状态码 |
错误码 |
错误信息 |
描述 |
处理措施 |
400 |
0171 |
Failed to collect job log details. |
收集作业日志详情失败 |
- |
400 |
12000002 |
The parameter is invalid. |
参数不合法。 |
- |
400 |
12000003 |
The cluster does not exist. |
集群不存在! |
- |
400 |
12000009 |
The parameter is invalid. |
参数不合法! |
- |
400 |
12000012 |
Tasks are being executed in the cluster. Subcontract period cluster is not allowed for clusters that are in this state. Scale-out or scale-in is not allowed for clusters that are not in the running state. |
集群已有任务执行中! 当前状态不允许转包周期集群。 状态不是【运行中】的集群,不允许执行缩容/扩容操作! |
- |
400 |
12000013 |
Failed to scale in the cluster (ID: xxx). The type and the quantity of nodes to be deleted are xxx and xxx, respectively. The task node does not exist. |
执行缩容集群操作失败,集群ID为xxx,缩容节点类型为xxx,缩容数量为xxx。 task节点不存在! |
- |
400 |
12000014 |
Failed to scale out the cluster (ID: xxx). The type and the quantity of nodes to be added are xxx and xxx, respectively. |
执行扩容集群操作失败,集群ID为xxx,扩容节点类型为xxx,扩容数量为xxx。 |
- |
400 |
12000018 |
Scale-out or scale-in cannot be performed again because it is in progress. |
缩容/扩容中的集群,不允许再次缩容/扩容! |
- |
400 |
12000019 |
Failed to obtain hosts of the cluster. |
获取集群主机列表失败! |
- |
400 |
12000021 |
Clusters in the xxx state cannot be terminated. |
不允许终止状态为xxx的集群! |
- |
400 |
120000212 |
Failed to obtain the AZs that you have permission to access. |
获取有权限可用区失败。 |
- |
400 |
12000023 |
Failed to obtain cluster details. |
获取集群详情信息失败! |
- |
400 |
12000027 |
Failed to verify the subnet when creating the cluster xxx. |
创建集群xxx,子网校验失败! |
- |
400 |
12000028 |
The cluster has a maximum of xxx Core and Task nodes. |
集群Core和Task节点总数最多为xxx个 |
- |
400 |
12000029 |
Failed to obtain the quota. |
获取配额失败 |
- |
400 |
12000030 |
The requested number of nodes in the cluster exceeds the available quota. |
申请集群的节点总数已大于可用配额数! |
- |
400 |
12000031 |
The requested number of vCPUs in the cluster exceeds the available quota. |
申请集群的CPU总核数已大于可用配额数! |
- |
400 |
12000032 |
The requested memory of the cluster exceeds the available quota. |
申请集群的内存总数已大于可用配额数! |
- |
400 |
12000033 |
The requested number of disks in the cluster exceeds the available quota. |
申请集群的磁盘块数已大于可用配额数! |
- |
400 |
12000034 |
The requested disk capacity of the cluster exceeds the available quota. |
申请集群的磁盘容量已大于可用配额数! |
- |
400 |
12000036 |
Failed to obtain product information. |
获取产品信息失败! |
- |
400 |
12000038 |
Failed to obtain the security group. |
获取安全组失败! |
- |
400 |
12000041 |
Failed to obtain the cluster list. |
获取集群列表信息失败! |
- |
400 |
12000042 |
Failed to create a cluster. |
创建集群失败! |
- |
400 |
12000043 |
Duplicate cluster name: xxx. |
存在相同的集群名称:xxx。 |
- |
400 |
12000044 |
The minimum memory of a Master node is xxx GB. |
集群的master节点内存数最小为xxxGB。 |
- |
400 |
12000045 |
Insufficient quota of the security group. |
安全组配额不足! |
- |
400 |
12000046 |
Insufficient quota of the security group rule. |
安全组规则配额不足! |
- |
400 |
12000048 |
Product specification xxx does not exist. |
产品规格 xxx 不存在! |
- |
400 |
12000050 |
Incorrect certificate. |
错误的证书! |
- |
400 |
12000052 |
No access rights. |
无权访问! |
- |
400 |
12000053 |
Invalid billing type. |
无效的订单类别! |
- |
400 |
12000054 |
The operation is not supported. |
不支持此操作! |
- |
400 |
12000059 |
Key pair xxx does not exist. |
用户密钥对xxx不存在。 |
- |
400 |
12000061 |
Failed to submit the job (cluster ID: xxx; job name: xxx; job ID: xxx). |
执行提交作业操作失败,集群ID为xxx,作业名字为xxx,ID为xxx。 |
- |
400 |
12000062 |
Jobs cannot be submitted to a cluster in the xxx state. |
集群状态为xxx,不能提交作业! |
- |
400 |
12000063 |
Spark jobs cannot be submitted. |
不能提交Spark相关作业! |
- |
400 |
12000064 |
Jobs cannot be submitted or inquired to a security cluster by API. |
安全集群不能调用API提交/查询作业! |
- |
400 |
12000080 |
The status of some nodes is not running in the cluster. Try again later. |
集群存在非运行状态节点,请稍后重试。 |
- |
400 |
12000081 |
The jar_path parameter cannot be left blank if the job type is MapReduce or Spark. |
当作业类型为MapReduce或Spark时,jar_path参数不能为空。 |
- |
400 |
12000082 |
Node groups cannot be deleted in the cluster that is being scaled in or scaled out. |
缩容/扩容中的集群,不允许删除节点组。 |
- |
400 |
12000085 |
This interface does not support the cluster of this version.Please use the /v2/{project_id}/clusters/{cluster_id}/job-executions job submit interface. |
该接口不支持该版本的集群,请使用/v2/{project_id}/clusters/{cluster_id}/job-executions作业提交接口。 |
- |
400 |
12000086 |
This cluster version not support s3[an]: schema. Please use the obs: schema. |
此集群版本不支持s3[an]:协议,请使用obs:协议。 |
- |
400 |
12000087 |
Failed to get billing records. |
获取话单文件失败。 |
- |
400 |
12000090 |
Products of the xxx specifications are no longer available in selected AZ. |
在选中的可用区域,产品规格为xxx的产品已下架。 |
- |
400 |
12000092 |
Failed to get metadata of version xxx. |
获取版本号为xxx的版本元数据失败。 |
- |
400 |
12000093 |
Metadata of version xxx not found. |
无法找到版本号为xxx的版本元数据信息。 |
- |
400 |
12000094 |
The xxx in xxx version does not support the xxx flavor. |
xxx节点在xxx版本不支持xxx规格。 |
- |
400 |
12000095 |
Patch xxx is unavailable. |
补丁xxx不可用。 |
- |
400 |
12000099 |
Topology template of version xxx not found. |
无法找到版本号为xxx的拓扑模板信息。 |
- |
400 |
12000100 |
Failed to stop the cluster. Only running or abnormal clusters can be stopped. |
停止集群失败,只允许停止“运行中”或“异常”状态的集群。 |
- |
400 |
12000101 |
Failed to start the cluster. Only stopped clusters can be started. |
启动集群失败,只允许启动“已停止”状态的集群。 |
- |
400 |
12000104 |
VPC|ECS|DSS|DCC|OpenStack service error. |
VPC|ECS|DSS|DCC|Openstack服务错误。 |
- |
400 |
12000105 |
VPC xxx does not exist. |
虚拟私有云xxx不存在。 |
- |
400 |
12000106 |
Key pair xxx does not exist. |
用户密钥对xxx不存在。 |
- |
400 |
12000107 |
Invalid project ID: xxx. |
非法的project id: xxx。 |
- |
400 |
12000108 |
Failed to verify the EIP when creating the cluster xxx. |
创建集群xxx,EIP校验失败! |
- |
400 |
12000109 |
Failed to bind the EIP to cluster xxx. |
集群xxx绑定弹性公网IP失败。 |
- |
400 |
12000110 |
Failed to unbind the EIP from cluster xxx. |
集群xxx解绑弹性公网IP失败。 |
- |
400 |
12000111 |
Failed to bind the EIP. The EIP xxx has been bound to another resource. |
弹性公网IP绑定失败,此弹性公网IPxxx已经绑定到其他资源。 |
- |
400 |
12000112 |
The EIP xxx does not exist. |
弹性公网IPxxx不存在。 |
- |
400 |
12000113 |
Failed to update the EIP. |
弹性公网IP更新失败。 |
- |
400 |
12000114 |
The hive_script_path parameter cannot be left blank if the job type is Hive or SparkScript. |
当作业类型为Hive或SparkScript时,hive_script_path参数不能为空。 |
- |
400 |
12000115 |
The ECS group quota is insufficient. |
云服务器组配额不足。 |
- |
400 |
12000116 |
The VPC quota is insufficient. Select the existing VPC or increase the quota. |
VPC配额不足,请选择现有vpc或申请更多配额。 |
- |
400 |
12000117 |
The subnet quota is insufficient. Select the existing subnet or increase the quota. |
子网配额不足,请选择现有子网或申请更多配额。 |
- |
400 |
12000118 |
Failed to create the security group rule. |
添加安全组规则失败! |
- |
400 |
12000119 |
The security group rule already exists. |
安全组规则已存在。 |
- |
400 |
12000121 |
Failed to submit a request to scale out the Yearly/Monthly cluster. Scale-out is not allowed because the cluster has an unpaid order. Scale out the cluster again after you pay the order. |
扩容包周期集群请求提交失败。 该集群存在未支付订单,不允许扩容,请完成订单后再执行操作。 |
- |
400 |
12000122 |
EPS service error. |
EPS服务错误。 |
- |
400 |
12000123 |
Failed to update Task node information because the number of Task nodes is not 0. |
由于task节点数量不为0,无法更新task节点信息。 |
- |
400 |
12000124 |
In the cluster xxx, the number of Task nodes can be adjusted only using auto scaling. |
集群xxx只支持使用弹性伸缩来调整task节点数量 |
- |
400 |
12000125 |
Failed to update Task node information, because the cluster state is scaling out or scaling in. |
由于集群状态为扩容或者缩容的状态,无法更新task节点信息。 |
- |
400 |
12000126 |
Failed to obtain authentication information. |
获取鉴权信息失败。 |
- |
400 |
12000127 |
Failed to lock cluster operation. |
限制集群操作失败。 |
- |
400 |
12000128 |
Failed to unlock cluster operation. |
解除限制集群操作失败。 |
- |
400 |
12000129 |
Master node specifications cannot be scaled up for a cluster that is not in the running state. |
状态不是【运行中】的集群,不允许执行master节点扩充规格操作! |
- |
400 |
12000130 |
Specifications available for scale-up not found. |
找不到可以升级的节点规格。 |
- |
400 |
12000131 |
Master node specifications cannot be scaled up for a non-HA cluster. |
不支持升级非高可用的集群的master节点。 |
- |
400 |
12000132 |
vCPUs and memory cannot be reduced in the specification scale-up. |
升级节点规格不支持减小vcpu数/memory数。 |
- |
400 |
12000133 |
Specification scale-up is not available for this type of nodes. |
升级节点规格暂时不支持此节点类型。 |
- |
400 |
12000134 |
Failed to scale up the Master node specifications. |
升级master节点规格失败。 |
- |
400 |
12000135 |
Master nodes available for specification scale-up not found |
找不到可以升级的master节点 |
- |
400 |
12000138 |
Failed to get max server Group members. |
查询ECS反亲和组最大虚机数失败。 |
- |
400 |
12000139 |
All evs volume type is sellout, please try again later. |
当前所有的云硬盘已经售罄, 请稍后重试。 |
- |
400 |
12000140 |
Evs volume type:xxx is sellout, please try again later. |
当前云硬盘:xxx已经售罄, 请稍后重试。 |
- |
400 |
12000141 |
The disk size of a node cannot be less than {value} GB. |
节点磁盘大小不能小于{value}GB! |
- |
400 |
12000142 |
The disk size cannot exceed 32,000 GB. |
磁盘大小不能大于32000GB! |
- |
400 |
12000209 |
Either a VPC ID or name is required. |
虚拟私有云ID和名字至少需要一个。 |
- |
400 |
12000210 |
Either a subnet ID or name is required. |
子网ID和名字至少需要一个。 |
- |
400 |
12000233 |
Insufficient resources for flavor xxx. Reduce the purchase quantity and try again. Alternatively, select another instance type or flavor, or switch the AZ or region to select your desired product. |
申请集群的规格:xxx资源不足,请减少购买量后重试,或选择其他类型与规格的实例,或切换区域、可用区重新选购! |
- |
400 |
12000234 |
Insufficient resources for the flavor xxx of the node to be scaled out. Reduce the purchase quantity and try again. |
扩容节点的规格:xxx资源不足,请减少购买量后重试! |
- |
400 |
12000360 |
Cluster name cannot be updated for a cluster that is in the terminating or terminated state. |
状态是【删除中/删除】的集群,不允许修改集群名字操作! |
- |
400 |
12000361 |
Only offline cluster is allowed to modify manager access ip. |
非纳管集群不允许修改Manager页面访问IP |
- |
400 |
12000362 |
Cluster id is already exist or not universally unique identifier format. |
集群ID已存在或者非UUID格式! |
- |
400 |
12000363 |
The offline cluster with same management node IPs[xxx] already exists. |
已存在相同的管理节点IP[xxx]的纳管集群! |
- |
400 |
12005001 |
The number of tags in one cluster must not exceed xxx. |
单个集群中的tag个数不能大于xxx! |
- |
400 |
12005002 |
Tag xxx does not comply with the specifications. The tag key and value cannot start or end with a space and cannot contain any of the following characters: =*<>\\,|/. |
标签xxx不符合规范,标签的key和value不能包含“=”,“*”,“<”,“>”,“\\”,“,”,“|”,“/”,且首尾字符不能为空格! |
- |
400 |
13000046 |
Security group xxx does not exist. |
安全组 xxx 不存在! |
- |
400 |
MRS.1010 |
The RDS instance whose ID is xxx is not found. The status (xxx) of RDS instance xxx is abnormal. |
没有找到ID为xxx的RDS实例! RDS实例xxx的状态异常,状态xxx! |
- |
401 |
12000001 |
Invalid authentication |
认证失败 |
- |
401 |
12000136 |
Permission denied. Error message: Policy doesn't allow bss:order:update to be performed. |
您的权限不足。Error message: Policy doesn't allow bss:order:update to be performed. |
- |
404 |
12000057 |
Failed to obtain the file list. |
获取文件列表失败! |
- |
404 |
12005003 |
The tag key xxx does not exist in cluster xxx. |
标签的键xxx在集群xxx中不存在! |
- |
500 |
0023 |
Failed to obtain cluster details. |
获取集群详情信息失败! |
- |
500 |
0056 |
Jobs cannot be submitted to a cluster in the xxx state. |
集群状态为xxx,不能提交作业! |
- |
500 |
0057 |
Spark jobs cannot be submitted. |
不能提交Spark相关作业! |
- |
500 |
0093 |
Metadata of version xxx not found. |
无法找到版本号为xxx的版本元数据信息。 |
- |
500 |
0160 |
Failed to kill the job. |
终止作业失败 |
- |
500 |
0161 |
Failed to delete jobs in batches. |
批量删除作业失败 |
- |
500 |
0162 |
Failed to query the job. |
查询作业失败 |
- |
500 |
0165 |
Failed to verify the SQL statement. |
校验SQL语句失败 |
- |
500 |
0166 |
Failed to query a job list. |
查询作业列表失败 |
- |
500 |
0167 |
The v2 job API cannot be accessed. |
不支持访问v2作业接口 |
- |
500 |
0168 |
Hive jobs cannot be submitted. |
不能提交Hive相关作业 |
- |
500 |
0169 |
Flink jobs cannot be submitted. |
不能提交Flink作业 |
- |
500 |
0170 |
Failed to collect job log directory information. |
收集作业日志目录信息失败 |
- |
500 |
0172 |
Failed to collect the SQL job result. |
收集SQL作业结果失败 |
- |
500 |
0173 |
Failed to submit the job (cluster ID: xxx; job name: xxx). |
执行提交作业操作失败,集群ID为xxx,作业名字为xxx |
- |
500 |
0174 |
Failed to query the job. |
查询作业失败 |
- |
500 |
0175 |
Failed to kill the job. |
终止作业失败 |
- |
500 |
0176 |
The job does not exist. |
作业不存在 |
- |
500 |
0177 |
The number of jobs running in each cluster cannot exceed 10. |
每个集群运行作业的数量不能超过10 |
- |
500 |
0178 |
The job ID cannot be left blank. |
作业Id不可为空 |
- |
500 |
0179 |
The job type must be SparkSql or SparkScript. |
作业类型必须是SparkSql或者SparkScript |
- |
500 |
0180 |
The job is being submitted. |
作业正在提交中 |
- |
500 |
0181 |
The SQL job result collection is empty. |
SQL作业结果收集为空 |
- |
500 |
0182 |
Failed to read the SQL job result. |
读取SQL作业结果失败 |
- |
500 |
0183 |
The job is running. |
作业正在运行中 |
- |
500 |
0185 |
The log type does not exist. |
日志类型不存在 |
- |
500 |
0187 |
The log aggregation path is empty. Logs cannot be queried. |
作业日志聚集路径为空,无法查询日志 |
- |
500 |
0188 |
The job query result is empty. Logs cannot be obtained. |
作业查询结果为空,无法获取日志 |
- |
500 |
0189 |
Failed to delete the job list. |
删除作业列表失败 |
- |
500 |
0190 |
The user who submits the job cannot be empty. |
提交作业用户不能为空 |
- |
500 |
0191 |
Failed to query the user who submits the job on MRS Manager. |
在MRS Manager查询提交作业用户失败 |
- |
500 |
0192 |
The current user does not exist on MRS Manager. Grant the user sufficient permissions on IAM and then perform IAM user synchronization on the Dashboard tab page. |
当前用户在MRS Manager不存在。请先在IAM给予该用户足够的权限,再在概览页签进行IAM用户同步。 |
- |
500 |
0193 |
Failed to operate the database job records. |
操作数据库作业记录失败 |
- |
500 |
0194 |
Failed to start the launcher and submit the job. |
作业启动失败,作业提交不成功 |
- |
500 |
0199 |
Failed to delete the jobs. |
删除作业失败 |
- |
500 |
0200 |
Failed to kill the jobs on Yarn. |
Yarn上终止作业失败 |
- |
500 |
0201 |
The job does not exist. |
作业不存在 |
- |
500 |
0202 |
Too many jobs are being submitted, please try again later. |
当前提交作业过多,请稍后重试 |
- |
500 |
0211 |
The maximum number of bound security groups has been reached. A maximum of four security groups can be bound, excluding the default security group that is automatically created. |
绑定安全组数量超出限制,最多允许绑定4个,不含自动创建的默认安全组 |
- |
500 |
12000004 |
Internal server error. |
服务器内部错误 |
- |
500 |
12000020 |
Failed to terminate the cluster. |
终止集群失败! |
- |
500 |
120000213 |
The region [xxx] does not exist. |
指定的Region[xxx]不存在。 |
- |
500 |
120000214 |
No permission to access the AZs [xxx]. The following AZs [xxx] can be accessed. |
无权限访问如下可用区[xxx],可访问可用区[xxx]。 |
- |
500 |
12000055 |
Failed to open the file. |
打开文件失败! |
- |
500 |
12000060 |
The number of running jobs per cluster cannot exceed xxx. |
每个集群运行作业的数量不能超过xxx! |
- |
500 |
12000068 |
If the job type is Hive or Spark Script, the value of the mains should not be left blank. |
作业类型为Hive或者Spark Script时,mains不能为空! |
- |
500 |
12000069 |
If the job type is MapReduce or Spark, the value of the libs should not be left blank. |
作业类型为MapReduce或者Spark时,libs不能为空! |
- |
500 |
12000070 |
An error occurred while accessing Knox. |
访问knox发生异常。 |
- |
500 |
12000071 |
The Executor server has an internal error. |
Executor服务器内部错误。 |
- |
500 |
12000073 |
Failed to access the HDFS directory. |
HDFS目录连接失败! |
- |
500 |
12000102 |
Failed to stop the cluster. |
停止集群失败。 |
- |
500 |
12000103 |
Failed to start the cluster. |
启动集群失败。 |
- |
500 |
12000154 |
IAM synchronization is in progress and cannot be triggered again in the same cluster. Cluster ID: xxx |
IAM同步正在进行中,同一集群不能再次触发,集群ID为xxx。 |
- |
500 |
12000156 |
Failed to query Iam group |
查询IAM用户组失败 |
- |
500 |
12000157 |
Failed to query Iam user or role |
查询IAM角色和用户失败 |
- |
500 |
12000163 |
Failed to query Manager user. |
查询Manager用户失败 |
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500 |
12000164 |
Failed to query Manager user group. |
查询Manager用户组失败 |
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500 |
130000002 |
The token is invalid. |
Token无效 |
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500 |
MRS.0010 |
Dataconnector error. |
连接器的名称不合法,名称只能包含字母大小写、数字、-_! 连接器的ID不能为空! 不支持的数据类型: xxx! 不支持的组件数据类型: xxx! 没有找到连接ID为xxx的数据连接实例! 没有找到ID为xxx的集群与数据连接映射! 没有找到连接ID为xxx的集群与数据连接映射! RDS的实例ID不能为空! RDS的实例、数据库名、用户名和密码都不能为空! OBS的AccessKey、SecretKey、目录都不能为空! JDBC的IP、端口、数据库、用户名、密码都不能为空! 没有找到xxx可用的驱动! 数据连接的类型不匹配,传入的类型:xxx,实际数据连接的类型为xxx! RDS实例虚拟私有云的ID xxx与集群的虚拟私有云ID xxx不一致! RDS实例子网的ID xxx与集群的子网ID xxx不一致! RDS实例的安全组ID xxx与集群的安全组ID xxx不一致! 集群已经存在相同位置的数据连接,xxx! 数据连接已经被其他集群使用(xxx)! 已经存在名称为xxx的数据连接! 集群无法连接此RDS实例的数据库,请检查网络/数据库名称/用户名/密码! 没有找到ID为xxx的RDS实例! RDS实例xxx的状态异常,状态xxx! 同步数据连接参数到集群失败! |
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500 |
MRS.0011 |
SQL typed xxx can not run on the cluster which not installed dependent components. Cannot execute SQL on a cluster in the xxx state. Not support sql execution in cluster version xxx. Request with multiple SQL is not support. Failed to submit the SQL request to Executor (cluster ID: xxx). |
SQL类型为xxx的语句无法在未安装相关依赖组件的集群中运行! 集群状态为xxx,不能执行SQL! 集群版本xxx不支持执行SQL接口! 不支持同时提交多条SQL! 提交SQL到Executor上失败,集群ID为xxx! |
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500 |
MRS.0205 |
Failed to sync agency mapping configuration to cluster. |
同步委托映射配置到集群失败! |
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500 |
MRS.0206 |
Updating agency mapping task is running. |
正在更新映射配置任务! |
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500 |
MRS.0207 |
Parse Json format failed. |
解析JSON失败! |
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500 |
MRS.0208 |
Create or modify policy failed. |
创建/修改策略失败。 |
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500 |
MRS.0209 |
Assign policy to agency failed. |
给委托赋予策略失败。 |
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500 |
MRS.0210 |
No secu_admin policy. |
没有secu_admin权限。 |
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500 |
MRS.0211 |
Failed to obtain new agency or new agency does not exist. |
新委托获取失败/不存在。 |
- |
500 |
MRS.0212 |
Updating ECS agency task is running. |
正在更新ECS委托! |
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500 |
MRS.0216 |
Failed to update ECS metadata. |
ecs元数据更新失败。 |
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500 |
MRS.0217 |
Failed to unbind policy. |
策略解绑失败。 |
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500 |
MRS.0218 |
Failed to check whether policies are exist or not. |
校验策略存在失败。 |
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