shortf,intf,longf,floatf,doublef)
- Construct data based on the schema type.
1 2
val mutableRow: Seq[Any] = Seq("12345","abc","city1",false,null,3,23,2.3,2.34) val rddData: RDD[Row] = sparkSession.sparkContext.parallelize(Array(Row.fromSeq(mutableRow)), 1)
- Import data to HBase.
sparkSession.createDataFrame(rddData, new StructType(attrs)).write.insertInto("test_hbase")
- Read data from HBase.
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val map = new mutable.HashMap[String, String]() map("TableName") = "table_DupRowkey1" map("RowKey") = "id:5,location:6,city:7" map("Cols") = "booleanf:CF1.booleanf,shortf:CF1.shortf,intf:CF1.intf,longf:CF1.longf,floatf:CF1.floatf,doublef:CF1.doublef" map("ZKHost")=",," StructType(attrs)).format("hbase").options(map.toMap).load().show()
Returned result:
Submitting a Spark Job
- Generate a JAR package based on the code and upload the package to DLI.
- (Optional) Add the krb5.conf and user.keytab files to other dependency files of the job when creating a Spark job in an MRS cluster with Kerberos authentication enabled. Skip this step if Kerberos authentication is not enabled for the cluster.
Figure 1 Adding dependency files
- In the Spark job editor, select the corresponding dependency module and execute the Spark job.
- If the Spark version is 2.3.2 (will be offline soon) or 2.4.5, set Module to sys.datasource.hbase when you submit a job.
- If the Spark version is 3.1.1, you do not need to select a module. Set Spark parameters (--conf).
- For details about how to submit a job on the console, see the description of the table "Parameters for selecting dependency resources" in Creating a Spark Job.
- For details about how to submit a job through an API, see the description of the modules parameter in Table 2 "Request parameters" in Creating a Batch Processing Job.
Complete Example Code
- Maven dependency
1 2 3 4 5
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.spark</groupId> <artifactId>spark-sql_2.11</artifactId> <version>2.3.2</version> </dependency>
- Connecting to data sources through SQL APIs
- Sample code when Kerberos authentication is disabled
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import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession object Test_SparkSql_HBase { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { // Create a SparkSession session. val sparkSession = SparkSession.builder().getOrCreate() /** * Create an association table for the DLI association Hbase table */ sparkSession.sql("CREATE TABLE test_hbase('id' STRING, 'location' STRING, 'city' STRING, 'booleanf' BOOLEAN, 'shortf' SHORT, 'intf' INT, 'longf' LONG, 'floatf' FLOAT,'doublef' DOUBLE) using hbase OPTIONS ( 'ZKHost'=',,', 'TableName'='table_DupRowkey1', 'RowKey'='id:5,location:6,city:7', 'Cols'='booleanf:CF1.booleanf,shortf:CF1.shortf,intf:CF1.intf, longf:CF1.longf,floatf:CF1.floatf,doublef:CF1.doublef')") //*****************************SQL model*********************************** sparkSession.sql("insert into test_hbase values('12345','abc','city1',false,null,3,23,2.3,2.34)") sparkSession.sql("select * from test_hbase").collect() sparkSession.close() } }
- Sample code when Kerberos authentication is enabled
import org.apache.spark.SparkFiles import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession import{File, FileInputStream, FileOutputStream} object Test_SparkSql_HBase_Kerberos { def copyFile2(Input:String)(OutPut:String): Unit ={ val fis = new FileInputStream(Input) val fos = new FileOutputStream(OutPut) val buf = new Array[Byte](1024) var len = 0 while ({len =;len} != -1){ fos.write(buf,0,len) } fos.close() fis.close() } def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { // Create a SparkSession session. val sparkSession = SparkSession.builder().getOrCreate() val sc = sparkSession.sparkContext sc.addFile("OBS address of krb5.conf") sc.addFile("OBS address of user.keytab") Thread.sleep(10) val krb5_startfile = new File(SparkFiles.get("krb5.conf")) val keytab_startfile = new File(SparkFiles.get("user.keytab")) val path_user = System.getProperty("user.dir") val keytab_endfile = new File(path_user + "/" + keytab_startfile.getName) val krb5_endfile = new File(path_user + "/" + krb5_startfile.getName) println(keytab_endfile) println(krb5_endfile) var krbinput = SparkFiles.get("krb5.conf") var krboutput = path_user+"/krb5.conf" copyFile2(krbinput)(krboutput) var keytabinput = SparkFiles.get("user.keytab") var keytaboutput = path_user+"/user.keytab" copyFile2(keytabinput)(keytaboutput) Thread.sleep(10) /** * Create an association table for the DLI association Hbase table */ sparkSession.sql("CREATE TABLE testhbase(id string,booleanf boolean,shortf short,intf int,longf long,floatf float,doublef double) " + "using hbase OPTIONS(" + "'ZKHost'=''," + "'TableName'='hbtest'," + "'RowKey'='id:100'," + "'Cols'='booleanf:CF1.booleanf,shortf:CF1.shortf,intf:CF1.intf,longf:CF2.longf,floatf:CF1.floatf,doublef:CF2.doublef'," + "'krb5conf'='" + path_user + "/krb5.conf'," + "'keytab'='" + path_user+ "/user.keytab'," + "'principal'='krbtest') ") //*****************************SQL model*********************************** sparkSession.sql("insert into testhbase values('newtest',true,1,2,3,4,5)") val result = sparkSession.sql("select * from testhbase") sparkSession.close() } }
- Sample code when Kerberos authentication is disabled
- Connecting to data sources through DataFrame APIs
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import scala.collection.mutable import org.apache.spark.sql.{Row, SparkSession} import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.apache.spark.sql.types._ object Test_SparkSql_HBase { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { // Create a SparkSession session. val sparkSession = SparkSession.builder().getOrCreate() // Create an association table for the DLI association Hbase table sparkSession.sql("CREATE TABLE test_hbase('id' STRING, 'location' STRING, 'city' STRING, 'booleanf' BOOLEAN, 'shortf' SHORT, 'intf' INT, 'longf' LONG, 'floatf' FLOAT,'doublef' DOUBLE) using hbase OPTIONS ( 'ZKHost'=',,', 'TableName'='table_DupRowkey1', 'RowKey'='id:5,location:6,city:7', 'Cols'='booleanf:CF1.booleanf,shortf:CF1.shortf,intf:CF1.intf,longf:CF1.longf,floatf:CF1.floatf,doublef:CF1.doublef')") //*****************************DataFrame model*********************************** // Setting schema val attrId = new StructField("id",StringType) val location = new StructField("location",StringType) val city = new StructField("city",StringType) val booleanf = new StructField("booleanf",BooleanType) val shortf = new StructField("shortf",ShortType) val intf = new StructField("intf",IntegerType) val longf = new StructField("longf",LongType) val floatf = new StructField("floatf",FloatType) val doublef = new StructField("doublef",DoubleType) val attrs = Array(attrId, location,city,booleanf,shortf,intf,longf,floatf,doublef) // Populate data according to the type of schema val mutableRow: Seq[Any] = Seq("12345","abc","city1",false,null,3,23,2.3,2.34) val rddData: RDD[Row] = sparkSession.sparkContext.parallelize(Array(Row.fromSeq(mutableRow)), 1) // Import the constructed data into Hbase sparkSession.createDataFrame(rddData, new StructType(attrs)).write.insertInto("test_hbase") // Read data on Hbase val map = new mutable.HashMap[String, String]() map("TableName") = "table_DupRowkey1" map("RowKey") = "id:5,location:6,city:7" map("Cols") = "booleanf:CF1.booleanf,shortf:CF1.shortf,intf:CF1.intf,longf:CF1.longf,floatf:CF1.floatf,doublef:CF1.doublef" map("ZKHost")=",," StructType(attrs)).format("hbase").options(map.toMap).load().collect() sparkSession.close() } }
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