Help Center/ Cloud Bastion Host/ FAQs/ Troubleshooting/ CBH Managed Resource Login Failures/ Why Are Databases Managed in CBH Inaccessible with an SSO Tool?
Updated on 2023-04-11 GMT+08:00

Why Are Databases Managed in CBH Inaccessible with an SSO Tool?

Database Login Failures After the Instance Edition Upgrade


After the upgrade of CBH, databases managed in your CBH system became inaccessible. The system displayed a message indicating that the SSO tool had been installed. If login failures occurred, retry or install the latest SSO tool.

Possible Causes

After the CBH is upgraded, the SSO tool is not upgraded. As a result, the remote connection fails to be established.


After each CBH upgrade, uninstall the local SSO Tools in SsoDBSettings, download and install the latest SSO tool again, and correctly configure the database client path.

Incorrect Database Client Path


When you log in to the database for the first time, the system displays a message indicating that the path of the database client tool is incorrect and must be reconfigured.

Possible Causes

The database client path configured on the SSO tool is incorrect or not configured.


Start the SSO tool and verify that the database client path is correct.