Updated on 2025-01-07 GMT+08:00

Adding a .csv or .xlsx Global Variable File

If some parameters are dynamically obtained and the number of parameters is large, you can use .csv or .xlsx files to dynamically transfer the parameters during pressure tests.


  1. Log in to the CodeArts PerfTest console and choose PerfTest Projects in the left navigation pane.
  2. Click the name of the desired PerfTest project to go to the details page.
  3. On the Cases tab, click Global Variables.
  4. You can add global variables by importing file variables.

    1. Click Download the .csv Template or Download the .xlsx Template to obtain the required variable file template, and enter variables and values in the template. In the templates, enter variable names in the first row and enter variable values from the second row.

      The restrictions on variable files are as follows:

      1. Only .csv (UTF-8 without BOM) and .xlsx files can be imported.
      2. The maximum length of a file name (including the extension) is 50 bytes.
      3. Maximum file size:
        • .xlsx: 10 MB for the Professional edition and 20 MB for the Enterprise edition.
        • .csv: 10 MB for the Professional edition and 80 MB for the Enterprise edition by default.
    2. Click Import File Variable to import a .csv or .xlsx file.
      • Name: name of the imported file
      • Type: File
      • Value: actual variable name. Multiple variable names are separated by commas (,).
      • Read Mode
        • Sequential Mode: Variables are read in sequence.
        • Random Mode: Variables are read randomly.
      • Sharing Mode
        • Case: All concurrent requests share a variable.
        • Concurrency: Each request copies a variable with the same name for use. Different concurrent requests read the variable values in sequence and do not affect each other.
    3. After importing a global variable, you can perform the following operations:
      • Click Edit to modify the variable read mode and sharing mode.

        For details about the variable read rules for different variable read and sharing modes, see Variable Read Rules.

      • Click Download to download the global variable file.
      • Click Delete to delete the imported global variable file. The global variable file cannot be deleted when it is referenced.
      • If the imported global variable file is modified locally, click Upload Again to upload it again.