在Header中携带签名是指将通过HTTP消息中Authorization header头域携带签名信息,消息头域的格式为:
Authorization: OBS AccessKeyID:signature
StringToSign = HTTP-Verb + "\n" + Content-MD5 + "\n" + Content-Type + "\n" + Date + "\n" + CanonicalizedHeaders + CanonicalizedResource
参数 |
描述 |
HTTP-Verb |
指接口操作的方法,对REST接口而言,即为http请求操作的VERB,如:"PUT","GET","DELETE"等字符串。 |
Content-MD5 |
按照RFC 1864标准计算出消息体的MD5摘要字符串,即消息体128-bit MD5值经过base64编码后得到的字符串,可以为空。 |
Content-Type |
内容类型,用于指定消息类型,例如: text/plain。 当请求中不带该头域时,该参数按照空字符串处理。 |
Date |
生成请求的时间,该时间格式遵循RFC 1123;该时间与当前服务器的时间超过15分钟时服务端返回403。 当有自定义字段x-obs-date时,该参数按照空字符串处理。 如果进行临时授权方式操作(如临时授权方式获取对象内容等操作)时,该参数不需要。 |
CanonicalizedHeaders |
CanonicalizedResource |
表示HTTP请求所指定的SFS资源,构造方式如下: <文件系统名+对象名>+[子资源1] + [子资源2] + ...
请求消息头 |
StringToSign |
GET /?sfsacl HTTP/1.1 Host: filesystem.sfs3.cn-north-4.myhuaweicloud.com Date: Sat, 12 Oct 2015 08:12:38 GMT |
GET \n \n \n Sat, 12 Oct 2015 08:12:38 GMT\n /filesystem/?sfsacl |
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import java.security.MessageDigest; import sun.misc.BASE64Encoder; import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException; import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException; public class Md5{ public static void main(String[] args) { try { String exampleString = "blog"; MessageDigest messageDigest = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5"); BASE64Encoder encoder = new BASE64Encoder(); String contentMd5 = encoder.encode(messageDigest.digest(exampleString.getBytes("utf-8"))); System.out.println("Content-MD5:" + contentMd5); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException | UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } |
Signature = Base64( HMAC-SHA1( YourSecretAccessKeyID, UTF-8-Encoding-Of( StringToSign ) ) )
PUT / HTTP/1.1 Host: newfilesystem2.sfs3.cn-north-4.myhuaweicloud.com Content-Length: length Date: Fri, 06 Jul 2018 03:45:51 GMT x-obs-acl:private x-obs-storage-class:STANDARD Authorization: OBS UDSIAMSTUBTEST000254:ydH8ffpcbS6YpeOMcEZfn0wE90c= <CreateBucketConfiguration xmlns="http://obs.myhwclouds.com/doc/2015-06-30/"> <Location>cn-north-4</Location> </CreateBucketConfiguration>
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import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException; import java.net.URLEncoder; import java.security.InvalidKeyException; import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Base64; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; import javax.crypto.Mac; import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec; import org.omg.CosNaming.IstringHelper; public class SignDemo { private static final String SIGN_SEP = "\n"; private static final String SFS_PREFIX = "x-obs-"; private static final String DEFAULT_ENCODING = "UTF-8"; private static final List<String> SUB_RESOURCES = Collections.unmodifiableList(Arrays.asList( "CDNNotifyConfiguration", "acl", "append", "attname", "backtosource", "cors", "customdomain", "delete", "deletebucket", "directcoldaccess", "encryption", "inventory", "length", "lifecycle", "location", "logging", "metadata", "modify", "name", "notification", "orchestration", "partNumber", "policy", "position", "quota", "rename", "replication", "requestPayment", "response-cache-control", "response-content-disposition", "response-content-encoding", "response-content-language", "response-content-type", "response-expires", "restore", "select", " storageClass", "storagePolicy", "storageinfo", "tagging", "torrent", "truncate", "uploadId", "uploads", "versionId", "versioning", "versions", "website", "x-image-process", "x-image-save-bucket", "x-image-save-object", "x-obs-security-token")); private String ak; private String sk; public String urlEncode(String input) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { return URLEncoder.encode(input, DEFAULT_ENCODING) .replaceAll("%7E", "~") //for browser .replaceAll("%2F", "/") .replaceAll("%20", "+"); } private String join(List<?> items, String delimiter) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < items.size(); i++) { String item = items.get(i).toString(); sb.append(item); if (i < items.size() - 1) { sb.append(delimiter); } } return sb.toString(); } private boolean isValid(String input) { return input != null && !input.equals(""); } public String hamcSha1(String input) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidKeyException, UnsupportedEncodingException { SecretKeySpec signingKey = new SecretKeySpec(this.sk.getBytes(DEFAULT_ENCODING), "HmacSHA1"); Mac mac = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA1"); mac.init(signingKey); return Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(mac.doFinal(input.getBytes(DEFAULT_ENCODING))); } private String stringToSign(String httpMethod, Map<String, String[]> headers, Map<String, String> queries, String bucketName, String objectName) throws Exception{ String contentMd5 = ""; String contentType = ""; String date = ""; TreeMap<String, String> canonicalizedHeaders = new TreeMap<String, String>(); String key; List<String> temp = new ArrayList<String>(); for(Map.Entry<String, String[]> entry : headers.entrySet()) { key = entry.getKey(); if(key == null || entry.getValue() == null || entry.getValue().length == 0) { continue; } key = key.trim().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH); if(key.equals("content-md5")) { contentMd5 = entry.getValue()[0]; continue; } if(key.equals("content-type")) { contentType = entry.getValue()[0]; continue; } if(key.equals("date")) { date = entry.getValue()[0]; continue; } if(key.startsWith(OBS_PREFIX)) { for(String value : entry.getValue()) { if(value != null) { temp.add(value.trim()); } } canonicalizedHeaders.put(key, this.join(temp, ",")); temp.clear(); } } if(canonicalizedHeaders.containsKey("x-obs-date")) { date = ""; } // handle method/content-md5/content-type/date StringBuilder stringToSign = new StringBuilder(); stringToSign.append(httpMethod).append(SIGN_SEP) .append(contentMd5).append(SIGN_SEP) .append(contentType).append(SIGN_SEP) .append(date).append(SIGN_SEP); // handle canonicalizedHeaders for(Map.Entry<String, String> entry : canonicalizedHeaders.entrySet()) { stringToSign.append(entry.getKey()).append(":").append(entry.getValue()).append(SIGN_SEP); } // handle CanonicalizedResource stringToSign.append("/"); if(this.isValid(bucketName)) { stringToSign.append(bucketName).append("/"); if(this.isValid(objectName)) { stringToSign.append(this.urlEncode(objectName)); } } TreeMap<String, String> canonicalizedResource = new TreeMap<String, String>(); for(Map.Entry<String, String> entry : queries.entrySet()) { key = entry.getKey(); if(key == null) { continue; } if(SUB_RESOURCES.contains(key)) { canonicalizedResource.put(key, entry.getValue()); } } if(canonicalizedResource.size() > 0) { stringToSign.append("?"); for(Map.Entry<String, String> entry : canonicalizedResource.entrySet()) { stringToSign.append(entry.getKey()); if(this.isValid(entry.getValue())) { stringToSign.append("=").append(entry.getValue()); } } } // System.out.println(String.format("StringToSign:%s%s", SIGN_SEP, stringToSign.toString())); return stringToSign.toString(); } public String headerSignature(String httpMethod, Map<String, String[]> headers, Map<String, String> queries, String bucketName, String objectName) throws Exception { //1. stringToSign String stringToSign = this.stringToSign(httpMethod, headers, queries, bucketName, objectName); //2. signature return String.format("OBS %s:%s", this.ak, this.hamcSha1(stringToSign)); } public String querySignature(String httpMethod, Map<String, String[]> headers, Map<String, String> queries, String bucketName, String objectName, long expires) throws Exception { if(headers.containsKey("x-obs-date")) { headers.put("x-obs-date", new String[] {String.valueOf(expires)}); }else { headers.put("date", new String[] {String.valueOf(expires)}); } //1. stringToSign String stringToSign = this.stringToSign(httpMethod, headers, queries, bucketName, objectName); //2. signature return this.urlEncode(this.hamcSha1(stringToSign)); } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { SignDemo demo = new SignDemo(); demo.ak = "<your-access-key-id>"; demo.sk = "<your-secret-key-id>"; String bucketName = "bucket-test"; String objectName = "hello.jpg"; Map<String, String[]> headers = new HashMap<String, String[]>(); headers.put("date", new String[] {"Sat, 12 Oct 2015 08:12:38 GMT"}); headers.put("x-obs-acl", new String[] {"private"}); Map<String, String> queries = new HashMap<String, String>(); queries.put("acl", null); System.out.println(demo.headerSignature("PUT", headers, queries, bucketName, objectName)); } } |
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import sys import os import hashlib import hmac import binascii from datetime import datetime IS_PYTHON2 = sys.version_info.major == 2 or sys.version < '3' """认证用的SecretAccessKeyID硬编码到代码中或者明文存储都有很大的安全风险,建议在配置文件或者环境变量中密文存放,使用时解密,确保安全;本示例以SecretAccessKeyID保存在环境变量中为例,运行本示例前请先在本地环境中设置环境变量SECRET_ACCESS_KEY_ID。""" yourSecretAccessKeyID = os.environ.get('SECRET_ACCESS_KEY_ID') httpMethod = "PUT" contentType = "application/xml" httpMethod = "PUT" contentType = "application/xml" # "date" is the time when the request was actually generated date = datetime.utcnow().strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT') canonicalizedHeaders = "x-obs-acl:private\n" CanonicalizedResource = "/newfilesystem2" canonical_string = httpMethod + "\n" + "\n" + contentType + "\n" + date + "\n" + canonicalizedHeaders + CanonicalizedResource if IS_PYTHON2: hashed = hmac.new(yourSecretAccessKeyID, canonical_string, hashlib.sha1) encode_canonical = binascii.b2a_base64(hashed.digest())[:-1] else: hashed = hmac.new(yourSecretAccessKeyID.encode('UTF-8'), canonical_string.encode('UTF-8'),hashlib.sha1) encode_canonical = binascii.b2a_base64(hashed.digest())[:-1].decode('UTF-8') print encode_canonical |
若调用SFS API报如下错误:
状态码:403 Forbidden
错误信息:The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method.