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Help Center/ Elastic Cloud Server/ Troubleshooting/ Windows ECS Issues/ How Can I Fix the Difference Between the System Time and the Local Standard Time?

How Can I Fix the Difference Between the System Time and the Local Standard Time?

Updated on 2023-03-30 GMT+08:00


The system time on my Windows ECS is different from the local standard time.

Figure 1 Difference between system time and local standard time

Possible Causes

Affected by the network state, some drivers, or processes, the system time may be different from the standard time.

Solution 1

Manually synchronize system time.

  1. Click Change date and time settings in the lower right corner of the desktop. The Date and Time window is displayed.
    Figure 2 Date and time
  2. Click the Internet Time tab.
    Figure 3 Internet time
  3. Click Change settings and select a time source.

    The default time source is time.windows.com.

  4. Click Update now and then click OK.
    Figure 4 Selecting a time source
  5. Check whether system time is consistent with the local standard time.

Solution 2

Change the update frequency of system time by editing the Windows registry.

  1. In the Run dialog box, enter regedit to access the registry editor.
  2. Choose HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SYSTEM > CurrentControlSet > Services > W32Time > TimeProviders > NtpClient and double-click SpecialPollInterval.
  3. In the dialog box that is displayed, set Base to Decimal.
  4. Set the time synchronization interval.

    The value displayed in Value data is the interval (in seconds) for automatic time synchronization. Set this parameter as required.

    Figure 5 Setting the time synchronization interval
  5. Click OK.
  6. After the configuration is complete, enter cmd to open the CLI and run the following command to update the group policy:


  7. Check the Internet time. As shown in Figure 6, the time synchronization frequency is changed to once every 15 minutes.
    Figure 6 Viewing time synchronization frequency

Solution 3

Install the NTP server. For details, see Does HUAWEI CLOUD Provide the NTP Server and How Can I Configure It?





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