Updated on 2025-03-14 GMT+08:00

Changing an OS


If the OS running on the cloud server in a FlexusL instance cannot meet service requirements, you can change the OS to another OS version or type.


  • An OS change does not make any changes to server specifications.
  • After the OS is changed, the server IP address remains unchanged.
  • Data in all partitions (including the system partition) of the system disk will be cleared, so you are advised to back up the system disk data prior to an OS change.
  • An OS change does not affect data in data disks.
  • After the OS is changed, the original OS is not retained.
  • After you change the OS, you need to deploy services in the new OS.
  • After the OS is changed, the server automatically starts.
  • Do not reset the password of, restart, or stop the FlexusL instance immediately after the OS is changed. Wait for several minutes until the system successfully injects the password, or the login will fail.


  • Application images have the minimum CPU and memory specification requirements. If the specification of a FlexusL instance is low, you cannot change its OS using an application image that requires higher specifications. For example, you cannot change the OS of a FlexusL instance with 2 vCPUs and 4 GiB memory using the GitLab application image that needs to use at least 2 vCPUs and 8 GiB memory. To do so, upgrade the FlexusL instance by performing Modifying the Specifications of a FlexusL Instance first and try again.
  • After the OS is changed, the login password is cleared. You need to reset the password by performing Resetting the Password for a FlexusL Instance for logging in to the new OS. If you switch to an application image, reset the password only after the image with the pre-installed application is up and running, or the password reset may fail.
  • Before using a private image, you need to learn about the constraints on private images in Table 1 for FlexusL instances.


If you want to use a private to change the OS of a FlexusL instance, create an image using Huawei Cloud IMS. A private image can be used by FlexusL instances only after it is created on the IMS console. For more information, see Creating a FlexusL Instance from a Private Image or Using a Private Image to Change the OS.


An OS change does not involve refund or supplementary payment.


  1. Log in to the FlexusL console and click a resource card to go to the instance details page.
  2. Reinstall the OS using any of the following methods:
    • Method 1: Locate the target FlexusL instance, choose > Change OS.
    • Method 2: On the Overview page, choose > Change OS in the upper right corner.

    • Method 3: On the Cloud Servers page, choose > Change OS in the row containing the target server.

    • Method 4: On the Cloud Servers page, click the target server name. In the upper right corner of the displayed page, choose > Change OS.
  3. Specify the parameters required for changing the OS.

  4. Read and agree to the agreements, and click Submit.

    After the OS is changed, the server automatically starts. When the server status is Running, the OS change is complete.