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Changing Specifications of a CBH Instance

Updated on 2023-04-11 GMT+08:00


  • You have obtained credentials for logging in to the management console.
  • An EIP has been bound to the CBH instance.
  • You have backed up system data by referring to Backing Up the CBH System Data.
  • You have disabled the CBH system and terminated all other operations in the CBH system.


  1. Log in to the management console.
  2. In the Operation column of the target instance, choose More > Change Edition.

    Figure 1 Instances

  3. Select an edition you want.

    Select an Edition and click Next to go to the Details page.

  4. Confirm and pay the order.

    After confirming the order details, click Submit. On the payment page, finish the payment.

  5. The specifications are automatically changed in the background.

    It takes about 30 minutes for the change to take effect.

    During the change, the instance status changes from Upgrading to Restarting. After the CBH system is restarted, the instance status changes to Running.

  6. The specifications are changed in the background.

    If the instance status changes to Running and the instance details are updated, the backend change is completed.

    You can then log in to the CBH system and start to verify the change.





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