更新时间:2024-10-16 GMT+08:00

qt enclave子命令介绍


[root@localhost ~]# qt 
  ____  _          _______ _ 
 / __ \(_)        |__   __(_) 
| |  | |_ _ __   __ _| |   _  __ _ _ __ 
| |  | | | '_ \ / _` | |  | |/ _` | '_ \ 
| |__| | | | | | (_| | |  | | (_| | | | | 
 \___\_\_|_| |_|\__, |_|  |_|\__,_|_| |_| 
                 __/ | 
Welcome to the cool QingTian new CLI! 
    enclave : Enclave life-circle management.

qt enclave中提供enclave相关的镜像制作,拉起、销毁、查询QingTian Enclave等子命令:

[root@localhost ~]# qt enclave
usage: qt enclave [-h] {make-img,start,stop,query,console} ...
qt enclave: error: the following arguments are required: _subcommand
enclave command line interface
[root@localhost ~]# qt enclave -h

  qt enclave : Enclave life-circle management.

  console  : Console an enclave via the enclave-id while debugging.
  make-img : Make an eif image from a docker image.
  query   : Query an enclave via the enclave-id or query all enclaves.
  start   : Start an enclave via an eif image.
  stop   : Stop an enclave via the enclave-id.

qt enclave make-img

该命令用于将用户制作好的docker镜像转换为QingTian Enclave虚拟机可用的镜像,命令格式如下:

[root@localhost ~]# qt enclave make-img -h

    qt enclave make-img : Make an eif image from a docker image.

    --docker-uri [Required]
    --eif        [Required]

Global Arguments
    --debug                 : Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.
    --help -h               : Show this help message and exit.
    --only-show-errors      : Only show errors, suppressing warnings.
    --output -o             : Output format.  Allowed values: json, jsonc, none, table, tsv, yaml,
                              yamlc.  Default: json.
    --query                 : JMESPath query string. See http://jmespath.org/ for more information
                              and examples.
    --verbose               : Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.

    Given docker-uri and eif to make an eif image
        qt enclave make-img --docker-uri [DOCKER-URI] --eif [EIF]

    Make an eif image with private-key and signing-certificate
        qt enclave make-img --docker-uri [DOCKER-URI] --eif [EIF] --private-key [PRIVATE-KEY]
        --signing-certificate [SIGNING-CERTIFICATE]

必选项:--docker-uri,指定Docker存储库中Docker映像的统一资源标识符(URI)。可以通过docker image ls命令查询当前本地镜像uri。


可选项:--private-key,提供对QingTian Enclave镜像进行签名的私钥绝对路径,如果指定了PRIVATE-KEY, 要求必须同时指定签名密钥SIGNING-CERTIFICATE;

可选项:--signing-certificate,提供对QingTian Enclave镜像进行签名的证书绝对路径,如果指定了SIGNING-CERTIFICATE, 如要同时指定签名密钥PRIVATE-KEY;



[root@localhost docker]# qt enclave make-img --docker-uri ubuntu --eif /home/docker/ubuntu.eif --private-key  /home/docker/private-key.pem --signing-certificate /home/docker/server.pem
    "digest":       "SHA384",
    "PCR0": "b8c59692da8a5bcb739a83d15a0ceca670bd78da06cb2250ec70548f72254e674419e9888db9c0364a9b88dd58017a62"  
    "PCR8": "dbf4a7f9fab7f18619b5899c407081981ad6762fb9a809da78548821b5021965423181584acd7b201703376f1133a546"

qt enclave start

该命令用于创建QingTian Enclave虚拟机,命令格式如下:

[root@localhost ~]# qt enclave start -h

  qt enclave start : Start an enclave via an eif image.

  --cid        : Default: 4.
  --eif        [Required] 
  --cpus       : Default: 2. 
  --mem        : Default: 1024. 

Global Arguments
  --debug       : Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.
  --help -h      : Show this help message and exit.
  --only-show-errors : Only show errors, suppressing warnings.
  --output -o     : Output format.  Allowed values: json, jsonc, none, table, tsv, yaml, yamlc.
             Default: json.
  --query       : JMESPath query string. See http://jmespath.org/ for more information and
  --verbose      : Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.

  Given an eif image, an unused cid, the number of cpus and memory needed
    qt enclave start  [--cpus CPUS] [--mem MEM] --eif EIF [--cid CID]

可选项:--cpus,指定要分配给enclave虚拟机的vCPU数量,不能大于隔离的cpu数目, 未配置使用默认值2;

可选项:--mem,指定分配给QingTian Enclave虚拟机的内存大小(MB),不能大于隔离内存大小,需大于QingTian Enclave镜像大小,未配置使用默认值1024MB;


可选项:--cid,设置QingTian Enclave虚拟机cid,用于指定父虚拟机与QingTian Enclave虚拟机间vsock通信的socket IP。可用的cid范围为:4-4294967294,未配置使用默认值4;

可选项:--debug-mode,指定是否在调试模式下启动QingTian Enclave实例,该模式下使用全部为0的PCR散列值,可以收集打印QingTian Enclave虚拟机内部日志;

命令行返回值:创建成功后输出创建的QingTian Enclave虚拟机详细信息。


qt enclave start --cpus 2 --mem 1024 --eif /home/docker/ubuntu.eif --cid 4

qt enclave query

该命令用于在父虚拟机内查询当前已创建的QingTian Enclave虚拟机信息,命令格式如下:

[root@localhost ~]# qt enclave query -h

  qt enclave query : Query an enclave via the enclave-id or query all enclaves.


Global Arguments
  --debug       : Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.
  --help -h      : Show this help message and exit.
  --only-show-errors : Only show errors, suppressing warnings.
  --output -o     : Output format.  Allowed values: json, jsonc, none, table, tsv, yaml, yamlc.
             Default: json.
  --query       : JMESPath query string. See http://jmespath.org/ for more information and
  --verbose      : Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.

  Given an enclave-id to query an enclave
      qt enclave query --enclave-id [ENCLAVE-ID]

  Query all enclaves without enclave-id
    qt enclave query

可选项:--enclave-id,query时带此参数则查询指定QingTian Enclave虚拟机信息,否则查询全部当前已存在QingTian Enclave虚拟机信息;

命令行返回值,查询到的QingTian Enclave虚拟机信息:

  • EnclaveID:QingTian Enclave虚拟机的id号;
  • ProcessID:父虚拟机中持有QingTian Enclave资源的进程号PID;
  • EnclaveCID:QingTian Enclave虚拟机与父虚拟机通信使用的vsock socket id;
  • NumberOfCPUs:从父虚拟机分配给QingTian Enclave虚拟机的vCPU个数;
  • MemoryMiB:从父虚拟机分配给QingTian Enclave虚拟机的内存大小(MB);

QingTian Enclave虚拟机查询命令示例:

[root@localhost ~]#qt enclave query
        "EnclaveID":    0,
        "ProcessID":    29990,
        "EnclaveCID":   4,
        "NumberOfCPUs": 2,
        "MemoryMiB":    1024,
        "LaunchMode":   "debug"

若当前无QingTian Enclave虚拟机存在,则该命令查询返回空;

带--enclave-id参数查询场景,若指定enclave-id的QingTian Enclave虚拟机不存在, 查询命令返回空。

qt enclave stop

该命令用于在父虚拟机内销毁已创建的QingTian Enclave虚拟机,命令格式如下:

[root@localhost ~]# qt enclave stop -h

  qt enclave stop : Stop an enclave via the enclave-id.

  --enclave-id [Required]

Global Arguments
  --debug         : Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.
  --help -h        : Show this help message and exit.
  --only-show-errors    : Only show errors, suppressing warnings.
  --output -o       : Output format.  Allowed values: json, jsonc, none, table, tsv, yaml,
               yamlc.  Default: json.
  --query         : JMESPath query string. See http://jmespath.org/ for more information
               and examples.
  --verbose        : Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.

  Given an enclave-id to stop an enclave
   qt enclave stop --enclave-id [ENCLAVE-ID]

必选项:--enclave-id,指定需要销毁的QingTian Enclave虚拟机的enclave-id


QingTian Enclave虚拟机销毁命令示例:

[root@localhost ~]# qt enclave stop --enclave-id 1
stop 1 success

qt enclave console

在启动QingTian Enclave时,指定为debug-mode时,用于在父虚拟机中查看QingTian Enclave中的只读控制台输出,命令格式如下:

[root@localhost ~]# qt enclave console -h

    qt enclave console : Console an enclave via the enclave-id while debugging.

    --enclave-id [Required]

Global Arguments
    --debug                 : Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.
    --help -h               : Show this help message and exit.
    --only-show-errors      : Only show errors, suppressing warnings.
    --output -o             : Output format.  Allowed values: json, jsonc, none, table, tsv, yaml,
                              yamlc.  Default: json.
    --query                 : JMESPath query string. See http://jmespath.org/ for more information
                              and examples.
    --verbose               : Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.

    Given an enclave-id to console an enclave
        qt enclave console --enclave-id [ENCLAVE-ID]

必选项:--enclave-id,指定需要获取只读控制台输出的QingTian Enclave虚拟机的enclave-id。

命令行执行成功后,会打印QingTian Enclave虚拟机的只读控制台输出,如下所示:

hello enclave! 
hello enclave! 
hello enclave! 
hello enclave!

您可以使用ctrl+c的方式退出该命令。需要注意的是,在同一时间我们只允许一个qt enclave console命令作用于一个指定的QingTian Enclave实例。