- What's New
- Function Overview
- Product Bulletin
- Service Overview
GeminiDB Redis API
- Service Overview
- Getting Started with GeminiDB Redis API
Working with GeminiDB Redis API
- IAM Permissions Management
- Billing Management
- Buying an Instance
Connecting to an Instance
- Connection Modes
- Connecting to GeminiDB Redis Instances Through DAS
- Connecting to GeminiDB Redis Instances over a Private Network
- Connecting to GeminiDB Redis Instances over a Public Network
- Configuring a Private Domain Name
- Configuring a Public Domain Name
- Configuring Security Group Rules for Nodes
- Binding and Unbinding an EIP
- Viewing the IP Address and Port Number
- Configuring an SSL Connection
- Connecting to a instance Using SSL
- Changing a Node Security Group
- Enabling or Disabling Private Network Access for a Load Balancer
- Instance Statuses
- Instance Lifecycle Management
- Instance Changes
- Audit
- Monitoring and Alarm Configuration
- Data Backup
- Data Restoration
- Memory Acceleration
Data Migration
- Overview of the Redis Data Migration Solution
- Verifying Redis Data Consistency After Migration
- Migrating the Alibaba Cloud Database Redis/Tair To GeminiDB Redis
- From On-Premises Redis to GeminiDB Redis API
- Migration from an RDB to a GeminiDB Redis Instance Using a Migration Tool
- Restoring RDB Files to GeminiDB Redis API (Recommended)
- From Kvrocks to GeminiDB Redis API
- From Pika to GeminiDB Redis API
- From SSDB to GeminiDB Redis API
- From LevelDB to GeminiDB Redis API
- From Kvrocks to GeminiDB Redis API
- Migrating AWS Elastic Cache for Redis Databases To GeminiDB Redis
- Most Asked Questions
About GeminiDB Redis API
- What Are the Differences Between GeminiDB Redis API, Open-Source Redis, and Other Open-Source Redis Cloud Services?
- How Is the Performance of GeminiDB Redis API Compared with Open-Source Redis?
- What Redis Versions and Commands Are Compatible with GeminiDB Redis API? Whether Applications Need to Be Changed for Client Connection?
- Can Data Be Migrated from a Self-Built Redis Instance to a GeminiDB Redis Instance? What Are the Precautions?
- What Is the Availability of a GeminiDB Redis Instance?
- Are Total Memory and Total Capacity of a GeminiDB Redis Instance the Same? What Is the Relationship Between Memory and Capacity?
- How Do I Select Proper Node Specifications and Node Quantity When Purchasing a GeminiDB Redis Instance?
- How Does GeminiDB Redis API Persist Data? Will Data Be Lost?
- What Is the Memory Eviction Policy of GeminiDB Redis API?
- Does GeminiDB Redis API Support Modules Such as a Bloom Filter?
- Billing
Database Usage
- Why Is the Key Not Returned Using Scan Match?
- How Do I Process Existing Data Shards After Migrating Workloads to GeminiDB Redis API?
- Does GeminiDB Redis API Support Fuzzy Query Using the Keys Command?
- Does the GeminiDB Redis API Support Multiple Databases?
- Why the Values Returned by Scan Operations Are Different Between GeminiDB Redis API and Open-Source Redis 5.0?
- Why Are Error Messages Returned by Some Invalid Commands Different Between GeminiDB Redis API and Open-Source Redis 5.0?
- How Do I Resolve the Error "CROSSSLOT Keys in request don't hash to the same slot"?
- How Many Commands Can Be Contained in a GeminiDB Redis Transaction?
- Which Commands Require Hash Tags in GeminiDB Redis Cluster Instances?
- What Do I Do If the Error "ERR Unknown Command Sentinel" Is Displayed?
- How Long Does It Take to Add GeminiDB Redis Nodes at the Same Time? What Are the Impacts on Services?
- What Are the Differences Between Online and Offline Specification Changes of GeminiDB Redis Nodes? How Long Will the Changes Take? What Are the Impacts on Services?
- Can I Download Backups of a GeminiDB Redis Instance to a Local PC and Restore Data Offline?
- What Is the Data Backup Mechanism of GeminiDB Redis API? What Are the Impacts on Services?
- Why Does the CPU Usage Remain High Despite Low Service Access Volume on a GeminiDB Redis Preferential Instance with 1 CPU and 2 Nodes?
- Why Does the Number of Keys Decrease and Then Become Normal on the Monitoring Panel on the GUI of GeminiDB Redis API?
- Why Is CPU Usage of GeminiDB Redis Nodes Occasionally High?
- When Does a GeminiDB Redis Instance Become Read-Only?
Database Connection
- How Do I Connect to a GeminiDB Redis Instance?
- What Can I Do with IP Addresses of GeminiDB Redis Nodes?
- How Does Load Balancing Work in GeminiDB Redis API?
- How Can I Create and Connect to an ECS?
- Can I Change the VPC of a GeminiDB Redis Instance?
- How Do I Access a GeminiDB Redis Instance from a Private Network?
- Do I Need to Enable Private Network Access Control for a Load Balancer After Setting a Security Group?
- Backup and Restoration
Memory Acceleration
- Will All Data Be Cached to GeminiDB Redis Instances After Memory Acceleration Is Enabled and MySQL Database Data Is Updated?
- If Memory Acceleration Is Enabled, GeminiDB Redis Instance Data Increases Continuously. Do I Need to Scale Out the Capacity? How Do I Manage Cached Data?
- Is Memory Acceleration Recommended When Customers' Service Data Can Be Synchronized Between MySQL and Redis? In Which Scenarios Can Memory Acceleration Be enabled?
- How Long Is the Latency of Synchronization from RDS for MySQL to GeminiDB Redis API? What Factors Affect the Latency?
- Will the Source MySQL Database Be Affected After Memory Acceleration Is Enabled?
- GeminiDB Redis Instances with Memory Acceleration Enabled Needs to Process a Large Number of Binlogs in a Short Period of Time. Will a Large Number of Resources Be Occupied and Online Services Be Affected?
- Instance Freezing, Release, Deletion, and Unsubscription
GeminiDB Influx API
- Service Overview
- Getting Started with GeminiDB Influx API
Working with GeminiDB Influx API
- Permissions Management
- Instance Lifecycle
- Instance Modifications
- Connection Management
- Migrating Data
- Database Commands
- Cold and Hot Data Separation
- Data Backup
- Data Restoration
Parameter Template Management
- Creating a Parameter Template
- Modifying a Parameter Template
- Viewing Parameter Change History
- Exporting a Parameter Template
- Comparing Parameter Templates
- Replicating a Parameter Template
- Resetting a Parameter Template
- Applying a Parameter Template
- Viewing Application Records of a Parameter Template
- Modifying a Parameter Template Description
- Deleting a Parameter Template
- Monitoring and Alarm Reporting
- Audit on Instance Operations
- Billing Management
Product Consulting
- What Do I Need to Note When Using GeminiDB Influx?
- What Does the Availability of GeminiDB Influx Instances Mean?
- Does GeminiDB Influx Can Convert Multiple Columns to Multiple Rows?
- How Much Data Can GeminiDB Influx Hold?
- Can I Access GeminiDB Influx Using Grafana?
- How Do I Use GeminiDB Influx Hints?
- What Do I Do If Error "select *" query without time range is not allowed Is Reported?
- Billing
- Database Connection
- Backup and Restoration
- Regions and AZs
- Instance Freezing, Release, Deletion, and Unsubscription
Product Consulting
- Change History
GeminiDB Cassandra API
- Service Overview
- Getting Started with GeminiDB Cassandra API
Working with GeminiDB Cassandra API
- Permissions Management
- Buying an Instance
- Instance Connections
- Instance Lifecycle
- Instance Modifications
- Connection Management
- Data Management
- Intra-region DR
- Cross-region Dual-active DR
- Data Backup
- Data Restoration
Parameter Template Management
- Creating a Parameter Template
- Modifying Parameters of GeminiDB Cassandra Instances
- Viewing Parameter Change History
- Exporting a Parameter Template
- Comparing Parameter Templates
- Replicating a Parameter Template
- Resetting a Parameter Template
- Applying a Parameter Template
- Viewing Application Records of a Parameter Template
- Modifying a Parameter Template Description
- Deleting a Parameter Template
- Audit
- Monitoring and Alarm Configuration
- Enterprise Project
- Billing Management
- Product Consulting
- Billing
Database Usage
- Why Does the Overall Instance Performance Deteriorate When QPS Increases After the Batch Size Is Decreased?
- What Can I Do if Error "field larger than field limit (131072)" Is Reported During Data Import?
- What Should I Pay Attention to When Creating a GeminiDB Cassandra Table?
- How Do I Detect and Resolve BigKey and HotKey Issues?
- How Do I Set Up a Materialized View?
- How Do I Use a Secondary Index?
- How Do I Set Paging Query with Java?
- Database Connection
- Backup and Restoration
- Instance Freezing, Release, Deletion, and Unsubscription
- GeminiDB DynamoDB Instances
API Reference
- Before You Start
- API Overview
- Calling APIs
- Quick Start
APIs v3
- API Versions
- Versions and Specifications
- Creating an Instance
- Deleting an Instance
- Querying Instances and Details
- Scaling Up Storage Space of an Instance
- Adding Nodes for an Instance
- Deleting Nodes from a Specified Instance
- Obtaining Sessions of a Node
- Querying Session Statistics of an Instance Node
- Closing Sessions of an Instance Node
- Changing Specifications of an Instance
- Resetting the Administrator Password of an Instance
- Editing the Name of an Instance
- Changing the Security Group of an Instance
- Upgrading Minor Version
- Backups and Restorations
Parameter Templates
- Obtaining Parameter Templates
- Creating a Parameter Template
- Modifying Parameters in a Parameter Template
- Applying a Parameter Template
- Modifying Parameters of a Specified Instance
- Querying Instance Parameter Settings
- Obtaining Parameters of a Specified Parameter Template
- Deleting a Parameter Template
- Tags
- Quotas
- Disaster Recovery
- API v3 (Unavailable Soon)
- Permission Policies and Supported Actions
- Appendixes
- Change History
- SDK Reference
Database Objects
Naming Rules
Rule 1: The object name cannot be duplicated with any keyword of the database.
Rule 2: Object names (including database names, table names, field names, and index names) must be in lowercase and separated by underscores (_).
Rule 3: The length of an object name (including the database name, table name, field name, and index name) cannot exceed 30 characters.
Rule 4: The table alias must be short. Generally, aliases are in lowercase letters.
Table Design Rules
Rule 1: Compatibility must be considered during table design.
Columns can be added but cannot be deleted.
Rule 2: The table name and database name cannot exceed 48 bytes.
Rule 3: By default, tables are created based on the optimal performance specifications. If the high-performance table is not required, you can set performance parameter Z00_THROUGHPUT to big, medium, or small when creating a table. By default, this parameter is not set to big. If you use RocksDB as the storage engine, memory needs to be allocated in advance and the number of tables created in an instance is limited. For details, see What Should I Pay Attention to When Creating a GeminiDB Cassandra Table?.
If necessary, use denormalization and redundancy to improve the read performance.
Indexing Rules
Rule 1: Design all queries as primary-key based queries and do not rely too much on secondary indexes.
Rule 2: An index can be used for query only after it is configured.
Rule 3: Do not frequently update indexes.
Rule 4: Do not create an index column for a table that contains too many duplicate values. For example, if one table stores 100 million data records and one of its columns contains the same data or a few types data, creating an index column for this table is not recommended.
Rule 5: The counter column cannot be indexed.
Rule 6: Do not create an index for any column that is frequently updated or deleted.
Rule 7: Use indexes together with partition keys to minimize message forwarding between nodes and resource consumption and prevent out-of-memory or high CPU usage.
View Rules
- If a materialized view is used, ensure that the original table corresponds to no more than three views. The more views the original table corresponds to, the greater impacts on the synchronization of views.
- Do not use any frequently-updated field in the original table as the primary key of a view.
Flow Table Rules
One flow table stores 24 hours of data by default. If there is a large amount of data to be queried, return results on multiple pages. No more than 100 query results are returned each time and a retry is allowed if a query request times out.
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