属性 |
是否必选 |
描述 |
name |
是 |
TIMER触发器的名称 参数类型:string 取值说明:用户自定义 取值约束:支持英文,数字,下划线,且只能以英文字母开头,长度不能超过64个字符 使用建议:将该字段通过get_input函数传入,在AOS界面创建堆栈填写输入参数时可自动获取 |
schedule |
是 |
触发器触发规则 参数类型:string 取值说明:该字段必选。当触发规则类型为Rate时,可设置单位为分钟(m)、小时(h)以及天(d)三种触发规则,每种类型仅支持整数配置,其中分钟支持范围(0,60],小时支持范围(0,24],天支持范围(0,30]。当触发规则类型为Cron时,可设置Cron表达式触发规则。 触发规则举例:Rate触发规则:"3m"、"1h"、"1d",Cron触发规则:"0 0/30 * * * ?"、"@every 30m"。触发规则详情请参考:https://support.huaweicloud.com/intl/zh-cn/usermanual-functiongraph/functiongraph_01_0207.html 使用建议:将该字段通过get_input函数传入,在AOS界面创建堆栈填写输入参数时可自动获取 |
trigger_status |
否 |
触发器状态 参数类型:string 取值说明:该字段为可选字段, 当未配置该字段时,采用默认触发器状态ACTIVE。支持DISABLED,ACTIVE。DISABLED表示关闭触发器,ACTIVE表示开启触发器 默认值:ACTIVE 取值约束:有效值为DISABLED,ACTIVE 使用建议:将该字段通过get_input函数传入,在AOS界面创建堆栈填写输入参数时可自动获取 |
schedule_type |
是 |
触发器触发规则的类型 参数类型:string 取值说明:支持Rate,Cron。定时触发规则详情请参考:https://support.huaweicloud.com/intl/zh-cn/usermanual-functiongraph/functiongraph_01_0207.html 默认值:Rate 取值约束:有效值为Rate,Cron 使用建议:将该字段通过get_input函数传入,在AOS界面创建堆栈填写输入参数时可自动获取 |
user_event |
否 |
附件信息 参数类型:string 取值说明:该字段为可选字段,当输入附件信息时,Timer触发器触发函数执行时,执行事件中将包含附件的信息, 附件信息小于2KB 默认值:"" 使用建议:将该字段通过get_input函数传入,在AOS界面创建堆栈填写输入参数时可获取 |
funcId |
是 |
函数urn 参数类型:string 使用建议:采用默认配置 |
关系说明 |
关联节点 |
被包含关系 |
tosca_definitions_version: huaweicloud_tosca_version_1_0 inputs: codeUrl: description: >- The address of the function code package on OBS. You need to upload the function code to OBS barrel in advance. label: Function type: string handler: default: index.handler description: >- The Execution Entry of the function. Default value is index. handler. It can be configured independently by code file name and entry function name. label: Function type: string memorySize: constraints: valid_values: - 128 - 256 - 512 - 768 - 1024 - 1280 - 1536 default: 128 description: The memory size of the function. label: Function type: integer name: constraints: regex: '^[a-zA-Z]([a-zA-Z0-9_-]*[a-zA-Z0-9])?$' default: image_watermark description: The name of the function. label: Function type: string runtime: constraints: valid_values: - Node.js6.10 - Python2.7 - Python3.6 - Java8 - Go1.8 - Node.js8.10 description: The runtime of the function. label: Function type: string timeout: constraints: in_range: - 3 - 300 default: 3 description: The timeout of the function. The effective range is 3~300. label: Function type: integer xrole: description: The agency of the function. It should be created in advance. label: Function type: string timer_name: description: TIMER trigger name. label: TIMER trigger type: string timer_schedule_type: default: Rate constraints: valid_values: - Rate - Cron description: 'Trigger schedule type. Valid values:["Rate","Cron"].' label: TIMER trigger type: string timer_schedule: description: Trigger schedule. label: TIMER trigger type: string node_templates: fgsf36en: properties: codeUrl: get_input: codeUrl handler: get_input: handler memorySize: get_input: memorySize name: get_input: name role: get_input: xrole runtime: get_input: runtime timeout: get_input: timeout code: '' codeType: obs type: HuaweiCloud.FGS.Function fgste1cr: type: HuaweiCloud.FGS.TimerEventMap properties: name: get_input: timer_name schedule: get_input: timer_schedule schedule_type: get_input: timer_schedule_type funcId: get_reference: fgsf36en requirements: - funcId: node: fgsf36en outputs: function-urn: description: function URN value: get_attribute: - fgsf36en - refID timer_trigger_info: description: TIMER trigger info value: get_attribute: - fgste1cr - timerEventMap