Updated on 2025-01-24 GMT+08:00

Creating an MCS Object


  • MCS is only available in clusters v1.21 or later.
  • A Service, with both MCI and MCS configured, can only be delivered to the cluster where the Service is deployed, the cluster that accesses the Service, and the cluster where the corresponding workload is deployed in MCS.


  • Deploying Workloads and Services

    Deploy available workloads (Deployments) and Services on the federation control plane. If no workload or Service is available, create one by referring to Deployments and ClusterIP.

  • Configuring the Multi-Cluster Networking

    Check and configure the network connectivity of both inter-cluster nodes and containers by referring to Configuring the Multi-Cluster Networking.

If the error message "policy doesn't allow 'get loadbalancer' to be performed." or "because no identity-based policy allows the xxx action." is displayed during MCS instance creation, the agency permissions do not take effect. Wait for a while and try again. If it is displayed in the Events window, ignore it.

Creating an MCS Object Using YAML on the Console

  1. Log in to the UCS console. In the navigation pane, choose Fleets.
  2. On the Fleets tab, click the name of the federation-enabled fleet to access the fleet console.
  3. In the navigation pane, choose Services and Ingresses. Then, click the MCS tab.
  4. Click Create from YAML in the upper right corner.
  5. Select YAML for Current Data and edit the configuration in the editing area. (Configure the parameters as needed.)

    apiVersion: networking.karmada.io/v1alpha1
    kind: MultiClusterService
      name: mcs-24132      # MCS object name
      namespace: default      # Name of the namespace where the MCS object is located
        - CrossCluster     # Inter-cluster service discovery
        - name: cluster-25043    # The cluster that this Service will be deployed in
        - name: cluster-29544    # The cluster that will access this Service

  6. Click OK.

Creating an MCS Object Using kubectl

  1. Use kubectl to connect to the federation. For details, see Using kubectl to Connect to a Federation.
  2. Create and edit the mcs.yaml file. For details about the parameters in this file, see Table 1.

    vi mcs.yaml

    In the example, the defined MCS object is associated with Service foo. This Service is deployed in cluster B and can be accessed from cluster A.

    apiVersion: networking.karmada.io/v1alpha1 
    kind: MultiClusterService 
       name: foo                          # MCS object name
       namespace: default                  # Name of the namespace where the MCS object is located
         - CrossCluster                   # Inter-cluster service discovery
       providerClusters:                  # Cluster that the Service is delivered to
         - name: clusterB
       consumerClusters:                  # Cluster that accesses the Service
         - name: clusterA
    Table 1 Key parameters








    Name of the MCS object, which must be the same as that of the associated Service.




    Name of the namespace where the MCS object is located, which must be the same as that of the namespace where the associated Service is located. If this parameter is left blank, default is used.




    Traffic direction. To enable service discovery across clusters, set this parameter to CrossCluster.




    Name of the cluster that the Service is delivered to. Set this parameter to the cluster where the Service is deployed. If this parameter is left blank, the Service is delivered to all clusters in the federation by default.


    If a Service is deployed in cluster B but cluster A and cluster B are both configured as the delivery targets, the Service is delivered to both clusters. The original Service with the same name in cluster A will be overwritten.




    Name of the cluster that accesses the Service. Set this parameter to the name of the cluster that is expected to access the Service across clusters through MCS. If this parameter is left blank, all clusters in the federation can access the Service by default.

  3. Create an MCS object.

    kubectl apply -f mcs.yaml

  4. Check the status of the MCS object (named foo).

    kubectl describe mcs foo

    The status field in the YAML file records the MCS object status. If the following information is displayed, the endpoint slices are successfully delivered and synchronized, and cross-cluster service discovery is available:

      - lastTransitionTime: "2023-11-20T02:30:49Z"  
      message: EndpointSlices are propagated to target clusters. 
        reason: EndpointSliceAppliedSuccess 
        status: "True"  
      type: EndpointSliceApplied
    Run the following commands to operate the MCS object (named foo):
    • kubectl get mcs foo: obtains the MCS object.
    • kubectl edit mcs foo: updates the MCS object.
    • kubectl delete mcs foo: deletes the MCS object.

Cross-Cluster Access

After the MCS object is created, you can access the Service from the cluster specified by consumerClusters.name.

In the cluster specified by consumerClusters.name, create a pod, access the container, and run the curl http://Service name:Port number command to access the Service.

If the following information is displayed, the access is successful:

/ # curl http://Service name:Port number
<h1>Welcome to foo!</h1> 