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- 通用参考
- 排查项二:是否子帐号购买,导致的权限不足。
- 排查项三:实例部署过程中失败,根据具体报错排查。
- 登录区块链服务BCS控制台,单击左侧导航栏的“实例管理”。
- 单击右侧的“操作记录”进入操作记录页面。
- 单击操作列的“操作详情”。
- 展开详情后,单击“查看原因”并结合部署进度,根据具体报错信息进行分析。详细请参考表1。
表1 报错详情及解决方案 报错详情
Insufficient cluster quota
CreateContainerCluster] Create Cluster fail
CreateStorageInstance]Create PVC fail,timeout
CreateBlockchainService]cluster is already used
CreateStorageInstance] PostReqNoCert: response status 400 not OK, resp is: {"errCode":"SFS.TURBO.0010","errMsg":"instance quota exceeds"}
not find down eip, need buy one
CreateContainerCluster]visitInterface Fail,/api/v2/projects/xxx/clusters response state not OK,code:500
CreateBlockchainService]DeleteKubeResource failed, clusterID:xxx, resourceName: xxx, err:DELETE:response status 400 not OK,resp is:Cluster Status Not Ready
CreateContainerCluster]Invalid subnet id xxx
CreateBlockchainService]one OneStep is processing under this domain(xxx),please wait it finished and do it again
CreateContainerCluster]cce status check timeout when checkClusterJobStatus…
CreateContainerCluster] VisitInterface Fail, PostReqNoCert: response status 400 not OK, resp is: {"message":"\u003cCCE_CM.4000311\u003e No available master flavors | The amount of available master flavors are not enough to create a cluster, in specified azs, need 1, has 0","reason":"BadRequest","code":400}