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Help Center/ MapReduce Service/ Troubleshooting/ Common Exceptions in Logging In to the Cluster Manager/ Common Exceptions in Accessing the MRS Web UI/ How Do I Do If an Error Is Reported or Some Functions Are Unavailable When I Access the Web UIs of HDFS, Hue, YARN, HetuEngine, and Flink?

How Do I Do If an Error Is Reported or Some Functions Are Unavailable When I Access the Web UIs of HDFS, Hue, YARN, HetuEngine, and Flink?

Updated on 2023-09-05 GMT+08:00


What can I do if an error is reported or some functions are unavailable when I access the WebUI of components such as HDFS, Hue, Yarn, Flink, and HetuEngine?


Users who access the WebUI of components such as HDFS, Hue, Yarn, Flink, and HetuEngine do not have the management permission of the corresponding components. As a result, an error is reported or some functions are unavailable.


  • After you log in to the web UI of Flink as the current user, some content cannot be displayed, and you do not have the permission to create applications, cluster connections, or data connections.

  • After you log in to the web UI of HDFS as the current user, error message "Failed to retrieve data from /jmx?qry=java.lang:type=Memory, cause: Forbidden" is displayed.

  • After you log in to the web UI of YARN as the current user, you cannot view job information.

  • After you log in to the web UI of Hue as the current user, click in the navigation pane on the left, and select Workflow, an error message is displayed.

You are advised to log in to the web UIs of the components as a user with corresponding management permissions. For example, you can create a service user who has the management permissions on HDFS and you can log in to the web UI of HDFS as the created user. For details, see Creating a User.





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