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Managing Kafka User Permissions

Updated on 2022-11-18 GMT+08:00


For clusters with Kerberos authentication enabled, using Kafka requires relevant permissions. MRS clusters can grant the use permission of Kafka to different users.

Table 1 lists the default Kafka user groups.


Kafka supports two types of authentication plug-ins: Kafka open-source authentication plug-in and Ranger authentication plug-in.

This section describes the user permission management based on the Kafka open source authentication plug-in. For details about how to use the Ranger authentication plug-in, see Adding a Ranger Access Permission Policy for Kafka.

Table 1 Default Kafka user groups

User Group



Kafka administrator group. Users in this group have the permissions to create, delete, read, and write all topics, and authorize other users.


Kafka super user group. Users in this group have the permissions to read and write all topics.


Kafka common user group. Users in this group can access a topic only when they are granted with the read and write permissions of the topic by a user in the kafkaadmin group.


  • You have installed the Kafka client.
  • A user in the kafkaadmin group, for example admin, has been prepared.


  1. Access the ZooKeeper instance page.

    Log in to FusionInsight Manager. For details, see Accessing FusionInsight Manager. Choose Cluster > Name of the desired cluster > Services > ZooKeeper > Instance.

  2. View the IP addresses of the ZooKeeper role instance.

    Record the IP address of any ZooKeeper instance.

  3. Prepare the client based on service requirements. Log in to the node where the client is installed.

    Log in to the node where the client is installed. For details, see Installing a Client.

  4. Run the following command to switch to the client directory, for example, /opt/client/Kafka/kafka/bin.

    cd /opt/client/Kafka/kafka/bin

  5. Run the following command to configure environment variables:

    source /opt/client/bigdata_env

  6. Run the following command to authenticate the user (skip this step in normal mode):

    kinit Component service user

  7. The following table lists the common commands used for user authorization when kafka-acl.sh is used.

    • View the permission control list of a topic:

      ./kafka-acls.sh --authorizer-properties zookeeper.connect=<service IP address of any ZooKeeper node:2181/kafka > --list --topic <topicname>

      ./kafka-acls.sh --bootstrap-server <IP address of the Kafkacluster:21007> --command-config ../config/client.properties --list --topic <topic name>

    • Add the Producer permission for a user:

      ./kafka-acls.sh --authorizer-properties zookeeper.connect=<service IP address of any ZooKeeper node:2181/kafka > --add --allow-principal User:<username> --producer --topic <topic name>

      ./kafka-acls.sh --bootstrap-server <IP address of the Kafkacluster:21007> --command-config ../config/client.properties --add --allow-principal User:<username> --producer --topic <topic name>

    • Assign the Producer permission to a user in batches.

      ./kafka-acls.sh --authorizer-properties zookeeper.connect=<service IP address of any ZooKeeper node:2181/kafka > --add --allow-principal User:<username> --producer --topic <topic nam,e> --resource-pattern-type prefixed

      ./kafka-acls.sh --bootstrap-server <IP address of the Kafkacluster:21007> --command-config ../config/client.properties --add --allow-principal User:<username> --producer --topic <topic name>--resource-pattern-type prefixed

    • Remove the Producer permission from a user:

      ./kafka-acls.sh --authorizer-properties zookeeper.connect=<service IP address of any ZooKeeper node:2181/kafka > --remove --allow-principal User:<username> --producer --topic <topic name>

      ./kafka-acls.sh --bootstrap-server <IP address of the Kafkacluster:21007> --command-config ../config/client.properties --remove --allow-principal User:<username> --producer --topic <topic name>

    • Delete the Producer permission of a user in batches:

      ./kafka-acls.sh --authorizer-properties zookeeper.connect=<service IP address of any ZooKeeper node:2181/kafka > --remove --allow-principal User:<username> --producer --topic <topic name> --resource-pattern-type prefixed

      ./kafka-acls.sh --bootstrap-server <IP address of the Kafkacluster:21007> --command-config ../config/client.properties --remove --allow-principal User:<username> --producer --topic <topic name>--resource-pattern-type prefixed

    • Add the Consumer permission for a user:

      ./kafka-acls.sh --authorizer-properties zookeeper.connect=<service IP address of any ZooKeeper node:2181/kafka > --add --allow-principal User:<user name> --consumer --topic <topic name> --group <consumer group name>

      ./kafka-acls.sh --bootstrap-server <IP address of the Kafkacluster:21007> --command-config ../config/client.properties --add --allow-principal User:<username> --consumer --topic <topicname> --group <consumer group name>

    • Add consumer permissions to a user in batches:

      ./kafka-acls.sh --authorizer-properties zookeeper.connect=<service IP address of any ZooKeeper node:2181/kafka > --add --allow-principal User:<username> --consumer --topic <topic name> --group <consumer group name> --resource-pattern-type prefixed

      ./kafka-acls.sh --bootstrap-server <IP address of the Kafkacluster:21007> --command-config ../config/client.properties --add --allow-principal User:<username> --consumer --topic <topicname> --group <consumer group name> --resource-pattern-type prefixed

    • Remove the consumer permission from a user:

      ./kafka-acls.sh --authorizer-properties zookeeper.connect=<service IP address of any ZooKeeper node:2181/kafka > --remove --allow-principal User:<username> --consumer --topic <topic name> --group <consumer group name>

      ./kafka-acls.sh --bootstrap-server <IP address of the Kafkacluster:21007> --command-config ../config/client.properties --remove --allow-principal User:<username> --consumer --topic <topic name> --group <consumer group name>

    • Delete the consumer permission of a user in batches:

      ./kafka-acls.sh --authorizer-properties zookeeper.connect=<service IP address of any ZooKeeper node:2181/kafka > --remove --allow-principal User:<username> --consumer --topic <topic name> --group <consumer group name> --resource-pattern-type prefixed

      ./kafka-acls.sh --bootstrap-server <IP address of the Kafkacluster:21007> --command-config ../config/client.properties --remove --allow-principal User:<username> --consumer --topic <topicname> --group <consumer group name> --resource-pattern-type prefixed





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