参数 |
是否必选 |
参数类型 |
描述 |
name |
是 |
String |
实例名称。 由英文字符、中文或数字开头,只能由英文字母、数字、中划线和下划线组成。 创建单个实例时,名称长度为4到64位的字符串。批量创建实例时,名称长度为4到56位的字符串,且实例名称格式为“自定义名称-n”,其中n从000开始,依次递增。例如,批量创建两个实例,自定义名称为dcs_demo,则两个实例的名称为dcs_demo-000和dcs_demo-001。 |
engine |
是 |
String |
缓存引擎:Redis和Memcached。 |
engine_version |
否 |
String |
缓存版本。 当缓存引擎为Redis时,该字段为必选,取值为3.0、4.0、5.0、6.0。 当缓存引擎为Memcached时,该字段为可选,取值为空。 |
capacity |
是 |
Float |
缓存容量(G Byte)
spec_code |
是 |
String |
az_codes |
是 |
Array of strings |
创建缓存节点到指定且有资源的可用区Code。具体查询方法,请参考查询可用区信息接口,在查询时,请注意查看该可用区是否有资源。 如果是创建主备、读写分离、Proxy集群、Cluster集群实例,支持跨可用区部署,可以为备节点指定备可用区。在为节点指定可用区时,用逗号分隔开,具体请查看示例。 |
vpc_id |
是 |
String |
虚拟私有云ID。 获取方法如下:
subnet_id |
是 |
String |
子网的网络ID。 获取方法如下:
security_group_id |
否 |
String |
指定实例所属的安全组。 当engine为Memcached时,该参数为必选。Memcached实例支持安全组访问控制。 Redis4.0及以上版本的基础版实例不支持安全组控制访问,只支持白名单控制。 获取方法如下:
publicip_id |
否 |
String |
Redis缓存实例绑定的弹性IP地址的id。 如果开启了公网访问功能(即enable_publicip为true),该字段为必选。 |
enterprise_project_id |
否 |
String |
企业项目ID。 |
enterprise_project_name |
否 |
String |
企业项目名称。 |
description |
否 |
String |
实例的描述信息。 长度不超过1024的字符串。
\与"在json报文中属于特殊字符,如果参数值中需要显示\或者"字符,请在字符前增加转义字符\,比如\\或者\"。 |
enable_ssl |
否 |
Boolean |
Redis缓存实例开启公网访问功能时,是否选择支持ssl。目前仅Redis 3.0支持配置该参数。
private_ip |
否 |
String |
创建缓存实例手动指定的IP地址。 |
instance_num |
否 |
Integer |
表示批量创建缓存实例时,创建的实例个数。仅Redis和Memcached实例支持批量创建。 默认值:1 取值范围:1-100 |
maintain_begin |
否 |
String |
maintain_end |
否 |
String |
password |
否 |
String |
当“no_password_access”配置为“false”或未配置时,请求消息中须包含password参数。 Redis类型的缓存实例密码复杂度要求:
no_password_access |
否 |
Boolean |
bss_param |
否 |
BssParam object |
表示计费模式的相关参数。如果为空,则默认计费模式为按需计费;暂不支持其他计费方式。 |
instance_backup_policy |
否 |
BackupPolicy object |
备份策略,实例类型为主备和集群时支持。 |
tags |
否 |
Array of ResourceTag objects |
实例标签键值。 |
access_user |
否 |
String |
当缓存类型为Redis时,不需要设置,保持为空即可。 当缓存引擎为Memcached,且“no_password_access”为“false”时才需要设置,表示通过密码认证访问缓存实例的认证用户名。 由英文字符开头,只能由英文字母、数字、中划线和下划线组成,长度为1~64的字符。
enable_publicip |
否 |
Boolean |
Redis 3.0缓存实例是否开启公网访问功能。
port |
否 |
Integer |
实例自定义端口。只有创建Redis 4.0以上版本的实例才支持自定义端口,Redis 3.0和Memcached实例不支持。 创建Redis4.0及以上版本实例,如果没发送该参数或该参数为空,表示实例使用默认端口6379。如果自定义端口,端口范围为1~65535的任意数字。 |
rename_commands |
否 |
Object |
支持自定义重命名高危命令。 创建Redis4.0及以上版本实例,如果没发送该参数或该参数为空,表示没有需要重命名的命令。当前支持重命名的高危命令有command、keys、flushdb、flushall、scan、hscan、sscan、zscan和hgetall,其他命令暂不支持重命名。 |
template_id |
否 |
String |
参数模板ID,不配置时使用默认参数模板。 |
参数 |
是否必选 |
参数类型 |
描述 |
is_auto_renew |
否 |
String |
当选择包年包月时,该字段为必选,表示是否自动续订资源。 取值范围:
charging_mode |
是 |
String |
付费方式。默认值是postPaid,即按需付费。 |
is_auto_pay |
否 |
String |
功能说明:下单订购后,是否自动从客户的账户中支付;默认是“不自动支付” 。 取值范围:
约束: 自动支付时,只能使用账户的现金支付;如果要使用代金券,请选择不自动支付,然后在用户费用中心,选择代金券支付。 如果没有设置成自动支付,即设置为false时,在创建实例之后,实例状态为“支付中”,用户必须在“费用中心 > 我的订单”,完成订单支付,否则订单一直在支付中,实例没有创建成功。 |
period_type |
否 |
String |
当选择包年包月时,该字段为必选,表示订购资源的周期类型。 取值范围如下:
period_num |
否 |
Integer |
功能说明:订购周期数 当选择按需时,该字段非必选。 取值范围:后续会随运营策略变化
约束:同period_type约束。 |
参数 |
是否必选 |
参数类型 |
描述 |
backup_type |
是 |
String |
save_days |
否 |
Integer |
当backup_type设置为auto时,该参数为必填。 保留天数,单位:天,取值范围:1-7。 |
periodical_backup_plan |
否 |
BackupPlan object |
备份计划,当backup_type设置为auto时,该参数为必填。 |
状态码: 200
参数 |
参数类型 |
描述 |
instances |
Array of Instances objects |
缓存实例ID和名称,如果批量创建实例,则会返回多个。 |
状态码: 400
参数 |
参数类型 |
描述 |
error_msg |
String |
错误信息 |
error_code |
String |
错误码 |
error_ext_msg |
String |
扩展错误信息(暂未使用,赋值为null) |
状态码: 401
参数 |
参数类型 |
描述 |
error_msg |
String |
错误信息 |
error_code |
String |
错误码 |
error_ext_msg |
String |
扩展错误信息(暂未使用,赋值为null) |
状态码: 403
参数 |
参数类型 |
描述 |
error_msg |
String |
错误信息 |
error_code |
String |
错误码 |
error_ext_msg |
String |
扩展错误信息(暂未使用,赋值为null) |
状态码: 404
参数 |
参数类型 |
描述 |
error_msg |
String |
错误信息 |
error_code |
String |
错误码 |
error_ext_msg |
String |
扩展错误信息(暂未使用,赋值为null) |
状态码: 500
参数 |
参数类型 |
描述 |
error_msg |
String |
错误信息 |
error_code |
String |
错误码 |
error_ext_msg |
String |
扩展错误信息(暂未使用,赋值为null) |
POST https://{dcs_endpoint}/v2/{project_id}/instances { "name" : "dcs-APITest", "description" : "Test", "engine" : "Redis", "engine_version" : "5.0", "enterprise_project_id" : 0, "enterprise_project_name" : "default", "vpc_id" : "5e37b3be-950a-48e1-b498-65b63d336481", "enable_ssl" : false, "private_ip" : "", "az_codes" : [ "region01" ], "capacity" : 1, "access_user" : "", "password" : "********", "enable_publicip" : false, "spec_code" : "redis.single.xu1.large.1", "subnet_id" : "a4112635-3ec0-471c-95c3-5cf49b9533af", "no_password_access" : false, "template_id" : "b3ecc9c7-1133-4c47-a06a-21366e227d61" }
{ "enterprise_project_name" : "default", "vpc_id" : "c5cd009b-9ba9-41f2-9a26-2b8c3f3ffd39", "description" : "Test", "port" : 4040, "enable_ssl" : false, "private_ip" : "", "az_codes" : [ "region01", "region02" ], "capacity" : 2, "access_user" : "", "instance_num" : 1, "enterprise_project_id" : 0, "password" : "********", "enable_publicip" : false, "engine" : "Redis", "spec_code" : "redis.ha.au1.large.2", "name" : "dcs-demo", "subnet_id" : "7e95c4d6-d7af-424c-a3cf-2be10968fe81", "engine_version" : "4.0", "no_password_access" : false, "rename_commands" : { "keys" : "keys001", "flushdb" : "flushdb001", "flushall" : "flushall001" } }
状态码: 200
示例 1
{ "instances" : [ { "instance_id" : "3c49fd6b-fc7c-419e-9644-b6cce008653f", "instance_name" : "dcs-test005" } ] }
示例 2
{ "instances" : [ { "instance_id" : "77284d69-cd51-4bf1-aa30-2e60f055800c", "instance_name" : "dcs-APITest1" } ] }
状态码: 400
{ "error_code" : "DCS.1004", "error_msg" : "Project ID does not match the token." }
状态码: 401
{ "error_code" : "DCS.1001", "error_msg" : "Invalid token." }
状态码: 403
{ "error_code" : "DCS.2003", "error_msg" : "This role does not have the permission to perform this operation." }
状态码: 404
{ "error_code" : "DCS.4001", "error_msg" : "The requested URL does not exist." }
状态码: 500
{ "error_code" : "DCS.5000", "error_msg" : "Internal service error." }
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package com.huaweicloud.sdk.test; import com.huaweicloud.sdk.core.auth.ICredential; import com.huaweicloud.sdk.core.auth.BasicCredentials; import com.huaweicloud.sdk.core.exception.ConnectionException; import com.huaweicloud.sdk.core.exception.RequestTimeoutException; import com.huaweicloud.sdk.core.exception.ServiceResponseException; import com.huaweicloud.sdk.dcs.v2.region.DcsRegion; import com.huaweicloud.sdk.dcs.v2.*; import com.huaweicloud.sdk.dcs.v2.model.*; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; public class CreateInstanceSolution { public static void main(String[] args) { // The AK and SK used for authentication are hard-coded or stored in plaintext, which has great security risks. It is recommended that the AK and SK be stored in ciphertext in configuration files or environment variables and decrypted during use to ensure security. // In this example, AK and SK are stored in environment variables for authentication. Before running this example, set environment variables CLOUD_SDK_AK and CLOUD_SDK_SK in the local environment String ak = System.getenv("CLOUD_SDK_AK"); String sk = System.getenv("CLOUD_SDK_SK"); String projectId = "{project_id}"; ICredential auth = new BasicCredentials() .withProjectId(projectId) .withAk(ak) .withSk(sk); DcsClient client = DcsClient.newBuilder() .withCredential(auth) .withRegion(DcsRegion.valueOf("<YOUR REGION>")) .build(); CreateInstanceRequest request = new CreateInstanceRequest(); CreateInstanceBody body = new CreateInstanceBody(); List<String> listbodyAzCodes = new ArrayList<>(); listbodyAzCodes.add("region01"); body.withTemplateId("b3ecc9c7-1133-4c47-a06a-21366e227d61"); body.withEnablePublicip(false); body.withAccessUser(""); body.withNoPasswordAccess(false); body.withPassword("********"); body.withPrivateIp(""); body.withEnableSsl(false); body.withDescription("Test"); body.withEnterpriseProjectName("default"); body.withEnterpriseProjectId("0"); body.withSubnetId("a4112635-3ec0-471c-95c3-5cf49b9533af"); body.withVpcId("5e37b3be-950a-48e1-b498-65b63d336481"); body.withAzCodes(listbodyAzCodes); body.withSpecCode("redis.single.xu1.large.1"); body.withCapacity(1f); body.withEngineVersion("5.0"); body.withEngine("Redis"); body.withName("dcs-APITest"); request.withBody(body); try { CreateInstanceResponse response = client.createInstance(request); System.out.println(response.toString()); } catch (ConnectionException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (RequestTimeoutException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ServiceResponseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.out.println(e.getHttpStatusCode()); System.out.println(e.getRequestId()); System.out.println(e.getErrorCode()); System.out.println(e.getErrorMsg()); } } }
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package com.huaweicloud.sdk.test; import com.huaweicloud.sdk.core.auth.ICredential; import com.huaweicloud.sdk.core.auth.BasicCredentials; import com.huaweicloud.sdk.core.exception.ConnectionException; import com.huaweicloud.sdk.core.exception.RequestTimeoutException; import com.huaweicloud.sdk.core.exception.ServiceResponseException; import com.huaweicloud.sdk.dcs.v2.region.DcsRegion; import com.huaweicloud.sdk.dcs.v2.*; import com.huaweicloud.sdk.dcs.v2.model.*; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; public class CreateInstanceSolution { public static void main(String[] args) { // The AK and SK used for authentication are hard-coded or stored in plaintext, which has great security risks. It is recommended that the AK and SK be stored in ciphertext in configuration files or environment variables and decrypted during use to ensure security. // In this example, AK and SK are stored in environment variables for authentication. Before running this example, set environment variables CLOUD_SDK_AK and CLOUD_SDK_SK in the local environment String ak = System.getenv("CLOUD_SDK_AK"); String sk = System.getenv("CLOUD_SDK_SK"); String projectId = "{project_id}"; ICredential auth = new BasicCredentials() .withProjectId(projectId) .withAk(ak) .withSk(sk); DcsClient client = DcsClient.newBuilder() .withCredential(auth) .withRegion(DcsRegion.valueOf("<YOUR REGION>")) .build(); CreateInstanceRequest request = new CreateInstanceRequest(); CreateInstanceBody body = new CreateInstanceBody(); List<String> listbodyAzCodes = new ArrayList<>(); listbodyAzCodes.add("region01"); listbodyAzCodes.add("region02"); body.withRenameCommands("{\"keys\":\"keys001\",\"flushall\":\"flushall001\",\"flushdb\":\"flushdb001\"}"); body.withPort(4040); body.withEnablePublicip(false); body.withAccessUser(""); body.withNoPasswordAccess(false); body.withPassword("********"); body.withInstanceNum(1); body.withPrivateIp(""); body.withEnableSsl(false); body.withDescription("Test"); body.withEnterpriseProjectName("default"); body.withEnterpriseProjectId("0"); body.withSubnetId("7e95c4d6-d7af-424c-a3cf-2be10968fe81"); body.withVpcId("c5cd009b-9ba9-41f2-9a26-2b8c3f3ffd39"); body.withAzCodes(listbodyAzCodes); body.withSpecCode("redis.ha.au1.large.2"); body.withCapacity(2f); body.withEngineVersion("4.0"); body.withEngine("Redis"); body.withName("dcs-demo"); request.withBody(body); try { CreateInstanceResponse response = client.createInstance(request); System.out.println(response.toString()); } catch (ConnectionException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (RequestTimeoutException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ServiceResponseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.out.println(e.getHttpStatusCode()); System.out.println(e.getRequestId()); System.out.println(e.getErrorCode()); System.out.println(e.getErrorMsg()); } } }
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# coding: utf-8 import os from huaweicloudsdkcore.auth.credentials import BasicCredentials from huaweicloudsdkdcs.v2.region.dcs_region import DcsRegion from huaweicloudsdkcore.exceptions import exceptions from huaweicloudsdkdcs.v2 import * if __name__ == "__main__": # The AK and SK used for authentication are hard-coded or stored in plaintext, which has great security risks. It is recommended that the AK and SK be stored in ciphertext in configuration files or environment variables and decrypted during use to ensure security. # In this example, AK and SK are stored in environment variables for authentication. Before running this example, set environment variables CLOUD_SDK_AK and CLOUD_SDK_SK in the local environment ak = os.environ["CLOUD_SDK_AK"] sk = os.environ["CLOUD_SDK_SK"] projectId = "{project_id}" credentials = BasicCredentials(ak, sk, projectId) client = DcsClient.new_builder() \ .with_credentials(credentials) \ .with_region(DcsRegion.value_of("<YOUR REGION>")) \ .build() try: request = CreateInstanceRequest() listAzCodesbody = [ "region01" ] request.body = CreateInstanceBody( template_id="b3ecc9c7-1133-4c47-a06a-21366e227d61", enable_publicip=False, access_user="", no_password_access=False, password="********", private_ip="", enable_ssl=False, description="Test", enterprise_project_name="default", enterprise_project_id="0", subnet_id="a4112635-3ec0-471c-95c3-5cf49b9533af", vpc_id="5e37b3be-950a-48e1-b498-65b63d336481", az_codes=listAzCodesbody, spec_code="redis.single.xu1.large.1", capacity=1, engine_version="5.0", engine="Redis", name="dcs-APITest" ) response = client.create_instance(request) print(response) except exceptions.ClientRequestException as e: print(e.status_code) print(e.request_id) print(e.error_code) print(e.error_msg)
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# coding: utf-8 import os from huaweicloudsdkcore.auth.credentials import BasicCredentials from huaweicloudsdkdcs.v2.region.dcs_region import DcsRegion from huaweicloudsdkcore.exceptions import exceptions from huaweicloudsdkdcs.v2 import * if __name__ == "__main__": # The AK and SK used for authentication are hard-coded or stored in plaintext, which has great security risks. It is recommended that the AK and SK be stored in ciphertext in configuration files or environment variables and decrypted during use to ensure security. # In this example, AK and SK are stored in environment variables for authentication. Before running this example, set environment variables CLOUD_SDK_AK and CLOUD_SDK_SK in the local environment ak = os.environ["CLOUD_SDK_AK"] sk = os.environ["CLOUD_SDK_SK"] projectId = "{project_id}" credentials = BasicCredentials(ak, sk, projectId) client = DcsClient.new_builder() \ .with_credentials(credentials) \ .with_region(DcsRegion.value_of("<YOUR REGION>")) \ .build() try: request = CreateInstanceRequest() listAzCodesbody = [ "region01", "region02" ] request.body = CreateInstanceBody( rename_commands="{\"keys\":\"keys001\",\"flushall\":\"flushall001\",\"flushdb\":\"flushdb001\"}", port=4040, enable_publicip=False, access_user="", no_password_access=False, password="********", instance_num=1, private_ip="", enable_ssl=False, description="Test", enterprise_project_name="default", enterprise_project_id="0", subnet_id="7e95c4d6-d7af-424c-a3cf-2be10968fe81", vpc_id="c5cd009b-9ba9-41f2-9a26-2b8c3f3ffd39", az_codes=listAzCodesbody, spec_code="redis.ha.au1.large.2", capacity=2, engine_version="4.0", engine="Redis", name="dcs-demo" ) response = client.create_instance(request) print(response) except exceptions.ClientRequestException as e: print(e.status_code) print(e.request_id) print(e.error_code) print(e.error_msg)
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package main import ( "fmt" "github.com/huaweicloud/huaweicloud-sdk-go-v3/core/auth/basic" dcs "github.com/huaweicloud/huaweicloud-sdk-go-v3/services/dcs/v2" "github.com/huaweicloud/huaweicloud-sdk-go-v3/services/dcs/v2/model" region "github.com/huaweicloud/huaweicloud-sdk-go-v3/services/dcs/v2/region" ) func main() { // The AK and SK used for authentication are hard-coded or stored in plaintext, which has great security risks. It is recommended that the AK and SK be stored in ciphertext in configuration files or environment variables and decrypted during use to ensure security. // In this example, AK and SK are stored in environment variables for authentication. Before running this example, set environment variables CLOUD_SDK_AK and CLOUD_SDK_SK in the local environment ak := os.Getenv("CLOUD_SDK_AK") sk := os.Getenv("CLOUD_SDK_SK") projectId := "{project_id}" auth := basic.NewCredentialsBuilder(). WithAk(ak). WithSk(sk). WithProjectId(projectId). Build() client := dcs.NewDcsClient( dcs.DcsClientBuilder(). WithRegion(region.ValueOf("<YOUR REGION>")). WithCredential(auth). Build()) request := &model.CreateInstanceRequest{} var listAzCodesbody = []string{ "region01", } templateIdCreateInstanceBody:= "b3ecc9c7-1133-4c47-a06a-21366e227d61" enablePublicipCreateInstanceBody:= false accessUserCreateInstanceBody:= "" noPasswordAccessCreateInstanceBody:= false passwordCreateInstanceBody:= "********" privateIpCreateInstanceBody:= "" enableSslCreateInstanceBody:= false descriptionCreateInstanceBody:= "Test" enterpriseProjectNameCreateInstanceBody:= "default" enterpriseProjectIdCreateInstanceBody:= "0" engineVersionCreateInstanceBody:= "5.0" request.Body = &model.CreateInstanceBody{ TemplateId: &templateIdCreateInstanceBody, EnablePublicip: &enablePublicipCreateInstanceBody, AccessUser: &accessUserCreateInstanceBody, NoPasswordAccess: &noPasswordAccessCreateInstanceBody, Password: &passwordCreateInstanceBody, PrivateIp: &privateIpCreateInstanceBody, EnableSsl: &enableSslCreateInstanceBody, Description: &descriptionCreateInstanceBody, EnterpriseProjectName: &enterpriseProjectNameCreateInstanceBody, EnterpriseProjectId: &enterpriseProjectIdCreateInstanceBody, SubnetId: "a4112635-3ec0-471c-95c3-5cf49b9533af", VpcId: "5e37b3be-950a-48e1-b498-65b63d336481", AzCodes: listAzCodesbody, SpecCode: "redis.single.xu1.large.1", Capacity: float32(1), EngineVersion: &engineVersionCreateInstanceBody, Engine: "Redis", Name: "dcs-APITest", } response, err := client.CreateInstance(request) if err == nil { fmt.Printf("%+v\n", response) } else { fmt.Println(err) } }
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76
package main import ( "fmt" "github.com/huaweicloud/huaweicloud-sdk-go-v3/core/auth/basic" dcs "github.com/huaweicloud/huaweicloud-sdk-go-v3/services/dcs/v2" "github.com/huaweicloud/huaweicloud-sdk-go-v3/services/dcs/v2/model" region "github.com/huaweicloud/huaweicloud-sdk-go-v3/services/dcs/v2/region" ) func main() { // The AK and SK used for authentication are hard-coded or stored in plaintext, which has great security risks. It is recommended that the AK and SK be stored in ciphertext in configuration files or environment variables and decrypted during use to ensure security. // In this example, AK and SK are stored in environment variables for authentication. Before running this example, set environment variables CLOUD_SDK_AK and CLOUD_SDK_SK in the local environment ak := os.Getenv("CLOUD_SDK_AK") sk := os.Getenv("CLOUD_SDK_SK") projectId := "{project_id}" auth := basic.NewCredentialsBuilder(). WithAk(ak). WithSk(sk). WithProjectId(projectId). Build() client := dcs.NewDcsClient( dcs.DcsClientBuilder(). WithRegion(region.ValueOf("<YOUR REGION>")). WithCredential(auth). Build()) request := &model.CreateInstanceRequest{} var listAzCodesbody = []string{ "region01", "region02", } var renameCommandsCreateInstanceBody interface{} = "{\"keys\":\"keys001\",\"flushall\":\"flushall001\",\"flushdb\":\"flushdb001\"}" portCreateInstanceBody:= int32(4040) enablePublicipCreateInstanceBody:= false accessUserCreateInstanceBody:= "" noPasswordAccessCreateInstanceBody:= false passwordCreateInstanceBody:= "********" instanceNumCreateInstanceBody:= int32(1) privateIpCreateInstanceBody:= "" enableSslCreateInstanceBody:= false descriptionCreateInstanceBody:= "Test" enterpriseProjectNameCreateInstanceBody:= "default" enterpriseProjectIdCreateInstanceBody:= "0" engineVersionCreateInstanceBody:= "4.0" request.Body = &model.CreateInstanceBody{ RenameCommands: &renameCommandsCreateInstanceBody, Port: &portCreateInstanceBody, EnablePublicip: &enablePublicipCreateInstanceBody, AccessUser: &accessUserCreateInstanceBody, NoPasswordAccess: &noPasswordAccessCreateInstanceBody, Password: &passwordCreateInstanceBody, InstanceNum: &instanceNumCreateInstanceBody, PrivateIp: &privateIpCreateInstanceBody, EnableSsl: &enableSslCreateInstanceBody, Description: &descriptionCreateInstanceBody, EnterpriseProjectName: &enterpriseProjectNameCreateInstanceBody, EnterpriseProjectId: &enterpriseProjectIdCreateInstanceBody, SubnetId: "7e95c4d6-d7af-424c-a3cf-2be10968fe81", VpcId: "c5cd009b-9ba9-41f2-9a26-2b8c3f3ffd39", AzCodes: listAzCodesbody, SpecCode: "redis.ha.au1.large.2", Capacity: float32(2), EngineVersion: &engineVersionCreateInstanceBody, Engine: "Redis", Name: "dcs-demo", } response, err := client.CreateInstance(request) if err == nil { fmt.Printf("%+v\n", response) } else { fmt.Println(err) } }
更多编程语言的SDK代码示例,请参见API Explorer的代码示例页签,可生成自动对应的SDK代码示例。
状态码 |
描述 |
200 |
查看实例状态为RUNNING时,即缓存实例创建成功。 |
400 |
非法请求。 |
401 |
认证信息非法。 |
403 |
请求被拒绝访问。 |
404 |
所请求的资源不存在。 |
500 |
内部服务错误 |