Help Center/ Object Storage Service/ Tools Guide/ obsutil/ Best Practices/ Using the obsutil help Command to Search for Functions
Updated on 2022-07-07 GMT+08:00

Using the obsutil help Command to Search for Functions

obsutil provides help commands for viewing the help documents of each command. To query the help document of the bucket creation command, perform the following steps:

  1. Run the obsutil help command to query the list of all supported commands.
  2. Find the abbreviation of the command to be viewed based on the document description in the command list. For example, the abbreviation of the command for creating a bucket is mb.
  3. Run the obsutil help mb command to view the usage and detailed functions of the mb command, illustrated as follows:

    create a bucket with the specified parameters
      obsutil mb obs://bucket [-fs] [-az=xxx] [-acl=xxx] [-sc=xxx] [-location=xxx] [-config=xxx]
        create a bucket that supports POSIX
        the AZ of the bucket, possible values are [multi-az]
        the ACL of the bucket, possible values are [private|public-read|public-read-write]
        the default storage class of the bucket, possible values are: [standard|warm|cold]
        the region where the bucket is located
        the path to the custom config file when running this command

  4. Run the obsutil mb obs://bucket-test -location xxx command to create a bucket named bucket-test in the xxx region.
  • For more information about the help command, see Viewing Command Help Information.
  • You can set the helpLanguage parameter in the configuration file to configure the language type of the help command. For example, helpLanguage=Chinese indicates that the language type of the help command is Chinese.
  • The supported languages are Chinese and English. The default language is English.