状态码 |
错误码 |
错误信息 |
描述 |
处理措施 |
400 |
CTS.0001 |
The IAM or OBS service is abnormal. |
IAM或OBS服务异常 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
CTS.0003 |
The message body is empty or invalid. |
body体为空或非法 |
请校验body内容和格式 |
400 |
CTS.0200 |
The number of trackers has reached the upper limit. |
追踪器数量已满 |
请删除或修改不需要的追踪器 |
400 |
CTS.0201 |
A management tracker has been created. |
已有管理类追踪器 |
请检查是否已生效 |
400 |
CTS.0202 |
The value of the tracker_type parameter is incorrect. |
tracker_type字段不符合格式 |
请将对应值改为system或data |
400 |
CTS.0203 |
The value of tracker_name parameter is in an incorrect format. |
tracker_name字段不符合格式 |
请参考参数描述进行修改 |
400 |
CTS.0204 |
The tracker_name parameter of a management tracker can only be set to system. |
管理类追踪器tracker_name字段应为system |
请参考参数描述进行修改 |
400 |
CTS.0205 |
The status parameter can only be set to enabled or disabled. |
status字段只能为enabled或disabled |
请将对应值改为enabled或disabled |
400 |
CTS.0206 |
The data_bucket parameter cannot be included in the message body for a management tracker. |
管理类追踪器body体不能有data_bucket参数 |
请去掉data_buket参数 |
400 |
CTS.0207 |
The tracker_name parameter in the message body cannot be set to system for a data tracker. |
数据类追踪器body体tracker_name不能为system |
请将tracker_name改为除system以外的值 |
400 |
CTS.0209 |
A type of operations on an OBS bucket can be tracked by only one tracker. |
追踪一个桶的同一个操作类型 |
请更改追踪项 |
400 |
CTS.0210 |
The OBS bucket to track cannot be empty. |
追踪的桶不能为空 |
请换一个桶或使桶不为空 |
400 |
CTS.0211 |
The tracked OBS bucket does not exist. |
被追踪的桶不存在 |
请检查bucket_name是否填写正确 |
400 |
CTS.0212 |
The tracked OBS bucket cannot be modified. |
被追踪的obs桶不可修改 |
请撤回桶的更改 |
400 |
CTS.0213 |
The OBS bucket used for trace transfer cannot be a tracked OBS bucket. |
被追踪的桶与转储的桶相同 |
请更换转储的桶 |
400 |
CTS.0215 |
The OBS bucket already exists. |
桶已经存在 |
请修改bucket_name |
400 |
CTS.0216 |
Failed to create a bucket. |
创建桶失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
CTS.0217 |
Failed to set a lifecycle rule for the OBS bucket. |
设置桶生命周期规则失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
CTS.0218 |
The value of file_prefix_name is in an incorrect format. |
file_prefix_name字段不符合格式 |
请参考参数描述进行修改 |
400 |
CTS.0219 |
The operation type cannot be empty. |
操作类型不能为空 |
请选择至少一个追踪操作 |
400 |
CTS.0220 |
KMS is not supported. |
不支持KMS |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
CTS.0221 |
The KMS ID is empty. |
KMS_ID为空 |
请检查kms_id是否正确 |
400 |
CTS.0222 |
KMS verification failed. |
KMS校验失败 |
请检查kms_id是否正确 |
400 |
CTS.0225 |
Only WRITE and/or READ operations on the OBS bucket can be tracked. |
检查参数是否传入正确。 |
400 |
CTS.0231 |
Invalid bucket name. A bucket name must be a string of 3 to 63 characters, including only lowercase letters, digits, hyphens (-), or periods (.). It must start with a digit or a lowercase letter. |
无效的桶名称。 bucket_name是3到63个字符的字符串,以数字或字母开头,支持小写字母,数字,“-”或“.”。 |
检查桶名称填写是否正确。 |
400 |
CTS.0300 |
Query failed. |
query查询失败 |
请稍后重试或联系技术支持 |
403 |
CTS.0002 |
Authentication failed or you do not have the permissions required. |
用户鉴权失败或没有权限 |
请检查用户权限 |
403 |
CTS.0208 |
The tracker already exists. |
已存在该追踪器 |
请检查该追踪器是否已经存在 |
404 |
CTS.0100 |
API version query is not supported in CTS. |
CTS不支持查询接口版本号 |
请联系技术支持 |
404 |
CTS.0214 |
The tracker does not exist. |
追踪器不存在 |
请检查该追踪器是否已删除 |
500 |
CTS.0004 |
Failed to write data. |
写入数据失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
500 |
CTS.0005 |
Failed to read data. |
读取数据失败 |
请联系技术支持 |