Resource Formation Service
Resource Formation Service
- What's New
- Service Overview
- Getting Started
- User Guide
Template Reference
- Resource Formation Service
Application Orchestration Service
- Template Introduction
List of Elements
- Resource Indexes
- AntiDDos.Service
- AOS.Batch
- AOS.Stack
- APIG.ApiGroup
- APIG.Throttle
- APM.AutoScaler
- APM.Pinpoint
- CCE.Addon.AutoScaler
- CCE.Cluster
- CCE.ConfigMap
- CCE.DaemonSet
- CCE.Deployment
- CCE.HelmRelease
- CCE.Ingress
- CCE.Job
- CCE.NodePool
- CCE.Pod
- CCE.Secret
- CCE.Service
- CCE.StatefulSet
- CCE.Storage.EVS
- CCE.Storage.OBS
- CCE.Storage.SFS
- CCI.ConfigMap
- CCI.Deployment
- CCI.Ingress
- CCI.Job
- CCI.Namespace
- CCI.Secret
- CCI.Service
- CCI.StatefulSet
- CCI.Storage.EVS
- CCI.Storage.SFS
- CDN.Cache
- CDN.Domain
- CDN.Host
- CDN.Https
- CDN.PreheatJob
- CDN.Referer
- CDN.RefreshJob
- CDN.Source
- DBSS.Instance
- DCS.Redis
- DDS.CommunityReplicaSetOrSingle
- DIS.Stream
- ECS.CloudServer
- ECS.ServerGroup
- ECS.KeyPair
- EVS.NonSharedVolume
- EVS.SharedVolume
- FGS.ApigEventMap
- FGS.CtsEventMap
- FGS.DisEventMap
- FGS.DmsEventMap
- FGS.Function
- FGS.LtsEventMap
- FGS.ObsEventMap
- FGS.TimerEventMap
- FGS.SmnEventMap
- HSS.Instance
- IAM.Agency
- IAM.UserGroup
- MRS.Cluster
- NAT.Instance
- NAT.SNatRule
- OBS.Bucket
- RDS.MySQL.DataBase
- RDS.MySQL.User
- RDS.PostgreSQL
- SCM.Cert
- ServiceStage.Agent
- ServiceStage.AppGroup
- ServiceStage.ContainerComponent
- ServiceStage.Job
- ServiceStage.StatefulApplication
- ServiceStage.StatelessApplication
- SFS.FileSystem
- SMN.Subscription
- SMN.Topic
- ULB.Healthmonitor
- ULB.Listener
- ULB.LoadBalancer
- ULB.Member
- ULB.Pool
- VPCEndpoint.Endpoint
- VPCEndpoint.EndpointService
- VPC.FirewallGroup
- VPC.FirewallPolicy.Egress
- VPC.FirewallPolicy.Ingress
- VPC.FirewallRule
- VPC.SecurityGroup
- VPC.SecurityGroupRule
- VPC.Subnet
- VSS.WebScan
- WAF.service
Data Structure
- AOS.BatchItem
- APIG.BackendApi
- APIG.FuncInfo
- APIG.MockInfo
- APM.AutoscalerAction
- APM.AutoscalerActionParameters
- APM.AutoscalerCondition
- APM.AutoscalerRule
- Basic.KeyValuePair
- Basic.Label
- Basic.LabelSelector
- Basic.NameAndSecretValue
- Basic.NameKeyPair
- Basic.NameValuePair
- CCE.Addon.AutoScaler.Node
- CCE.DataVolume
- CCE.HelmChart
- CCE.Labels
- CCE.NodePool
- CCE.PublicIP
- CCI.Network
- CDN.Source
- CDN.CacheRule
- DCS.InstanceBackupPolicy
- DCS.PeriodicalBackupPlan
- DDS.BackupStrategy
- DDS.CommunityReplicaSetOrSingleMode.Flavor
- DDS.DDSCommunity.DataStore
- DDS.DDSCommunityReplicaOrSingle.Flavor
- ECS.DataVolume
- ECS.ExtendParam
- ECS.MountedVolumes
- ECS.Personality
- ECS.PublicIP
- ECS.RootVolume
- ECS.SecurityGroup
- ECS.ServerTags
- ECS.VolumeExtendParam
- EVS.Metadata
- FGS.Environment
- FGS.OBSFilter
- FGS.VpcConfig
- IAM.Agency.Role
- K8S.PodSecurityContext
- K8S.SecurityContext.SeLinuxOptions
- MRS.BootstrapScripts
- MRS.Components
- MRS.TaskNodeGroups
- MRS.Tags
- MySQL.DBUser
- MySQL.DBLinkedUser
- MySQL.DataBase
- MySQL.DataStore
- MySQL.UserDatabase
- PostgreSQL.DataStore
- RDS.BackupStrategy
- RDS.HA.Mysql
- RDS.HA.PostgreSQL
- RDS.Volume
- ULB.StickySession
- VPCEndpoint.Ports
- VPC.BandWidth
- VPC.PublicIP
- VSS.Resource
- WAF.Bandwidth
- WAF.Domain
- WAF.Service
- Appendix
API Reference
- Before You Start
Resource Formation APIs
- Calling APIs
- Listing Events of a Stack
- Obtaining Stack Metadata
- Listing Stacks
- Creating a Stack
- Obtaining a Stack Template
- Listing Stack Resources
- Listing Stack Outputs
- Continuing to Deploy a Stack
- Deploying a Stack
- Deleting a Stack
- Updating a Stack
- Deleting a Stack with Conditions
- Continuing to Roll Back a Stack
- Execution Plans
- Template Analysis
- Template Management
- Application Orchestration APIs
- Appendix
- FAQs
On this page
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Help Center/
Resource Formation Service/
What Are the Differences Between Creating an Execution Plan, Creating a Stack, and Updating a Stack?
What Are the Differences Between Creating an Execution Plan, Creating a Stack, and Updating a Stack?
Updated on 2024-12-31 GMT+08:00
Creating an execution plan: Generate an execution plan. You can browse the entire plan in advance to evaluate the impact on ongoing resources. Creating an execution plan will not change the stack. The system changes the stack only when the execution plan is executed.
Creating a stack: Provide an initial template to create and deploy a stack.
Updating a stack: Provide a new template or new parameters to trigger a new deployment for directly modifying the stack.
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