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Help Center/ ModelArts/ Preparations (To Be Offline)/ Configuring Access Authorization (Global Configuration)

Configuring Access Authorization (Global Configuration)

Updated on 2025-01-06 GMT+08:00


Exposed ModelArts functions are controlled through IAM permissions. For example, if you as an IAM user need to create a training job on ModelArts, you must have the modelarts:trainJob:create permission.

ModelArts must access other services for AI computing. For example, ModelArts must access OBS to read your data for training. For security purposes, ModelArts must be authorized to access other cloud services. This is agency authorization.

ModelArts provides one-click auto authorization. You can quickly configure agency authorization on the Global Configuration page of ModelArts. Then, ModelArts will automatically create an agency for you and configure it in ModelArts.

In this mode, the authorization scope is specified based on the preset system policies of dependent services to ensure sufficient permissions for using services. The created agency has almost all permissions of dependent services. If you want to precisely control the scope of permissions granted to an agency, use custom authorization. For more about permissions management, see Permissions Management.

This section introduces one-click auto authorization. This mode allows you to grant permissions to IAM users, federated users (virtual IAM users), agencies, and all users with one click.


  • Huawei Cloud account
    • Only a Huawei Cloud account can use an agency to authorize the current account or all IAM users under the current account.
    • Multiple IAM users or accounts can use the same agency.
    • A maximum of 50 agencies can be created under an account.
    • If you use ModelArts for the first time, add an agency. Generally, common user permissions are sufficient for your requirements. If refined permissions management is required, you can apply for customized permissions.
  • IAM user
    • If you have obtained the authorization, you can view the authorization information on the Global Configuration page.
    • If you have not been authorized, ModelArts will display a message indicating that you have not been authorized when you access the Add Authorization page. In this case, contact your administrator to add authorization.

Adding Authorization

  1. Log in to the ModelArts management console. In the navigation pane on the left, choose Settings. The Global Configuration page is displayed.
  2. Click Add Authorization. On the Add Authorization page that is displayed, configure the parameters.
    Table 1 Parameters



    Authorized User

    Options: IAM user, Federated user, Agency, and All users

    • IAM user: You can use a tenant account to create IAM users and assign permissions for specific resources. Each IAM user has their own identity credentials (password and access keys) and uses cloud resources based on assigned permissions. For details about IAM users, see IAM User.
    • Federated user: A federated user is also called a virtual enterprise user. For details about federated users, see Configuring Federated Identity Authentication.
    • Agency: You can create agencies in IAM. For details about how to create an agency, see Creating an Agency.
    • All users: If you select this option, the agency permissions will be granted to all IAM users under the current account, including those created in the future. For individual users, choose All users.

    Authorized To

    This parameter is not displayed when Authorized User is set to All users.

    • IAM user: Select an IAM user and configure an agency for the IAM user.
      Figure 1 Selecting an IAM user
    • Federated user: Enter the username or user ID of the target federated user.
      Figure 2 Selecting a federated user
    • Agency: Select an agency name. You can create an agency under account A and grant the agency permissions to account B. When using account B, you can switch the role in the upper right corner of the console to account A and use the agency permissions of account A.
      Figure 3 Switch Role


    • Use existing: If there are agencies in the list, select an available one to authorize the selected user. Click the drop-down arrow next to an agency name to view its permission details.
    • Add agency: If there is no available agency, create one. If you use ModelArts for the first time, select Add agency.

    Add agency > Agency Name

    The system automatically creates a changeable agency name.

    Add agency > Authorization Method

    • Role-based: A coarse-grained IAM authorization strategy to assign permissions based on user responsibilities. Only a limited number of service-level roles are available. When using roles to grant permissions, assign other roles on which the permissions depend to take effect. Roles are not ideal for fine-grained authorization and secure access control.
    • Policy-based: A fine-grained authorization tool that defines permissions for operations on specific cloud resources under certain conditions. This type of authorization is more flexible and ideal for secure access control.

    For details about roles and policies, see Basic Concepts.

    Add agency > Permissions > Common User

    Common User provides the permissions to use all basic ModelArts functions. For example, you can access data, and create and manage training jobs. Select this option generally.

    Click View permissions to view common user permissions.

    Add agency > Permissions > Custom

    If you need refined permissions management, select Custom to flexibly assign permissions to the created agency. You can select permissions from the permission list as required.

  3. Select I have read and agree to the ModelArts Service Statement. Click Create.

Viewing Authorized Permissions

You can view the configured authorizations on the Global Configuration page. Click View Permissions in the Authorization Content column to view the permission details.

Figure 4 View Permissions
Figure 5 Common user permissions

Changing the Authorization Scope

  1. To change the authorization scope, click Modify permissions in IAM in the View Permissions dialog box.
    Figure 6 Modify permissions in IAM
  2. Modify the agency information. Select your required validity period.
    Figure 7 Agency information
  3. On the Agencies page, click Authorize, select policies or rules, and click Next. Select the scope for minimum authorization and click OK.

    When setting the minimum authorization scope, you can select either Global services or All resources. If you select All resources, the selected permissions will be applied to all resources.

Deleting Authorization

To better manage your authorization, you can delete the authorization of an IAM user or delete the authorizations of all users in batches.

  • Deleting the authorization of a user

    On the Global Configuration page, locate the target user. Click Delete in the Operation column of the target user. Enter DELETE and click OK. After the deletion takes effect, the user cannot use ModelArts functions.

  • Deleting authorizations in batches

    On the Global Configuration page, click Clear Authorization above the authorization list. Enter DELETE and click OK. After the deletion, the account and all IAM users under the account cannot use ModelArts functions.


  1. How do I configure authorization when I use ModelArts for the first time?

    On the Add Authorization page, set Agency to Add agency and select Common User, which provides the permissions to use all basic ModelArts functions. For example, you can access data, and create and manage training jobs. Select this option generally.

  2. Where is the entrance for authorization using an access key?

    Access key authorization on the global configuration page has been discontinued. If you used an access key for authorization before, switch to agency authorization. To do so, click Clear Authorization on the Global Configuration page and use an agency for authorization.

  3. How do I obtain an access key (AK/SK)?

    You will need to obtain an access key if you are using access key authentication to access certain functions like using real-time services. For details, see How Do I Obtain an Access Key?

  4. How do I delete an existing agency from the agency list?
    Figure 8 Use existing

    Go to the IAM console, click Agencies in the navigation pane, and delete the target agency.

    Figure 9 Identity and Access Management
  5. Why is a message indicating insufficient permission displayed when I access a page on the ModelArts management console?

    Possible causes are insufficient user permissions or changes in module capabilities. To fix this issue, follow the prompts to update the authorization.

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