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Common Scenarios of Using APIs

Updated on 2022-09-26 GMT+08:00


This section describes common scenarios of using APIs.

Table 1 Common scenarios of using APIs



Purchasing ECSs Billed in Yearly/Monthly Mode

Configure settings for purchasing yearly/monthly ECSs.

Querying Available Public Images

Type question marks (?) and ampersands (&) at the end of the URI to define multiple search criteria.

Renewing Yearly/Monthly ECSs

Renew the subscription to yearly/monthly ECSs and specify the resource ID, renewal mode, renewal time, and payment method.

Querying Whether Flavors Can Be Purchased or Sold Out

Check whether specified ECS flavors are available in an AZ by viewing cond:operation:status and cond:operation:az in the response.

Payment Method

Choose the payment mode by setting the extendparam.isAutoPay parameter when creating a yearly/monthly ECS (chargingMode is prePaid).

Querying Available Quotas of Resources

Call an API by referring to Querying Tenant Quotas. View maxTotalInstances to check the maximum number of ECSs that can be created and view totalInstancesUsed to check the number of ECSs that are being used.

Purchasing ECSs Billed in Yearly/Monthly Mode

You can refer to Creating ECSs to purchase yearly/monthly ECSs. Different from calling the API for creating pay-per-use ECSs, you only need to set extendparam.chargingMode to prePaid and set the purchase period in the request body. For details about extendparam, see extendparam Field Description for Creating ECSs.

The following is an example to show how to purchase a yearly/monthly ECS in the eu-west-101 region with the usage duration for one month, and automatic payment and auto-renewal enabled.

    "server": {
        "name": "newserver",
        "availability_zone": "eu-west-101a",
        "flavorRef": "s3.small.1",
        "imageRef": "8da46d6d-6079-4e31-ad6d-a7167efff892",
        "root_volume": {
            "volumetype": "SATA"
        "vpcid": "7e1a7e70-3f3e-4581-955e-26a4848d8f31",
        "nics": [
		 "subnet_id": "04548cde-4067-48b0-9323-5c7b67ac13fc"
        "data_volumes": [
                "volumetype": "SSD", 
                "size": 50
        "publicip": {
            "id": "publicip_123", 
            "eip": {
                "iptype": "5_bgp",
                "bandwidth": {
                    "size": 10, 
                    "sharetype": "PER"
        "extendparam": {
            "chargingMode": "prePaid",
            "periodType": "month",
            "periodNum": 1,
            "isAutoRenew": "true",
            "isAutoPay": "true",
            "regionID": "eu-west-101"

After a yearly/monthly ECS is created, an order ID order_id is returned.

    "job_id": "ff808082739334d80173943ec9b42130",
    "order_id": "CS2007281506xxxxx",
    "serverIds": [

In the preceding request body, the value of extendparam.isAutoPay is true, indicating automatic payment is enabled. If this parameter is left blank or set to false, you need to manually pay for the order (you can use coupons if any).

POST https://bss.myhuaweicloud.com/v2/orders/customer-orders/pay

    "order_id": "CS20052715001E4CR"

Querying Available Public Images

Query images using search criteria by referring to Querying Images. You can type a question mark (?) and an ampersand (&) at the end of the URI to define multiple search criteria.

The following is an example to show how to query the public image list.

GET /v2/cloudimages?__imagetype=gold&visibility=public&protected=true

When calling the IMS API, you need to replace the endpoint information of the IMS service.

When querying the image list, use pagination query to return all images. You can specify marker and limit to query images by page.

marker indicates the image from which the query starts and the value is the image ID. limit specifies the number of images to be queried. The value is an integer and is 500 by default.

GET /v2/cloudimages?__imagetype=gold&visibility=public&protected=true&marker=af92bb51-ec9d-4b02-912f-da0b3f0f7635&limit=5

To query other types of images:

  • Public images

    GET /v2/cloudimages?__imagetype=gold&visibility=public&protected=true

  • Private images

    GET /v2/cloudimages?owner={project_id}

  • Available shared images

    GET /v2/cloudimages?member_status=accepted&visibility=shared&__imagetype=shared

  • Rejected shared images

    GET /v2/cloudimages?member_status=rejected&visibility=shared&__imagetype=shared

  • Unaccepted shared images

    GET /v2/cloudimages?member_status=pending&visibility=shared&__imagetype=shared

  • Public images supported by a BMS flavor

    GET /v2/cloudimages?__imagetype=gold&__support_xxx=true&virtual_env_type=Ironic

If the image type is not specified, you can determine the image type from the __imagetype field in the response.

Renewing Yearly/Monthly ECSs

If your yearly/monthly ECSs are about to expire, you can renew them.

The following is an example to show how to renew a yearly/monthly ECS for a month, set the billing mode to pay-per-use after the renewal period expires, and enable the automatic payment.

POST https://bss.myhuaweicloud.com/v2/orders/subscriptions/resources/renew

    "resource_ids": [
    "period_type": 2,
    "period_num": 1,
    "expire_policy": 1,
    "is_auto_pay": 1

After the renewal is successful, an order ID is returned.

  "order_ids": [

In the preceding request body, the value of isAutoPay is 1, indicating automatic payment is enabled. If this parameter is left blank or set to 0, you need to manually pay for the order (you can use coupons if any). The following is an example payment using a coupon.

POST https://bss.myhuaweicloud.com/v2/orders/customer-orders/pay

    "coupon_infos": [
            "id": "CP2005270256xxxxxx",
            "type": 301
    "order_id": "CS190401192xxxxxx"

Querying Whether Flavors Can Be Purchased or Sold Out

You can check whether specific ECS flavors are sufficient in an AZ by referring to Querying Details About Flavors and Extended Flavor Information, and check the cond:operation:status and cond:operation:az values in the response to determine the AZ and flavor availability.

The following is an example to show how to query flavors in AZ1 of the EU-Dublin region.

GET https://ecs.eu-west-101.myhuaweicloud.com/v1/05041fea8a8025662f4ac00927982f3e/cloudservers/flavors?availability_zone=eu-west-101a

Response message

    "id": "c3.3xlarge.2", 
    "name": "c3.3xlarge.2", 
    "os_extra_specs": {
        "cond:spot_block:operation:az": "eu-west-101a(sellout),eu-west-101b(normal),eu-west-101c(normal)",
        "cond:operation:az": "eu-west-101a(normal),eu-west-101b(sellout)"
        "cond:operation:status": "abandon", 
        "cond:spot_block:operation:interrupt_policy":  "eu-west-101a(immediate),eu-west-101b(immediate),eu-west-101c(immediate)", 
        "resource_type": "IOoptimizedC3_2"

In the response, view cond:operation:status and cond:operation:az to check whether flavors are available.

View cond:operation:az first. If an AZ is not configured in cond:operation:az, the cond:operation:status value is used by default.

In the EU-Dublin region in this example, c3.3xlarge.2 has been commercially used in AZ 1 and has been sold out in AZ 2. cond:operation:az has not been configured in AZ3 and therefore the cond:operation:status value is used, that is, c3.3xlarge.2 has been brought offline in AZ3.

Payment Method

When you are creating a yearly/monthly ECS (chargingMode is prePaid), you can choose the payment mode by setting the extendparam.isAutoPay parameter.

If this parameter is set to true, the order is automatically paid after being created.

If this parameter is set to false, you need to manually pay for the order (you can use coupons if any).

The following is an example payment using a coupon.

POST https://bss.myhuaweicloud.com/v2/orders/customer-orders/pay

    "coupon_infos": [
            "id": "CP2005270256xxxxxx",
            "type": 301
    "order_id": "CS190401192xxxxxx"

Querying Available Quotas of Resources

You can query the resource quotas, including the used quotas, of the current account by referring to Querying Tenant Quotas.

GET https://ecs.cn-east-2.myhuaweicloud.com/v1/05041fea8a8025662f4ac00927982f3e/cloudservers/limits

In the following response message,.the maxTotalInstances value is the maximum number of ECSs that can be created, and the totalInstancesUsed value is the number of ECSs that are being used.

	-"absolute": {
		"maxServerMeta": 128,
		"maxPersonality": 5,
		"maxImageMeta": 128,
		"maxPersonalitySize": 10240,
		"maxSecurityGroupRules": 20,
		"maxTotalKeypairs": 1000,
		"totalRAMUsed": 22528,
		"totalInstancesUsed": 4,
		"maxSecurityGroups": 10,
		"totalFloatingIpsUsed": 0,
		"maxTotalCores": 8000,
		"totalSecurityGroupsUsed": 1,
		"maxTotalFloatingIps": 10,
		"maxTotalInstances": 1000,
		"totalCoresUsed": 11,
		"maxTotalRAMSize": 16384000,
		"maxServerGroups": 32,
		"maxServerGroupMembers": 16,
		"totalServerGroupsUsed": 0,
		"maxTotalSpotInstances": 20,
		"maxTotalSpotCores": 320,
		"maxTotalSpotRAMSize": 655360,
		"totalSpotInstancesUsed": 0,
		"totalSpotCoresUsed": 0,
		"totalSpotRAMUsed": 0,
		"maxFaultDomainMembers": 200,
		"limit_by_flavor": []




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