更新时间:2024-04-25 GMT+08:00
#include <locale.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> exec sql whenever sqlerror sqlprint; exec sql include sqlca; int main(void) { EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION; char *temp_str = (char *)malloc(11); EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION; ECPGdebug(1, stderr); exec sql connect to postgres; /* 打开自动提交,以下执行exec sql时不用手动commit */ exec sql set autocommit = on; exec sql drop table if exists test_t; /* 建表,插入数据 */ exec sql create table test_t(f float, i int, a int[10], mstr char(10)); exec sql insert into test_t(f, i, a, mstr) values(1.01,1,'{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}', 'China'); /* 关闭自动提交,以下插入数据的sql语句需要手动commit才能提交 */ exec sql set autocommit = off; exec sql insert into test_t(f, i, a, mstr) values(2.01,2,'{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}', 'USA'); exec sql commit; exec sql insert into test_t(f, i, a, mstr) values(3.01,3,'{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}', 'AUS'); exec sql insert into test_t(f, i, a, mstr) values(4.01,4,'{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}', 'JAP'); exec sql commit; EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION; int a[10] = {9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0}; int id = 6; EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION; /* 从宿主变量取数据插入到表中,宿主变量的类型与表定义的类型一致 */ strcpy(temp_str, "RUS"); exec sql insert into test_t(f, i, a, mstr) values(5.01,5,:a,:temp_str); exec sql commit; exec sql set autocommit = on; exec sql begin; exec sql insert into test_t(f, i, a, mstr) values(6.01,:id,:a,'SIG'); exec sql commit; exec sql set autocommit = off; exec sql begin declare section; float ff; char tmp_text[25] = "klmnopqrst"; exec sql end declare section; exec sql set autocommit = on; exec sql begin work; printf("Found ff=%f tmp_text=%10.10s\n", ff, tmp_text); /* 条件查询语句示例 */ exec sql select f, mstr into :ff,:tmp_text from test_t where f > (select f from test_t where i = 4 or i < 0) order by a limit 1; printf("Found ff=%f tmp_text=%10.10s\n", ff, tmp_text); exec sql select f, mstr into :ff,:tmp_text from test_t where mstr = 'JAP' order by i; printf("Found ff=%f tmp_text=%10.10s\n", ff, tmp_text); exec sql select f, mstr into :ff,:tmp_text from test_t order by i DESC limit 1; printf("Found ff=%f tmp_text=%10.10s\n", ff, tmp_text); exec sql select f, mstr into :ff,:tmp_text from test_t order by mstr limit 1; printf("Found ff=%f tmp_text=%10.10s\n", ff, tmp_text); exec sql select count(f), a into :ff,:tmp_text from test_t where i > 2 group by a limit 1; printf("Found ff=%f tmp_text=%20.30s\n", ff, tmp_text); exec sql select count(f), a into :ff,:tmp_text from test_t where i > 3 group by a order by a limit 1; printf("Found ff=%f tmp_text=%20.30s\n", ff, tmp_text); exec sql select sum(f), a into :ff,:tmp_text from test_t where i > 2 group by a order by a limit 1; printf("Found ff=%f tmp_text=%20.30s\n", ff, tmp_text); exec sql select distinct a into :tmp_text from test_t order by a limit 1; exec sql drop table test_t; exec sql commit; /* 释放连接,释放为宿主变量分配的内存 */ exec sql disconnect; free(temp_str); return 0; }
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <limits.h> #include <pgtypes_date.h> #include <pgtypes_timestamp.h> char *dates[] = { "19990108foobar", "19990108 foobar", "1999-01-08 foobar", "January 8, 1999", "1999-01-08", "1/8/1999", "1/18/1999", "01/02/03", "1999-Jan-08", "Jan-08-1999", "08-Jan-1999", "99-Jan-08", "08-Jan-99", "08-Jan-06", "Jan-08-99", "19990108", "990108", "1999.008", "J2451187", "January 8, 99 BC", NULL }; /* 不可与libc的“times”冲突 */ static char *times[] = { "0:04", "1:59 PDT", "13:24:40 -8:00", "13:24:40.495+3", NULL }; char *intervals[] = { "1 minute", "1 12:59:10", "2 day 12 hour 59 minute 10 second", "1 days 12 hrs 59 mins 10 secs", "1 days 1 hours 1 minutes 1 seconds", "1 year 59 mins", "1 year 59 mins foobar", NULL }; int main(void) { exec sql begin declare section; date date1; timestamp ts1, ts2; char *text; interval *i1; date *dc; exec sql end declare section; int i, j; char *endptr; ECPGdebug(1, stderr); /* 从文本中解析一个时间戳并将日期转换成字符串 */ ts1 = PGTYPEStimestamp_from_asc("2003-12-04 17:34:29", NULL); text = PGTYPEStimestamp_to_asc(ts1); printf("timestamp: %s\n", text); free(text); /* 从时间戳中抽取日期部分 */ date1 = PGTYPESdate_from_timestamp(ts1); dc = PGTYPESdate_new(); *dc = date1; /* 返回一个日期变量的文本表达 */ text = PGTYPESdate_to_asc(*dc); printf("Date of timestamp: %s\n", text); free(text); PGTYPESdate_free(dc); for (i = 0; dates[i]; i++) { bool err = false; /* 从日期的文本表达解析一个日期 */ date1 = PGTYPESdate_from_asc(dates[i], &endptr); if (date1 == INT_MIN) { err = true; } /* 返回一个日期变量的文本表达 */ text = PGTYPESdate_to_asc(date1); printf("Date[%d]: %s (%c - %c)\n", i, err ? "-" : text, endptr ? 'N' : 'Y', err ? 'T' : 'F'); free(text); if (!err) { for (j = 0; times[j]; j++) { int length = strlen(dates[i])+ 1+ strlen(times[j])+ 1; char* t = (char *)malloc(length); sprintf(t, "%s %s", dates[i], times[j]); /* 从文本中解析一个时间戳并将日期转换成字符串 */ ts1 = PGTYPEStimestamp_from_asc(t, NULL); text = PGTYPEStimestamp_to_asc(ts1); if (i != 19 || j != 3) printf("TS[%d,%d]: %s\n",i, j, errno ? "-" : text); free(text); free(t); } } } /* 从文本中解析一个时间戳 */ ts1 = PGTYPEStimestamp_from_asc("2004-04-04 23:23:23", NULL); for (i = 0; intervals[i]; i++) { interval *ic; /* 从文本中解析一个区间 */ i1 = PGTYPESinterval_from_asc(intervals[i], &endptr); if (*endptr) printf("endptr set to %s\n", endptr); if (!i1) { printf("Error parsing interval %d\n", i); continue; } /* 把一个区间变量加到时间戳变量上 */ j = PGTYPEStimestamp_add_interval(&ts1, i1, &ts2); if (j < 0) continue; /* 将一个区间类型变量转换成文本格式 */ text = PGTYPESinterval_to_asc(i1); printf("interval[%d]: %s\n", i, text ? text : "-"); free(text); /* 返回一个已分配区间变量的指针 */ ic = PGTYPESinterval_new(); /* 复制一个区间类型的变量 */ PGTYPESinterval_copy(i1, ic); /* 将一个区间类型变量转换成文本格式 */ text = PGTYPESinterval_to_asc(i1); printf("interval_copy[%d]: %s\n", i, text ? text : "-"); free(text); /* 释放已经分配区间变量的内存 */ PGTYPESinterval_free(ic); PGTYPESinterval_free(i1); } return (0); }
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <pgtypes_numeric.h> #include <pgtypes_error.h> #include <decimal.h> char* nums[] = { "2E394", "-2", ".794", "3.44", "592.49E21", "-32.84e4", "2E-394", ".1E-2", "+.0", "-592.49E-07", "+32.84e-4", ".500001", "-.5000001", "1234567890123456789012345678.91", /* 30个数位应转换为十进制 */ "1234567890123456789012345678.921", /* 31个数位的数字不应转为十进制 */ "not a number", NULL }; static void check_errno(void); int main(void) { char *text="error\n"; char *endptr; numeric *num, *nin; decimal *dec; long l; int i, j, k, q, r, count = 0; double d; numeric **numarr = (numeric **) calloc(1, sizeof(numeric)); ECPGdebug(1, stderr); for (i = 0; nums[i]; i++) { /* 返回由malloc分配的字符串的指针,它包含numeric类型nums[i]的字符串表达 */ num = PGTYPESnumeric_from_asc(nums[i], &endptr); if (!num) check_errno(); if (endptr != NULL) { printf("endptr of %d is not NULL\n", i); if (*endptr != '\0') printf("*endptr of %d is not \\0\n", i); } if (!num) continue; numarr = (numeric **)realloc(numarr, sizeof(numeric *) * (count + 1)); numarr[count++] = num; /* 返回由malloc分配的字符串的指针,它包含numeric类型num的字符串表达 */ text = PGTYPESnumeric_to_asc(num, -1); if (!text) check_errno(); printf("num[%d,1]: %s\n", i, text); free(text); text = PGTYPESnumeric_to_asc(num, 0); if (!text) check_errno(); printf("num[%d,2]: %s\n", i, text); free(text); text = PGTYPESnumeric_to_asc(num, 1); if (!text) check_errno(); printf("num[%d,3]: %s\n", i, text); free(text); text = PGTYPESnumeric_to_asc(num, 2); if (!text) check_errno(); printf("num[%d,4]: %s\n", i, text); free(text); /* 请求一个指向新分配的numeric变量的指针 */ nin = PGTYPESnumeric_new(); text = PGTYPESnumeric_to_asc(nin, 2); if (!text) check_errno(); printf("num[%d,5]: %s\n", i, text); free(text); /* 将一个numeric类型的变量转换为长整型 */ r = PGTYPESnumeric_to_long(num, &l); if (r) check_errno(); printf("num[%d,6]: %ld (r: %d)\n", i, r?0L:l, r); if (r == 0) { /* 把一个长整型变量转换为一个numeric变量 */ r = PGTYPESnumeric_from_long(l, nin); if (r) check_errno(); /* 返回由malloc分配的字符串的指针,它包含numeric类型nin的字符串表达 */ text = PGTYPESnumeric_to_asc(nin, 2); /* 比较两个numeric变量 */ q = PGTYPESnumeric_cmp(num, nin); printf("num[%d,7]: %s (r: %d - cmp: %d)\n", i, text, r, q); free(text); } /* 将一个numeric类型的变量转换成整数 */ r = PGTYPESnumeric_to_int(num, &k); if (r) check_errno(); printf("num[%d,8]: %d (r: %d)\n", i, r?0:k, r); if (r == 0) { /* 把一个整数变量转换成一个numeric变量 */ r = PGTYPESnumeric_from_int(k, nin); if (r) check_errno(); /* 返回由malloc分配的字符串的指针,它包含numeric类型nin的字符串表达 */ text = PGTYPESnumeric_to_asc(nin, 2); q = PGTYPESnumeric_cmp(num, nin); printf("num[%d,9]: %s (r: %d - cmp: %d)\n", i, text, r, q); free(text); } if (i != 6) { /* 将一个numeric类型的变量转换成双精度类型 */ r = PGTYPESnumeric_to_double(num, &d); if (r) check_errno(); printf("num[%d,10]: %g (r: %d)\n", i, r?0.0:d, r); } /* 请求一个指向新分配的numeric变量的指针*/ dec = PGTYPESdecimal_new(); /* 将一个decimal类型的变量转换成numeric */ r = PGTYPESnumeric_to_decimal(num, dec); if (r) check_errno(); printf("num[%d,11]: - (r: %d)\n", i, r); if (r == 0) { /* 将一个decimal类型的变量转换成numeric */ r = PGTYPESnumeric_from_decimal(dec, nin); if (r) check_errno(); /* 返回由malloc分配的字符串的指针,它包含numeric类型nin的字符串表达 */ text = PGTYPESnumeric_to_asc(nin, 2); /* 比较两个numeric变量 */ q = PGTYPESnumeric_cmp(num, nin); printf("num[%d,12]: %s (r: %d - cmp: %d)\n", i, text, r, q); free(text); } /* 释放numeric变量的内存 */ PGTYPESdecimal_free(dec); PGTYPESnumeric_free(nin); printf("\n"); } for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { for (j = 0; j < count; j++) { /* 请求一个指向新分配的numeric变量的指针 */ numeric* a = PGTYPESnumeric_new(); numeric* s = PGTYPESnumeric_new(); numeric* m = PGTYPESnumeric_new(); numeric* d = PGTYPESnumeric_new(); /* 把两个numeric变量相加放到第三个numeric变量中 */ r = PGTYPESnumeric_add(numarr[i], numarr[j], a); if (r) { check_errno(); printf("r: %d\n", r); } else { /* 返回由malloc分配的字符串的指针,它包含numeric类型a的字符串表达 */ text = PGTYPESnumeric_to_asc(a, 10); printf("num[a,%d,%d]: %s\n", i, j, text); free(text); } /* 把两个numeric变量相减并且把结果返回到第三个numeric变量 */ r = PGTYPESnumeric_sub(numarr[i], numarr[j], s); if (r) { check_errno(); printf("r: %d\n", r); } else { /* 返回由malloc分配的字符串的指针,它包含numeric类型s的字符串表达 */ text = PGTYPESnumeric_to_asc(s, 10); printf("num[s,%d,%d]: %s\n", i, j, text); free(text); } /* 把两个numeric变量相乘并且把结果返回到第三个numeric变量 */ r = PGTYPESnumeric_mul(numarr[i], numarr[j], m); if (r) { check_errno(); printf("r: %d\n", r); } else { /* 返回由malloc分配的字符串的指针,它包含numeric类型m的字符串表达 */ text = PGTYPESnumeric_to_asc(m, 10); printf("num[m,%d,%d]: %s\n", i, j, text); free(text); } /* 把两个numeric变量相除并且把结果返回到第三个numeric变量 */ r = PGTYPESnumeric_div(numarr[i], numarr[j], d); if (r) { check_errno(); printf("r: %d\n", r); } else { /* 返回由malloc分配的字符串的指针,它包含numeric类型d的字符串表达 */ text = PGTYPESnumeric_to_asc(d, 10); printf("num[d,%d,%d]: %s\n", i, j, text); free(text); } /* 释放一个numeric变量的内存 */ PGTYPESnumeric_free(a); PGTYPESnumeric_free(s); PGTYPESnumeric_free(m); PGTYPESnumeric_free(d); } } for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { /* 返回由malloc分配的字符串的指针,它包含numeric类型numarr[i]的字符串表达 */ text = PGTYPESnumeric_to_asc(numarr[i], -1); printf("%d: %s\n", i, text); free(text); /* 释放内存 */ PGTYPESnumeric_free(numarr[i]); } free(numarr); return (0); } /* 错误处理 */ static void check_errno(void) { switch(errno) { case 0: printf("(no errno set) - "); break; case PGTYPES_NUM_OVERFLOW: printf("(errno == PGTYPES_NUM_OVERFLOW) - "); break; case PGTYPES_NUM_UNDERFLOW: printf("(errno == PGTYPES_NUM_UNDERFLOW) - "); break; case PGTYPES_NUM_BAD_NUMERIC: printf("(errno == PGTYPES_NUM_BAD_NUMERIC) - "); break; case PGTYPES_NUM_DIVIDE_ZERO: printf("(errno == PGTYPES_NUM_DIVIDE_ZERO) - "); break; default: printf("(unknown errno (%d))\n", errno); printf("(libc: (%s)) ", strerror(errno)); break; } }
父主题: 基于ecpg开发