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Help Center/ Data Lake Insight/ FAQs/ Flink Jobs/ O&M Guide/ How Do I Configure Connection Retries for Kafka Sink If it is Disconnected?

How Do I Configure Connection Retries for Kafka Sink If it is Disconnected?

Updated on 2023-05-19 GMT+08:00
  • Symptom

    You used Flink 1.10 to run a Flink Opensource SQL job. The job failed after the following error was reported when Flink Sink wrote data to Kafka.

    Caused by: org.apache.kafka.common.errors.NetworkException: The server disconnected before a response was received.
  • Possible Causes

    The CPU usage is too high. As a result, the network is intermittently disconnected.

  • Solution

    Add connector.properties.retries=5 to the SQL statement.

    create table kafka_sink(
         car_type string
        , car_name string
        , primary key (union_id) not enforced
    ) with (
        "connector.type" = "upsert-kafka",
        "connector.version" = "0.11",
        "connector.properties.bootstrap.servers" = "xxxx:9092",
        "connector.topic" = "kafka_car_topic ",
        "connector.sink.ignore-retraction" = "true",
        "connector.properties.retries" = "5",
        "format.type" = "json"




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