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Instance Statuses

Updated on 2023-11-21 GMT+08:00

The status of an instance indicates the health of the instance. You can view the status of an instance on the console.

Table 1 Instance statuses




The DB instance is available.


The instance is abnormal.


The instance is being created.

Creation failed

DB instance creation fails.


The instance is being restarted.

Resetting password

The administrator password is being reset.

Adding node

Nodes are being added to an instance.

Deleting node

Nodes are being deleted from an instance.

Scaling storage space

The storage space of an instance is being scaled up.

Changing specifications

The vCPUs and memory of an instance are being changed.

Uploading backup

The backup file is being uploaded.

Backing up

A database backup is being created.

Checking restoration

The backup of the instance is being restored to a new instance.

Changing to yearly/monthly

The billing mode is being changed from pay-per-use to yearly/monthly.

Changing to pay-per-use

The billing mode is being changed from yearly/monthly to pay-per-use.

Creating a DR cluster

A DR instance is being created.

Canceling DR relationship

A DR instance is being deleted.


The instance is frozen because your balance drops to or below zero.


Overdue payments are cleared, and the DB instance is being unfrozen.

Checking changes

The yearly/monthly instance is pending check when its billing mode is changed.





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