Viewing Resource Usage Details
This API can be used to query usage details of each resource for a customer on the self-built platform.
Postpaid customers who have enabled the monthly settlement can log in to Billing Center to query their resource usage details by referring to Resource Bill.
- After a customer associates with an enterprise master in the unified accounting model, bill queries will return both bills before and after the association.
- You can query data from the past three years.
This API can be invoked only by the customer AK/SK or token.
POST /v2/bills/customer-bills/res-records/query
Parameter |
Mandatory |
Maximum Length |
Description |
X-Language |
No |
10 |
The default value is en_US. |
Request Message
Request Parameters
Parameter |
Mandatory |
Type |
Maximum Length |
Description |
cycle |
Yes |
String |
8 |
Billing cycle of the queried resource usage details, which is in YYYY-MM format (GMT+08:00). Example: 2019-01 |
cloud_service_type |
No |
String |
64 |
Cloud service type code. For example, the cloud service type code of OBS is hws.service.type.obs. To obtain a specific service type, call the API in Querying Cloud Service Types. If this parameter is not included in the request parameters, is set to "", or is set to null, it cannot be used as a filter criterion. |
resource_type |
No |
String |
64 |
Resource type code. For example, the VM resource type code of ECS is hws.resource.type.vm. To obtain a specific resource type, call the API in Querying Resource Types. If this parameter is not included in the request parameters, is set to "", or is set to null, it cannot be used as a filter criterion. |
region |
No |
String |
64 |
Cloud service region code, for example, eu-west-101. If this parameter is not included in the request parameters, is set to "", or is set to null, it cannot be used as a filter criterion. |
res_instance_id |
No |
String |
64 |
Resource instance ID. If this parameter is not included in the request parameters, is set to "", or is set to null, it cannot be used as a filter criterion. |
charge_mode |
No |
Integer |
- |
Billing mode. The options are as follows:
If this parameter is not included in the request parameters or is set to null, usage details of resources of all billing modes are returned. |
bill_type |
No |
Integer |
- |
Bill type:
If this parameter is not included in the request parameters or is set to null, usage details of resources of all bill types are returned. |
enterprise_project_id |
No |
String |
64 |
Enterprise project ID.
If this parameter is not included in the request parameters, is set to "", or is set to null, it cannot be used as a filter criterion. |
include_zero_record |
No |
Boolean |
- |
Whether to return records for which the amount due is 0.
If this parameter is not included in the request parameters, is set to "", or is set to null, it cannot be used as a filter criterion. |
method |
No |
String |
64 |
Query method.
If this parameter is not included in the request parameters, is set to "", or is set to null, the default value is all. If this parameter is set to all and an enterprise has no customers, the enterprise queries its own resource usage details. |
sub_customer_id |
No |
String |
64 |
Enterprise member account ID.
offset |
No |
Integer |
0- Maximum integer |
Offset, which starts from 0. The default value is 0. This parameter is used for pagination. Retain its default value 0 if pagination is not required. offset indicates the offset relative to the first data record among all that meets the conditions configured. If you set offset to 1, the second and subsequent data records are returned. For example, if there 10 records that meet query conditions, when you set limit to 10 and offset to 1, the second to the tenth records are returned. If there are 20 records that meet query conditions, when you set offset to 0 and limit to 10 for the first page and set offset to 10 and limit to 10 for the second page, then each page will respectively have 10 records. |
limit |
No |
Integer |
[1-1000] |
Page limit. The default value is 10. |
statistic_type |
No |
Integer |
[1-2] |
Statistics type. The default value is 1.
If this parameter is not included in the request parameters or is set to null, the default value 1 is used. It cannot be set to "". |
query_type |
No |
String |
[0-9] |
Type of information to be queried. The default value is BILLCYCLE.
The information type, DAILY, is returned only when the statistic_type is set to 2. If this parameter is not included in the request or is set to null or "", the information type, BILLCYCLE, is returned by default. |
bill_cycle_begin |
No |
String |
[0-10] |
The start time of a billing cycle. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. This parameter is mandatory when query_type is set to DAILY. If this parameter is not included in the request or is set to null or "", it cannot be used as a filter criterion.
bill_cycle_end |
No |
String |
[0-10] |
The end time of a billing cycle. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. This parameter is mandatory when query_type is set to DAILY. If this parameter is not included in the request or is set to null or "", it cannot be used as a filter criterion.
Example Request
POST HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json X-Auth-Token: MIIPAgYJKoZIhvcNAQcCo...ggg1BBIINPXsidG9rZ X-Language:en_US { "cycle": "2018-12", "cloud_service_type": "hws.service.type.ec2", "resource_type": "hws.resource.type.vm", "region": "eu-west-101", "res_instance_id": "76*****7f", "charge_mode": 1, "bill_type": 1, "enterprise_project_id": "6***f3-3**4-4**2-9a3e-a****c24", "include_zero_record": "true", "method": "sub_customer", "sub_customer_id": "05b5fef62300d2ad0f98c00befba72c0", "offset": 1, "limit": 10 }
Response Message
Response Parameters
Parameter |
Type |
Maximum Length |
Description |
error_code |
String |
16 |
Status code. For details, see Status Code. This parameter is returned only when a failure occurs. |
error_msg |
String |
1024 |
Error description. This parameter is returned only when a failure occurs. |
monthly_records |
List<MonthlyBillRes> |
- |
Resource records. For details, see Table 2. |
total_count |
Integer |
- |
Number of result sets. This parameter is returned only when the query is successful. |
currency |
String |
3 |
Currency. USD |
Parameter |
Type |
Maximum Length |
Description |
cycle |
String |
8 |
Billing cycle of resource data, which is in YYYY-MM format (GMT+08:00). Example: 2020-01 |
bill_date |
String |
10 |
Consumption date, which is in the YYYY-MM-DD format (GMT+08:00) This parameter has a value only when statistic_type is set to 2. Otherwise, null is returned. |
bill_type |
Integer |
- |
Bill type.
customer_id |
String |
64 |
ID of the account that has consumption records.
region |
String |
64 |
Cloud service region code, for example, eu-west-101. |
region_name |
String |
64 |
Region name, for example, EU-Ireland. . |
cloud_service_type |
String |
256 |
Cloud service type code. For example, the cloud service type code of OBS is hws.service.type.obs. |
resource_Type_code |
String |
64 |
Resource type code. For example, the resource type code of ECS is hws.resource.type.vm. |
cloud_service_type_name |
String |
200 |
Cloud service type. For example, the cloud service type of ECS is Elastic Cloud Server. |
resource_type_name |
String |
200 |
Resource type. For example, the resource type of ECS is Cloud Host. |
res_instance_id |
String |
256 |
Resource instance ID. |
resource_name |
String |
- |
Resource name. When creating a resource, a customer can enter the resource name. Some resource names can also be changed during resource management. |
root_resource_id |
String |
- |
Root resource ID |
parent_resource_id |
String |
- |
Parent resource ID |
resource_tag |
String |
- |
Resource tag. Customers can set tags when managing resources. |
sku_code |
String |
64 |
SKU code, which uniquely identifies the resource specification in a bill. |
enterprise_project_id |
String |
- |
Enterprise project ID.
enterprise_project_name |
String |
- |
Enterprise project name. |
charge_mode |
Integer |
- |
Billing mode. The options are as follows:
consume_amount |
BigDecimal |
- |
Consumption amount of a cloud service, including the amount of cash coupons and that of flexi-purchase coupons, accurate to eight decimal places. The value of consume_amount is equal to the sum of the values of cash_amount, credit_amount, coupon_amount, flexipurchase_coupon_amount, stored_card_amount, bonus_amount, debt_amount, and adjustment_amount. |
cash_amount |
BigDecimal |
- |
Amount paid in cash. |
credit_amount |
BigDecimal |
- |
Amount paid using the credit. |
coupon_amount |
BigDecimal |
- |
Amount paid using the cash coupon. |
flexipurchase_coupon_amount |
BigDecimal |
- |
Amount paid using the flexi-purchase coupon. |
stored_card_amount |
BigDecimal |
- |
Amount paid using the values-stored card. |
bonus_amount |
BigDecimal |
- |
Bonus payment amount (used for the bonus that is not cleared on the live network). |
debt_amount |
BigDecimal |
- |
Monthly-paid user: monthly settlement (For details about monthly settlement, click here.) Non-monthly-paid subscriber: outstanding amount |
adjustment_amount |
BigDecimal |
- |
Adjustment amount. |
official_amount |
BigDecimal |
- |
Standard price. |
discount_amount |
BigDecimal |
- |
Discount amount (based on the standard price). |
measure_id |
Integer |
- |
period_type |
Integer |
- |
Period type. The value can be:
trade_id |
String |
- |
Order ID or transaction ID.
id |
String |
256 |
Unique ID. This parameter is reserved. |
product_spec_desc |
String |
- |
Product specification description. |
sub_service_type_code |
String |
64 |
Service type code of a child service that is attached to an ECS. |
sub_service_type_name |
String |
200 |
Service type of a child service that is attached to an ECS. |
sub_resource_type_code |
String |
64 |
Resource type code of a child resource that is attached to an ECS. |
sub_resource_type_name |
String |
200 |
Resource type name of a child resource that is attached to an ECS. |
sub_resource_id |
String |
64 |
Resource ID of a child resource that is attached to an ECS. If the resource is a reserved instance, this parameter indicates a reserved instance ID. |
sub_resource_name |
String |
256 |
Resource name of a child resource that is attached to an ECS. If the resource is a reserved instance, this parameter indicates a reserved instance name. |
pre_order_id |
String |
64 |
Original order ID |
az_code_infos |
List<AzCodeInfo> |
- |
AZ information list For details, see Table 3. |
Example Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 Content-Length: length Date: response time { "monthly_records": [{ "cycle": "2022-05", "bill_date": null, "bill_type": 4, "customer_id": "05f2******00d50d0f2bc002c46e3020", "region": "eu-west-101", "region_name": "EU-Ireland", "cloud_service_type": "hws.service.type.ebs", "resource_Type_code": "hws.resource.type.volume", "cloud_service_type_name": "Elastic Volume Service", "resource_type_name": "Elastic Volume Service", "res_instance_id": "220523_dbc6ee4a02964e04adaa0e01b7a1e8e4", "resource_name": "hws.resource.type.volumename", "resource_tag": null, "sku_code": "SATA", "enterprise_project_id": null, "enterprise_project_name": "Non-project" "charge_mode": 1, "consume_amount": 0.0, "cash_amount": 0.0, "credit_amount": 0.0, "coupon_amount": 0.0, "flexipurchase_coupon_amount": 0.0, "stored_card_amount": 0.0, "bonus_amount": 0.0, "debt_amount": 0.0, "adjustment_amount": null, "official_amount": 0.0, "discount_amount": 0, "id": "037e8a2b******01-5f9eb5153cba_1", "measure_id": 1, "sub_service_type_code": null, "sub_service_type_name": null, "sub_resource_type_code": null, "sub_resource_type_name": null, "sub_resource_id": null, "sub_resource_name": null, "period_type": 20, "root_resource_id": null, "parent_resource_id": null, "trade_id": "CSYD******214V3CC02", "product_spec_desc": "Common I/O|200GB", "pre_order_id": "CS23******54B1AEW4J", "az_code_infos": [{ "az_code": "cn-north-1c" }] }], "total_count": 7, "currency": "USD" }
Status Code
- 4xx: This class of HTTP status code is intended for situations in which the error seems to have been caused by the client, for example, the request contains bad syntax or incorrect parameters. You must ensure the request is correct.
- 5xx: This class of HTTP status code is intended for cases in which the Huawei Cloud server is aware that it has encountered an error or is otherwise incapable of performing the request. In this case, contact Huawei Cloud customer service.
HTTP Value |
Error Code |
Description |
400 |
CBC.0100 |
Parameter error. |
403 |
CBC.0151 |
Access denied. |
500 |
CBC.0999 |
Unknown error occurred. |
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