状态码 |
错误码 |
错误信息 |
描述 |
处理措施 |
400 |
CVR.0001 |
Format of the request body is error. |
消息体格式错误 |
请确认消息体格式是否为json格式 |
400 |
CVR.0002 |
The page limit is error. It can only be [1-1000]. |
limit格式错误,取值范围为[1-1000] |
请确认limit参数在1-1000范围内 |
400 |
CVR.0003 |
The page offset is error. It can only be [0-1000]. |
offset错误,取值范围为[0-1000] |
请确认offset参数在1-1000范围内 |
400 |
CVR.0004 |
Application name is error. It cannot be empty, and can only contain chinese and [a-zA-Z0-9._-]. |
应用名称格式错误,不能为空,且只允许输入中文,英文大小写,数字和._- |
请更换应用名称 |
400 |
CVR.0005 |
Device ID is error. It can only contain [a-zA-Z0-9_-]. |
设备ID格式错误,只允许输入大小写英文,数字和_- |
请更换设备ID |
400 |
CVR.0009 |
Project ID is error. It can only contain [a-f0-9-]. |
项目ID格式错误,只允许输入小写英文a-f,数字和- |
请确认传入的项目ID是否正确 |
400 |
CVR.0010 |
Application ID is error. It can only contain [a-f0-9-]. |
应用ID格式错误,只允许输入小写英文a-f,数字和- |
请确认传入的应用ID是否正确 |
400 |
CVR.0012 |
The resource id(cluster id, application id or server id) is not found. |
指定资源ID错误,未找到(集群ID,应用ID,云服务器ID) |
请确认传入的资源ID是否正确 |
400 |
CVR.0013 |
The application has no idle servers with plugins installed. |
指定应用下没有插件已安装完成的闲置云服务器 |
当前无可用云服务器,请稍后再试 |
400 |
CVR.0014 |
It reaches the connection limit of the master, please upgrade master type or try after a moment. |
当前集群连接数已到上限,请稍后再连或者升级集群规格 |
请稍后再试或者升级集群规格 |
400 |
CVR.0016 |
This device is forbidden in this application. |
指定应用的连接策略禁止您的设备连接 |
请修改应用的连接策略 |
400 |
CVR.0024 |
Task ID is error. It can only contain [a-f0-9-]. |
任务ID格式错误,只允许输入小写英文a-f,数字和- |
请确认传入的任务ID是否正确 |
400 |
CVR.0025 |
Task ID is error, specified task is not found. |
任务ID错误,未找到指定任务 |
请确认传入的任务ID是否正确 |
400 |
CVR.0030 |
Device brand is error. It can only contain [a-zA-Z0-9 _-]. |
设备品牌格式错误,只允许输入英文大小写,数字和空格_- |
请确认设备品牌是否正确 |
400 |
CVR.0034 |
Server ID is error. It can only contain [a-f0-9-]. |
云服务器ID格式错误,只允许输入小写英文a-f,数字和- |
请确认传入的云服务器ID是否正确 |
403 |
CVR.0036 |
Forbidden, project_id is error |
鉴权失败,项目ID错误 |
请确认传入的项目ID是否是API调用区域的 |
403 |
CVR.0037 |
Token is expired. |
Token过期 |
请重新获取Token |
403 |
CVR.0039 |
Token role is forbidden to perform this action. |
Token权限不足 |
请授予Tenant Administrator、Tenant Guest和IAM ReadOnlyAccess权限后再重新获取Token |
500 |
CVR.0041 |
Generate linked token failed |
连接Token生成失败 |
内部错误,请稍后重试或联系技术支持 |
400 |
CVR.0055 |
Policy is not formatted correctly. |
策略规则格式错误 |
请确认传入的policy参数是否正确 |
400 |
CVR.0056 |
The policy type of application is error. It can only be white_list or black_list. |
策略类型格式错误,只允许输入[white_list,black_list] |
请确认传入的policy type是否正确 |
400 |
CVR.0058 |
Only task status in ['initial', 'active', 'error'] can be stopped. |
只能停止[initial, active, error]状态的任务 |
请确认任务状态是否正确 |
500 |
CVR.0060 |
System error, please try again later or contact customer service. |
系统错误,请稍后重试或联系客服 |
请稍后重试或联系技术支持 |
400 |
CVR.0091 |
Application name already exists. |
应用名称已存在 |
请更换应用名称 |
400 |
CVR.0093 |
Server name is error. It can only contain chinese and [a-zA-Z0-9._-]. |
云服务器名称格式错误,只允许输入中文,英文大小写,数字和._- |
请确认传入的云服务器名称是否正确 |
400 |
CVR.0094 |
IP address is error. |
IP地址输入错误 |
请确认传入的IP地址是否是正确格式 |
400 |
CVR.0095 |
Server status must in ['ACTIVE', 'SHUTOFF', 'BUILD', 'ERROR']. |
云服务器状态必须是['ACTIVE', 'SHUTOFF', 'BUILD', 'ERROR']之一 |
请确认传入的云服务器状态是否正确 |
400 |
CVR.0100 |
The format of description is wrong. |
描述信息的格式有误 |
请确认传入的description参数是否正确 |
400 |
CVR.0102 |
The number of applications exceeds the limit. |
应用创建数量已超出上限 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
CVR.0107 |
Must select at least one installation package, the regions of packages must in the regions of current cluster, and packages must be formatted correctly. |
需至少选择一个安装包,安装包区域需为当前集群区域内,且安装包格式正确 |
请确认传入的应用安装包信息是否正确 |
400 |
CVR.0109 |
Must select at least one server. |
至少要选择一台云服务器 |
请确认传入参数中已有云服务器字段是否为空 |
400 |
CVR.0113 |
archive_data must in [true, false]. |
archive_data必须是[true, false]之一 |
请确认传入的archive_data参数是否正确 |
400 |
CVR.0117 |
link_status must in ['free', 'error', 'use', 'lost', 'init']. |
link_status必须是['free', 'error', 'use', 'lost', 'init']之一 |
请确认传入的link_status参数是否正确 |
400 |
CVR.0152 |
Cannot perform the action,the status of application is abnormal. |
应用状态异常,不能进行相关应用操作 |
当前应用处于修改中等中间状态或异常状态,请等待应用状态恢复正常后再进行相关操作或联系技术支持 |
400 |
CVR.0160 |
Application status is wrong,please use the right status to search your applications. |
应用状态参数错误,请使用正确的应用状态进行应用搜索 |
请确认传入的应用状态是否正确 |
400 |
CVR.0193 |
IES id is wrong. |
边缘小站ID参数错误 |
请确认传入的ID是否正确 |
400 |
CVR.0194 |
No idle servers exists under the specified application or the policy configuration of current device. |
当前设备的策略配置下或指定应用下无闲置云服务器 |
请待有闲置云服务器时再重新尝试 |
400 |
CVR.0195 |
Location is not formatted correctly. |
调度区域传参错误 |
请确认传入的调度区域是否正确 |
400 |
CVR.0196 |
No idle servers exists under regions or available zones of location. |
指定location中区域或边缘小站下无闲置云服务器 |
修改location中指定的区域或边缘小站,或购买新的云服务器 |
400 |
CVR.0207 |
Task status is error. It can only be [initial, active, clean, error, finish]. |
任务状态错误,只能是initial, active, clean, error, finish |
请确认传入的任务状态是否正确 |
400 |
CVR.0223 |
Servers cannot be configured in a region where the installation package is not selected. |
未选择安装包的区域不能配置云服务器 |
请确认云服务器所在区域已经选择安装包 |
400 |
CVR.0225 |
The current user has no cluster, or the cluster status is not running. |
当前用户下无集群,或集群状态不为运行中。 |
请确认当前用户已经创建集群,且集群处于运行中 |
400 |
CVR.0226 |
The content of existed_servers is not formatted correctly. |
使用已有云服务器信息格式错误 |
请确认云服务器信息是否json格式 |
400 |
CVE.0227 |
Cannot delete application, the application has uncompleted Yearly/Monthly order. |
该应用有未完成的包周期订单,暂不支持删除应用 |
若包周期订单待支付,请取消订单后再执行删除应用操作;若包周期订单处理中,请等待订单处理完成后,再执行删除应用操作 |
400 |
CVR.0228 |
The installation package does not exist. |
安装包不存在 |
请确认安装包参数是否为空 |
400 |
CVR.0229 |
Only one application can be installed on a VR server which has multiple sessions. |
多路VR应用服务器只允许安装一个VR应用 |
请选择单路会话的云服务器进行应用安装 |
400 |
CVR.0230 |
The server with type being switched or switched failed does not support the current operation. |
正在切换类型或切换类型失败的云服务器不支持当前操作 |
请等待类型切换结束,或者选择类型正常的云服务器进行相关操作 |
400 |
CVR.0233 |
The type of application is error. It can only be ['vr', '3d']. |
应用类型错误,必须是['vr', '3d']之一 |
请确认传入的应用类型是否正确 |
400 |
CVR.0234 |
Application launch path must be provided for 3D applications. |
3D应用必须提供应用启动路径 |
若需创建3D应用,请输入应用启动路径 |
400 |
CVR.0235 |
Application launch path is not formatted correctly. |
应用启动路径格式错误 |
请确认传入的应用启动路径格式是否正确 |
400 |
CVR.0236 |
Application launch path must be updated with value. |
修改应用启动路径,必须设置路径值(不能为空)。 |
请输入有效的应用启动路径 |
400 |
CVR.0258 |
Device type is error. It can only be [vr] for VR applications, [pc,mobile,ideahub] for 3D applications. |
设备类型错误,VR应用只允许输入[vr],3D应用只允许输入[pc,mobile,ideahub] |
请确认传入的设备类型是否正确 |
400 |
CVR.0259 |
Protocol type is error. It can only be [udp,webrtc,websocket]. |
协议类型错误,仅支持[udp,webrtc,websocket] |
请确认传入的协议类型是否正确 |
400 |
CVR.0260 |
Application user is error. It can only contain [a-zA-Z0-9_]. |
应用使用用户格式错误,只允许输入英文大小写,数字和._- |
请确认传入的应用使用用户格式是否正确 |
400 |
CVR.0261 |
The current user or the current device has a render task running under the specified application, and the connected server does not have a public IP. Please stop the task and then reconnect. Task id is %(task_id)s. |
当前用户或当前设备在指定应用下存在一个渲染任务,请先停止这个任务后重新连接,任务ID为(task_id) |
请调用停止渲染任务API停止原有的渲染任务 |
400 |
CVR.0262 |
The current user or the current device has a render task being dumped under the specified application. Please reconnect after the dump is complete. |
当前用户或当前设备在指定应用下存在一个转储中的渲染任务,请等待转储完成后重新连接 |
请等待转储完成后重新连接 |
400 |
CVR.0263 |
The current user or the current device has a render task running under the specified application. Please stop the task and then reconnect. Task id is %s. |
当前用户或当前设备在指定应用下存在一个渲染任务,请先停止这个任务后重新连接,任务ID为(task_id) |
请停止渲染任务后重新连接 |
400 |
CVR.0264 |
Start application failed. Please reconnect. |
启动应用失败,请重新连接 |
请根据失败原因查看解决方案,解决问题后重新连接 |
400 |
CVR.0266 |
The current user or the current device has a render task running under the specified application in region %s. Task id is %s. |
当前用户或当前设备在指定应用下存在一个其它区域的渲染任务,区域为(region),任务ID为(task_id)。 |
请停止其它区域的渲染任务后重新连接 |
400 |
CVR.0282 |
Application launch args is not formatted correctly. |
应用启动参数格式错误 |
请确认传入的应用启动参数格式是否正确 |
400 |
CVR.0284 |
Session hold time is not formatted correctly.It can only be an integer in the range of [-1, 1-30]. |
会话保持时间格式错误,只允许输入整数,取值范围为[-1,1-30] |
请确认传入的会话保持时间格式是否正确 |
400 |
CVR.0291 |
The number of sessions can be changed only when the link status of server is free. |
只有连接状态为闲置的云服务器才允许变更会话路数 |
请确认云服务器的连接状态是否为闲置。 |
400 |
CVR.0296 |
Cannot update the packages of 3D applications which have be preinstalled in the image. |
原镜像预装的3d应用暂不支持修改安装包 |
若需使用非预装的应用,请重新创建应用选择安装包进行安装 |
400 |
CVR.0387 |
Resolution is error. It can only be [480p, 540p, 720p, 1080p, 2k, 4k]. |
分辨率错误,取值只能是[480p, 540p, 720p, 1080p, 2k, 4k]。 |
请确认传入的分辨率参数是否正确 |
400 |
CVR.0388 |
GPU IP type is error. It can only be [public, private]. |
云服务器IP类型错误,取值只能是[public, private] |
请确认传入的云服务器IP类型参数是否正确 |
400 |
CVR.0392 |
Cannot perform the action, the current server is creating images. |
当前云服务器正在创建镜像,不能进行相关操作 |
请等待镜像创建完成后重试 |
400 |
CVR.0408 |
The number of sessions can be changed only for VR servers with [2,4,8] sessions. |
只有会话路数为[2,4,8]的VR应用云服务器,才能修改会话路数 |
请确认VR应用云服务器当前的会话路数是否为[2,4,8] |
400 |
CVR.0409 |
The number of sessions can only be [2,4,8] for VR servers. |
VR应用云服务器的会话路数只允许为[2,4,8] |
请确认VR应用云服务器设置的会话路数是否为[2,4,8] |
400 |
CVR.0410 |
The number of sessions is error. |
3D应用云服务器的会话路数错误 |
请确认3D应用云服务器设置的会话路数是否为[1,2] |