Creating and Submitting a SQL Job
Scenario Description
This section describes how to create and query SQL jobs using APIs.
- It takes 6 to 10 minutes to start a job using a new queue for the first time.
Involved APIs
- Creating a Queue: Create a queue.
- Creating a Database (Discarded): Create a database.
- Creating a Table (Discarded): Create a table.
- Importing Data (Discarded): Import the data to be queried.
- Querying Job Details: Check whether the imported data is correct.
- Submitting a SQL Job (Recommended): Submit a query job.
- Create a SQL queue. For details, see Creating a Queue.
- Create a database.
URI format: POST /v1.0/{project_id}/databases
- Obtain the value of {project_id} from Obtaining a Project ID.
- For details about the request parameters, see Creating a Database (Discarded).
- Request example
- Description: Creates a database named db1 in the project whose ID is 48cc2c48765f481480c7db940d6409d1.
- Example URL: POST https://{endpoint}/v1.0/48cc2c48765f481480c7db940d6409d1/databases
- Body:
{ "database_name": "db1", "description": "this is for test" }
- Example response
{ "is_success": true, "message": "" }
- Create a table.
URI format: POST /v1.0/{project_id}/databases/{database_name}/tables
- Obtain the value of {project_id} from Obtaining a Project ID.
- For details about the request parameters, see Creating a Table (Discarded).
- Request example
- Description: In the project whose ID is 48cc2c48765f481480c7db940d6409d1, create a table named tb1 in the db1 database.
- Example URL: POST https://{endpoint}/v1.0/48cc2c48765f481480c7db940d6409d1/databases/db1/tables
- Body:
{ "table_name": "tb1", "data_location": "OBS", "description": "", "data_type": "csv", "data_path": "obs://obs/path1/test.csv", "columns": [ { "column_name": "column1", "type": "string", "description": "", "is_partition_column": true }, { "column_name": "column2", "type": "string", "description": "", "is_partition_column": false } ], "with_column_header": true, "delimiter": ",", "quote_char": "\"", "escape_char": "\\", "date_format": "yyyy-MM-dd", "timestamp_format": "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" }
- Example response
{ "is_success": true, "message": "" }
- (Optional) If the table to be created does not contain data, use the Importing Data (Discarded) API to import data to the table.
- (Optional) After data is imported, you can use the Querying Job Details API to check whether the imported data is correct.
- Submit a query job.
URI format: POST /v1.0/{project_id}/jobs/submit-job
- Obtain the value of {project_id} from Obtaining a Project ID.
- For details about the request parameters, see Creating a Database (Discarded).
- Request example
- Description: Submit a SQL job in the project whose ID is 48cc2c48765f481480c7db940d6409d1 and query data in the tb1 table in the database db1.
- Example URL: POST https://{endpoint}/v1.0/48cc2c48765f481480c7db940d6409d1/jobs/submit-job
- Body:
{ "currentdb": "db1", "sql": "select * from tb1 limit 10", "queue_name": "queue1" }
- Example response
{ "is_success": true, "message": "", "job_id":""95fcc908-9f1b-446c-8643-5653891d9fd9", "job_type": "QUERY", "job_mode": "async" }
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