GET /v1.1/{project_id}/metadata/versions/{version_name}
参数 |
是否必选 |
参数类型 |
描述 |
project_id |
是 |
String |
参数解释: 项目编号。获取方法,请参见获取项目ID。 约束限制: 不涉及 取值范围: 只能由英文字母和数字组成,且长度为[1-64]个字符。 默认取值: 不涉及 |
version_name |
是 |
String |
参数解释: 集群版本。例如“MRS 3.3.1-LTS”。如果请求客户端不支持自动转义,则需要将空格转义为%20,例如“MRS%203.3.1-LTS”。 约束限制: 不涉及 取值范围: 长度为[1-64]个字符。 默认取值: 不涉及 |
参数 |
是否必选 |
参数类型 |
描述 |
cluster_id |
否 |
String |
参数解释: 集群ID。如果指定集群ID,则获取该集群做过补丁更新的最新版本元数据。获取方法,请参见获取集群ID。 约束限制: 不涉及 取值范围: 只能由英文字母、数字以及“_”和“-”组成,且长度为[1-64]个字符。 默认取值: 不涉及 |
状态码: 200
参数 |
参数类型 |
描述 |
other |
Map<String,Object> |
参数解释: 其他。 |
name |
String |
参数解释: 镜像版本名称。 取值范围: 不涉及 |
template_type |
String |
参数解释: 模板类型。 取值范围: 不涉及 |
image_id |
String |
参数解释: 镜像ID。 取值范围: 不涉及 |
status |
String |
参数解释: 版本状态。 取值范围: 不涉及 |
features |
Array of strings |
参数解释: 特性列表。 |
cluster_types |
Array of strings |
参数解释: 集群类型列表。 |
version_type |
String |
参数解释: 版本类型。 取值范围: 不涉及 |
components |
Array of VersionComponent objects |
参数解释: 组件列表,参数详情参见表4。 |
resource_requirement |
Array of strings |
参数解释: 版本所需的IP等资源说明 |
constraints |
VersionConstraint object |
参数解释: 版本限制说明,参数详情参见表6。 |
flavors |
FlavorLists object |
参数解释: 规格列表,参数详情参见表9。 |
role_deploy_meta |
Array of RoleDeployMeta objects |
参数解释: 版本组件实例角色部署策略,参数详情参见表10。 |
参数 |
参数类型 |
描述 |
other |
Map<String,Object> |
参数解释: 其他。 |
name |
String |
参数解释: 组件名称。 取值范围: 不涉及 |
version |
String |
参数解释: 支持版本。 取值范围: 不涉及 |
depend_on |
Array of strings |
参数解释: 组件依赖项。 |
description |
String |
参数解释: 组件描述。 取值范围: 不涉及 |
available_cluster_types |
Array of strings |
参数解释: 支持该组件的集群类型。 |
external_datasources |
Array of ComponentExternalDatasource objects |
参数解释: 外部数据源,参数详情参见表5。 |
resource_requirement |
Array of strings |
参数解释: 所需的IP等资源说明。 |
valid_roles |
Array of strings |
参数解释: 有效角色。 |
visible |
Boolean |
参数解释: 是否可见。 取值范围:
children_components |
Array of strings |
参数解释: 子组件。 |
multi_az_support_status |
String |
参数解释: 多AZ支持状态。 取值范围: 不涉及 |
参数 |
参数类型 |
描述 |
name |
String |
参数解释: 外部数据源名称。 取值范围: 不涉及 |
types |
Array of strings |
参数解释: 外部数据源类型。 |
参数 |
参数类型 |
描述 |
other |
Map<String,Object> |
参数解释: 其他限制 |
node_constraint |
NodeConstraints object |
参数解释: 节点限制,参数详情参见表7。 |
safe_mode_kerberos_exclude_components |
Array of strings |
参数解释: 安全模式Kerberos排除组件列表。 |
参数 |
参数类型 |
描述 |
other |
Map<String,Object> |
参数解释: 其他节点限制 |
master |
NodeConstraint object |
参数解释: Master节点限制,包括节点数,磁盘等限制,参数详情参见表8。 |
core |
NodeConstraint object |
参数解释: Core节点限制,包括节点数,磁盘等限制,参数详情参见表8。 |
task |
NodeConstraint object |
参数解释: Task节点限制,包括节点数,磁盘等限制,参数详情参见表8。 |
core_separate |
NodeConstraint object |
参数解释: Core节点管控分离限制,管控分离模板下Core节点的限制,包括节点数,磁盘等限制,参数详情参见表8。 |
core_combine |
NodeConstraint object |
参数解释: Core节点管控合设限制,管控合设模板下Core节点的限制,包括节点数,磁盘等限制,参数详情参见表8。 |
task_separate |
NodeConstraint object |
参数解释: Task节点管控分离限制,管控分离模板Task节点的限制,包括节点数,磁盘等限制,参数详情参见表8。 |
task_combine |
NodeConstraint object |
参数解释: Task节点管控合设限制,管控合设模板下Task节点的限制,包括节点数,磁盘等限制,参数详情参见表8。 |
node_group_task |
NodeConstraint object |
参数解释: Task节点组限制,包括节点数,磁盘等限制,参数详情参见表8。 |
参数 |
参数类型 |
描述 |
other |
Map<String,Object> |
参数解释: 其他限制。 |
min_node_num |
Integer |
参数解释: 最少节点数。 取值范围: 不涉及 |
max_node_num |
Integer |
参数解释: 最多节点数。 取值范围: 不涉及 |
min_core_num |
Map<String,Integer> |
参数解释: 最少核心数。 |
min_mem_size |
Map<String,Integer> |
参数解释: 最小内存容量。 |
min_disk_size |
Integer |
参数解释: 最小磁盘容量。 取值范围: 不涉及 |
max_node_group_num |
Integer |
参数解释: 最大节点组数。 取值范围: 不涉及 |
min_data_volume_total_size |
Map<String,Integer> |
参数解释: 最小数据卷容量。 |
disk_type_constraint |
Map<String,String> |
参数解释: 磁盘类型限制,包含当前节点组所支持的磁盘类型。 |
min_root_disk_size |
Integer |
参数解释: 最小系统磁盘大小。 取值范围: 不涉及 |
参数 |
参数类型 |
描述 |
master |
Array of strings |
参数解释: Master节点支持的规格列表。 |
core |
Array of strings |
参数解释: Core节点支持的规格列表。 |
task |
Array of strings |
参数解释: Task节点支持的规格列表。 |
参数 |
参数类型 |
描述 |
other |
Map<String,Object> |
参数解释: 其他扩展属性。 |
name |
String |
参数解释: 角色名称。 取值范围: 不涉及 |
code_name |
String |
参数解释: 角色简称。 取值范围: 不涉及 |
component |
String |
参数解释: 角色所属组件。 取值范围: 不涉及 |
node_preference |
String |
参数解释: 部署倾向。 取值范围: 不涉及 |
count |
String |
参数解释: 角色数量限制。 取值范围: 不涉及 |
affinity |
String |
参数解释: 亲和。 取值范围: 不涉及 |
affinity_target |
String |
参数解释: 亲和目标。 取值范围: 不涉及 |
multi_instance |
Integer |
参数解释: 多实例。 取值范围: 不涉及 |
role_kind |
String |
参数解释: 角色类型。 取值范围: 不涉及 |
constraints |
Array of strings |
参数解释: 角色限制,包含当前组件角色的一些功能限制,例如:"no_scale_in"。 |
multi_az_placement |
String |
参数解释: 多AZ部署。 取值范围: 不涉及 |
arbitration_deployment |
Boolean |
参数解释: 仲裁部署。 取值范围:
support_elb |
Boolean |
参数解释: 支持ELB。 取值范围:
multi_affinity_group_enable |
Boolean |
参数解释: 启用多亲和组。 取值范围:
local_disks_anti_affinity |
Boolean |
参数解释: 本地盘反亲和。 取值范围:
multi_instance_name_pattern |
String |
参数解释: 多实例名称模式。 取值范围: 不涉及 |
private_ip |
String |
参数解释: 私有IP。 取值范围: 不涉及 |
weight |
String |
参数解释: 权重。 取值范围: 不涉及 |
获取MRS 3.3.1-LTS的版本元数据
GET /v1.1/{project_id}/metadata/versions/MRS%203.3.1-LTS
状态码: 200
{ "other" : { }, "name" : "MRS 3.3.1-LTS", "template_type" : "clusterFusion", "image_id" : "ECS:X86:deda7c89-6069-46d3-af7c-4afc31eec0d9,ECS:ARM:d5f0087b-9fd7-4977-b9c8-d07262f452d6,BMS:ks1ne:bf071a00-d1d6-472f-943b-22f733248f36,BMS:d2:a9a1a279-85c9-4c05-bd0a-4cb786937a09", "status" : "GA", "features" : [ "anti_affinity", "auto_scaling", "bootstrap_scripts", "bootstrap_support_obs", "custom_config", "custom_topology", "datasource_manager", "decouple_install", "elastic_ip", "fi_cluster", "fi_cluster_v2", "iam_user_sync", "log_collect", "log_collect_v2", "master_scale_up", "mrs_ecs_agency", "multi_disks", "multi_login_mode", "obs_integration", "obs_user_policy", "opensource_port_matrix", "ops_channel", "password_policy_v2", "random_passwd_for_install", "register_dns_server", "resize", "resources_plans", "safe_mode", "scale_scripts", "security_job_submit", "smn_alarm", "spark_sql_validation_in_executor", "support_obs_protocol", "task_node", "unified_management_ui", "sql_execution", "multi_az", "weak_multi_az_deployment_constraint", "multi_master_scale_up", "omm_random_pwd", "metric_monitor", "auth_manager", "cluster_patch", "hw_domain_name", "fi_custom_config", "force_scale_up", "skip_fi_evs_expand", "detach_node" ], "cluster_types" : [ "analysis", "streaming", "mixed", "custom" ], "version_type" : "basic", "components" : [ { "other" : { }, "name" : "Hadoop", "version" : "3.1.1", "depend_on" : [ "ZooKeeper", "Ranger" ], "description" : "A framework that allows for the distributed processing of large data sets across clusters.", "available_cluster_types" : [ "analysis", "mixed", "custom" ], "external_datasources" : null, "resource_requirement" : [ "privateIp:1" ], "valid_roles" : [ "NameNode", "Zkfc", "JournalNode", "DataNode", "ResourceManager", "NodeManager", "JobHistoryServer", "TimelineServer", "HttpFS" ], "visible" : true, "children_components" : [ "HDFS", "Mapreduce", "Yarn" ], "multi_az_support_status" : "multi_az_ha" }, { "other" : { }, "name" : "Spark2x", "version" : "2.4.5", "depend_on" : [ "HDFS", "Yarn", "Hive", "KrbClient", "KrbServer", "ZooKeeper" ], "description" : "Apache Spark2x is a fast and general engine based on open source Spark2.x for large-scale data processing.", "available_cluster_types" : [ "analysis", "mixed", "custom" ], "external_datasources" : null, "resource_requirement" : null, "valid_roles" : [ "JobHistory2x", "JDBCServer2x", "SparkResource2x", "IndexServer2x" ], "visible" : true, "children_components" : [ "Spark2x" ], "multi_az_support_status" : "multi_az_ha" }, { "other" : { }, "name" : "HBase", "version" : "2.2.3", "depend_on" : [ "HDFS", "Yarn", "KrbServer", "ZooKeeper" ], "description" : "A scalable, distributed database that supports structured data storage for large tables.", "available_cluster_types" : [ "analysis", "mixed", "custom" ], "external_datasources" : null, "resource_requirement" : null, "valid_roles" : [ "HMaster", "RegionServer", "ThriftServer", "Thrift1Server", "RESTServer", "RegionServer_1" ], "visible" : true, "children_components" : [ "HBase" ], "multi_az_support_status" : "multi_az_ha" }, { "other" : { }, "name" : "Hive", "version" : "3.1.0", "depend_on" : [ "HDFS", "Mapreduce", "Yarn", "DBService", "ZooKeeper" ], "description" : "A data warehouse infrastructure that provides data summarization and ad hoc querying.", "available_cluster_types" : [ "analysis", "mixed", "custom" ], "external_datasources" : [ { "name" : "hive_metastore", "types" : [ "RDS_MYSQL", "DLCATALOG" ] } ], "resource_requirement" : null, "valid_roles" : [ "MetaStore", "WebHCat", "HiveServer" ], "visible" : true, "children_components" : [ "Hive" ], "multi_az_support_status" : "multi_az_ha" }, { "other" : { }, "name" : "ZooKeeper", "version" : null, "depend_on" : [ "KrbClient", "KrbServer" ], "description" : null, "available_cluster_types" : [ "analysis", "streaming", "mixed", "custom" ], "external_datasources" : null, "resource_requirement" : null, "valid_roles" : [ "quorumpeer" ], "visible" : true, "children_components" : [ "ZooKeeper" ], "multi_az_support_status" : "multi_az_ha" } ], "resource_requirement" : [ "privateIp:2" ], "constraints" : { "other" : { }, "node_constraint" : { "other" : { }, "master" : { "other" : { }, "min_node_num" : 2, "max_node_num" : 9, "min_core_num" : null, "min_mem_size" : null, "min_disk_size" : 600, "max_node_group_num" : 1, "min_data_volume_total_size" : null, "disk_type_constraint" : null, "min_root_disk_size" : 480 }, "core" : { "other" : { }, "min_node_num" : 3, "max_node_num" : 500, "min_core_num" : null, "min_mem_size" : null, "min_disk_size" : 600, "max_node_group_num" : null, "min_data_volume_total_size" : null, "disk_type_constraint" : null, "min_root_disk_size" : 480 }, "task" : null, "core_separate" : null, "core_combine" : null, "task_separate" : null, "task_combine" : null, "node_group_task" : { "other" : { }, "min_node_num" : 2, "max_node_num" : 10000, "min_core_num" : null, "min_mem_size" : null, "min_disk_size" : 600, "max_node_group_num" : 9, "min_data_volume_total_size" : null, "disk_type_constraint" : null, "min_root_disk_size" : 480 } }, "safe_mode_kerberos_exclude_components" : [ "Presto", "Pulsar" ] }, "flavors" : { "master" : [ "ac7.4xlarge.4", "ac7.8xlarge.4", "ac7.16xlarge.4", "ac7.32xlarge.4", "ac7.8xlarge.2", "ac7.16xlarge.2", "ac7.32xlarge.2", "am7.2xlarge.8", "am7.4xlarge.8", "am7.8xlarge.8", "c3ne.4xlarge.4", "c3ne.8xlarge.4", "c3ne.15xlarge.4" ], "core" : [ "ac7.4xlarge.4", "ac7.8xlarge.4", "ac7.16xlarge.4", "ac7.32xlarge.4", "ac7.8xlarge.2", "ac7.16xlarge.2", "ac7.32xlarge.2", "am7.2xlarge.8", "am7.4xlarge.8", "am7.8xlarge.8", "c3ne.4xlarge.4", "c3ne.8xlarge.4", "c3ne.15xlarge.4", "c6.4xlarge.4", "c6.8xlarge.2", "c6.8xlarge.4", "c6.16xlarge.2" ], "task" : [ "ac7.4xlarge.4", "ac7.8xlarge.4", "ac7.16xlarge.4", "ac7.32xlarge.4", "ac7.8xlarge.2", "ac7.16xlarge.2", "ac7.32xlarge.2", "am7.2xlarge.8", "am7.4xlarge.8", "am7.8xlarge.8", "c3ne.4xlarge.4", "c3ne.8xlarge.4", "c3ne.15xlarge.4" ] }, "role_deploy_meta" : [ { "other" : { }, "name" : "OMSServer", "code_name" : "OMS", "component" : "OMSServer", "node_preference" : "MASTER", "count" : "2", "affinity" : null, "affinity_target" : null, "multi_instance" : null, "role_kind" : null, "constraints" : null, "multi_az_placement" : "AT_LEAST_2", "arbitration_deployment" : false, "support_elb" : false, "multi_affinity_group_enable" : false, "local_disks_anti_affinity" : false, "multi_instance_name_pattern" : null, "private_ip" : null, "weight" : null }, { "other" : { }, "name" : "NameNode", "code_name" : "NN", "component" : "HDFS", "node_preference" : "MASTER", "count" : "2", "affinity" : null, "affinity_target" : null, "multi_instance" : null, "role_kind" : null, "constraints" : null, "multi_az_placement" : "AT_LEAST_2", "arbitration_deployment" : false, "support_elb" : false, "multi_affinity_group_enable" : false, "local_disks_anti_affinity" : false, "multi_instance_name_pattern" : null, "private_ip" : null, "weight" : null }, { "other" : { }, "name" : "Zkfc", "code_name" : "ZKFC", "component" : "HDFS", "node_preference" : null, "count" : null, "affinity" : "JUST_COLOCATE", "affinity_target" : "NameNode", "multi_instance" : null, "role_kind" : null, "constraints" : null, "multi_az_placement" : "AT_LEAST_2", "arbitration_deployment" : false, "support_elb" : false, "multi_affinity_group_enable" : false, "local_disks_anti_affinity" : false, "multi_instance_name_pattern" : null, "private_ip" : null, "weight" : null }, { "other" : { }, "name" : "HttpFS", "code_name" : "HFS", "component" : "HDFS", "node_preference" : "MASTER", "count" : "[0-10]", "affinity" : null, "affinity_target" : null, "multi_instance" : null, "role_kind" : null, "constraints" : null, "multi_az_placement" : "AT_LEAST_2", "arbitration_deployment" : false, "support_elb" : false, "multi_affinity_group_enable" : false, "local_disks_anti_affinity" : false, "multi_instance_name_pattern" : null, "private_ip" : null, "weight" : null }, { "other" : { }, "name" : "JournalNode", "code_name" : "JN", "component" : "HDFS", "node_preference" : "MASTER", "count" : "[3-60],step=2", "affinity" : null, "affinity_target" : null, "multi_instance" : null, "role_kind" : null, "constraints" : null, "multi_az_placement" : "QUORUM_LIKE", "arbitration_deployment" : true, "support_elb" : false, "multi_affinity_group_enable" : false, "local_disks_anti_affinity" : false, "multi_instance_name_pattern" : null, "private_ip" : null, "weight" : null }, { "other" : { }, "name" : "DataNode", "code_name" : "DN", "component" : "HDFS", "node_preference" : "NO_LIMIT", "count" : "[3-10000]", "affinity" : null, "affinity_target" : null, "multi_instance" : null, "role_kind" : "stateful", "constraints" : null, "multi_az_placement" : "AT_LEAST_2", "arbitration_deployment" : false, "support_elb" : false, "multi_affinity_group_enable" : false, "local_disks_anti_affinity" : false, "multi_instance_name_pattern" : null, "private_ip" : null, "weight" : null }, { "other" : { }, "name" : "ResourceManager", "code_name" : "RM", "component" : "Yarn", "node_preference" : "MASTER", "count" : "2", "affinity" : null, "affinity_target" : null, "multi_instance" : null, "role_kind" : null, "constraints" : null, "multi_az_placement" : "AT_LEAST_2", "arbitration_deployment" : false, "support_elb" : false, "multi_affinity_group_enable" : false, "local_disks_anti_affinity" : false, "multi_instance_name_pattern" : null, "private_ip" : null, "weight" : null }, { "other" : { }, "name" : "NodeManager", "code_name" : "NM", "component" : "Yarn", "node_preference" : "NO_LIMIT", "count" : "[3-10000]", "affinity" : null, "affinity_target" : null, "multi_instance" : null, "role_kind" : "stateless", "constraints" : null, "multi_az_placement" : "AT_LEAST_2", "arbitration_deployment" : false, "support_elb" : false, "multi_affinity_group_enable" : false, "local_disks_anti_affinity" : false, "multi_instance_name_pattern" : null, "private_ip" : null, "weight" : null } ] }