更新时间:2024-12-19 GMT+08:00
- 自治事务执行时,将会在后台启动自治事务session,我们可以通过max_concurrent_autonomous_transactions设置自治事务执行的最大并行数量,该参数取值范围为0~10000,默认值为10。
- 当max_concurrent_autonomous_transactions参数设置为0时,自治事务将无法执行。
- 自治事务新启session后,将使用默认session参数,不共享主session下对象(包括session级别变量,本地临时变量,全局临时表的数据等)。
- 自治事务理论上限为10000,实际上限为动态值,参考GUC参数max_concurrent_autonomous_transactions描述。
- 自治事务受通信缓冲区影响,返回给客户端的信息大小受限于通信缓冲区长度,超过通信缓冲区长度时报错。
- 自治事务设置建立连接超时时间5s,建立连接尝试5次。建立连接期间不立即响应信号,每次建立连接前检查信号。高并发、高CPU、高内存,以及线程池扩容场景下可能存在超时报错现象。
- 触发器函数不支持自治事务。
gaussdb=# CREATE TABLE test_trigger_des_tbl(id1 INT, id2 INT, id3 INT); CREATE TABLE gaussdb=# CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION tri_insert_func() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$ DECLARE PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION; BEGIN INSERT INTO test_trigger_des_tbl VALUES(NEW.id1, NEW.id2, NEW.id3); RETURN NEW; END $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; ERROR: Triggers do not support autonomous transactions DETAIL: N/A CONTEXT: compilation of PL/pgSQL function "tri_insert_func" near line 4
- 自治事务不支持非顶层匿名块调用(仅支持顶层自治事务,包括存储过程、函数、匿名块)。
gaussdb=# drop table if exists t1; gaussdb=# create table t1(a int ,b text); CREATE TABLE gaussdb=# DECLARE --PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION; BEGIN DECLARE PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION; BEGIN dbe_output.print_line('just use call.'); insert into t1 values(1,'can you rollback!'); END; insert into t1 values(2,'I will rollback!'); rollback; END; / just use call. ANONYMOUS BLOCK EXECUTE gaussdb=# select * from t1; a | b ---+--- (0 rows)
- 自治事务仅支持PROCEDURE OUT参数传递ref cursor参数,不支持IN、INOUT以及FUNCTION传递ref cursor参数。
gaussdb=# create table sections(section_ID int); CREATE TABLE gaussdb=# insert into sections values(1); INSERT 0 1 gaussdb=# insert into sections values(1); INSERT 0 1 gaussdb=# insert into sections values(1); INSERT 0 1 gaussdb=# insert into sections values(1); INSERT 0 1 1. PROCEDURE OUT出参传递ref cursor(支持) gaussdb=# CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE proc_sys_ref(OUT c1 refcursor) IS declare PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION; BEGIN OPEN c1 FOR SELECT section_ID FROM sections ORDER BY section_ID; END; / CREATE PROCEDURE gaussdb=# CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE proc_sys_call() AS DECLARE c1 SYS_REFCURSOR; TEMP NUMBER(4); BEGIN proc_sys_ref(c1); if c1%isopen then raise notice '%','ok'; end if; LOOP FETCH C1 INTO TEMP; raise notice '%',C1%ROWCOUNT; EXIT WHEN C1%NOTFOUND; END LOOP; END; / CREATE PROCEDURE 2. PROCEDURE IN或INOUT出参传递ref cursor(不支持) gaussdb=# CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE proc_sys_ref(IN c1 refcursor) IS declare PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION; TEMP NUMBER(4); BEGIN if c1%isopen then raise notice '%','ok'; end if; LOOP FETCH C1 INTO TEMP; raise notice '%',C1%ROWCOUNT; EXIT WHEN C1%NOTFOUND; END LOOP; END; / CREATE PROCEDURE gaussdb=# CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE proc_sys_call() AS DECLARE c1 SYS_REFCURSOR; TEMP NUMBER(4); BEGIN OPEN c1 FOR SELECT section_ID FROM sections ORDER BY section_ID; proc_sys_ref(c1); END; / CREATE PROCEDURE gaussdb=# CALL proc_sys_call(); ERROR: Unsupported: ref_cursor parameter is not supported for autonomous transactions. CONTEXT: SQL statement "CALL proc_sys_ref(c1)" PL/pgSQL function proc_sys_call() line 7 at PERFORM 3. FUNCTION RETURN传递ref cursor(不支持) gaussdb=# CREATE OR REPLACE function proc_sys_ref() return SYS_REFCURSOR IS declare PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION; C1 SYS_REFCURSOR; BEGIN OPEN C1 FOR SELECT section_ID FROM sections ORDER BY section_ID; return C1; END; / gaussdb=# DROP PROCEDURE proc_sys_ref; DROP PROCEDURE 4. FUNCTION OUT出参传递ref cursor(不支持) gaussdb=# CREATE OR REPLACE function proc_sys_ref(C1 out SYS_REFCURSOR) return SYS_REFCURSOR IS declare PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION; BEGIN OPEN C1 FOR SELECT section_ID FROM sections ORDER BY section_ID; return 1; END; / ERROR: Autonomous function do not support ref cursor as return types or out, inout arguments. DETAIL: N/A CONTEXT: compilation of PL/pgSQL function "proc_sys_ref" near line 4
- 自治事务函数不支持直接返回record类型和out出参&record类型同时返回。
gaussdb=# create table test_in (id int,a date); CREATE TABLE gaussdb=# CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION autonomous_out() RETURNS record LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ DECLARE PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION; r1 record; BEGIN DBE_OUTPUT.PRINT_LINE('this is in autonomous_f_139_7'); truncate test_in; insert into test_in values (1,'1909-01-01'); select * into r1 from test_in; RETURN r1; END; $$; CREATE FUNCTION gaussdb=# select ok.id,ok.a from autonomous_out() as ok(id int,a date); ERROR: unrecognized return type for PLSQL function. gaussdb=# create type rec is (e1 integer, e2 varchar2); CREATE TYPE gaussdb=# create or replace function func(ele3 inout varchar2) return rec as i integer; ele1 rec; PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION; begin NULL; return ele1; end; / CREATE FUNCTION gaussdb=# call func(1); e1 | e2 ----+---- | (1 row)
- 不支持修改自治事务的隔离级别。
- 不支持自治事务返回集合类型(setof)。
gaussdb=# drop table if exists test_in; gaussdb=# create table test_in (id int,a date); CREATE TABLE gaussdb=# create table test_main (id int,a date); CREATE TABLE gaussdb=# insert into test_main values (1111,'2021-01-01'),(2222,'2021-02-02'); INSERT 0 2 gaussdb=# truncate test_in,test_main; TRUNCATE TABLE gaussdb=# CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION autonomous_f_022(num1 int) RETURNS SETOF test_in LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ DECLARE count int :=3; test_row test_in%ROWTYPE; PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION; BEGIN while true loop if count=3 then null; else if count=2 then insert into test_main values (count,'2021-03-03'); goto pos1; end if; end if; count=count-1; end loop; insert into test_main values (1000,'2021-04-04'); <<pos1>> for test_row in select * from test_main loop return next test_row; end loop; return; END; $$ ; ERROR: Autonomous transactions do not support RETURN SETOF. DETAIL: N/A CONTEXT: compilation of PL/pgSQL function "autonomous_f_022" near line 6
父主题: 自治事务