Help Center/ Elastic Cloud Server/ User Guide/ Passwords and Key Pairs/ One-Click ECS Password Reset Plug-in/ Installing the One-Click Password Reset Plug-in on an ECS
Updated on 2025-03-13 GMT+08:00

Installing the One-Click Password Reset Plug-in on an ECS

You can reset the password for logging in to an ECS with just a few clicks if you forgot the password or the password expires.

After you have created an ECS, it is a good practice to log in to it and install the password reset plug-in.

The password reset plug-in has been installed on the ECSs created using a public image by default. To check whether the plug-in has been installed, see 1.


  1. The password reset plug-in is not installed by default. You can determine whether to install it.
  2. After the installation is complete, do not uninstall the plug-in by yourself. Otherwise, the ECS password cannot be reset.
  3. After you reinstall or change the OS of an ECS, the one-click password reset function will become invalid. If you want to continue using this function, reinstall the password reset plug-in.
  4. After you replace the system disk of an ECS, the one-click password reset function will become invalid. If you want to continue using this function, reinstall the password reset plug-in.
  5. The password reset plug-in cannot be installed on ECSs running CoreOS or KylinOS.
  6. To reset the password, the one-click password reset plug-in must be installed before the ECS password is lost or expires.
  7. The one-click password reset plug-in can be installed only after an EIP is bound to the ECS.


  • The available space in drive C of a Windows ECS is greater than 300 MB, and data can be written to it.
  • The available space in the root directory of a Linux ECS is greater than 300 MB, and data can be written to it.
  • For Linux ECSs, disable SELinux if it has been enabled.
  • One-click password reset can be used on the ECSs created using SUSE 11 SP4 only if their memory capacity is greater than or equal to 4 GiB.
  • DHCP is enabled in the VPC which the ECS belongs to.
  • The ECS network connectivity is normal.
  • The NIC has been set to DHCP so that the ECS can dynamically obtain an IP address.

    For details about how to set the NIC to DHCP for a Linux ECS, see Setting the NIC to DHCP.

    For details about how to set the NIC to DHCP for a Windows ECS, see Setting the NIC to DHCP.

  • The ECS security group rule in the outbound direction meets the following requirements:
    • Protocol & Port: TCP
    • Port: 80
    • Destination:
    If you use the default security group rules for the outbound direction, the preceding requirements are met, and the ECS can be initialized. The default security group rules for the outbound direction are as follows:
    • Protocol & Port: All
    • Port range: All ports
    • Destination:

Installing the Password Reset Plug-in on a Linux ECS

  1. Check whether the one-click password reset plug-in has been installed on the ECS.

    1. Log in to the ECS as user root.
    2. Run the following command to check whether CloudResetPwdAgent has been installed:

      ls -lh /Cloud*

      Figure 1 Checking whether the plug-in has been installed

      Check whether the obtained information is similar to that shown in Figure 1.

      • If yes, the plug-in has been installed.
      • If no, the plug-in has not been installed. Then, install it.

  2. Download the plug-in package and verify its integrity by referring to Obtaining the One-Click Password Reset Plug-in and Verifying Its Integrity (Linux).

    There is no special requirement for the directory that stores

  3. Run the following command to decompress

    There is no special requirement for the directory that stores the decompressed Use any directory.

    unzip -o -d Decompressed directory

    For example:

    If the plug-in is decompressed to /home/linux/test, run the following command:

    unzip -o -d /home/linux/test

  4. Install the one-click password reset plug-in.

    1. Run the following command to open the CloudResetPwdAgent.Linux file:

      cd {Plug-in decompressed directory}/CloudResetPwdAgent/CloudResetPwdAgent.Linux

      For example:

      If the plug-in is decompressed to /home/linux/test, run the following command:

      cd /home/linux/test/CloudResetPwdAgent/CloudResetPwdAgent.Linux

    2. Run the following command to add the execute permission for the file:

      chmod +x

    3. Run the following command to install the plug-in:

      sudo sh

      If "cloudResetPwdAgent install successfully." is displayed and "Failed to start service cloudResetPwdAgent" is not displayed, the installation is successful.
      • You can also check whether the password reset plug-in has been installed using the methods provided in 1.
      • If the installation failed, check whether the installation environment meets requirements and install the plug-in again.

  5. Modify the file permissions of the password reset plug-in.

    chmod 700 /CloudrResetPwdAgent/bin/cloudResetPwdAgent.script

    chmod 700 /CloudrResetPwdAgent/bin/wrapper

    chmod 600 /CloudrResetPwdAgent/lib/*

Installing the Password Reset Plug-in on a Windows ECS

  1. Log in to the ECS.
  2. Check whether the password reset plug-in CloudResetPwdAgent has been installed on the ECS. To check this, perform the following operations:

    Start the Task Manager and check whether cloudResetPwdAgent is displayed on the Services tab. As shown in the Figure 2, the password reset plug-in has been installed on the ECS.

    Figure 2 Successful plug-in installation
    • If yes, no further action is required.
    • If no, go to 3.

  3. Download the plug-in package and verify its integrity by referring to Obtaining the One-Click Password Reset Plug-in and Verifying Its Integrity (Windows).

    There is no special requirement for the directory that stores

  4. Decompress

    There is no special requirement for the directory that stores the decompressed Use any directory.

  5. Install the plug-in.

    1. Double-click setup.bat in CloudResetPwdAgent.Windows.

      The password reset plug-in starts to be installed.

    2. View the Task Manager and check whether the installation was successful.

      If cloudResetPwdAgent is displayed in the Task Manager, as shown in Figure 3, the installation was successful. Otherwise, the installation failed.

      Figure 3 Successful plug-in installation

      If the installation failed, check whether the installation environment meets requirements and install the plug-in again.

Follow-up Procedure

  • After the one-click password reset plug-in is installed, you can add it to the startup items if it cannot automatically start upon ECS startup. For details, see What Do I Do If the One-Click Password Resetting Plug-In Failed to Start?
  • After the one-click password reset plug-in is installed, do not delete the CloudResetPwdAgent process. Otherwise, one-click password reset will not be available.
  • If you have updated the one-click password reset plug-in, newly created ECSs work in PIPE mode by default to prevent the plug-in from using service ports. Existing ECSs still work in AUTO mode, in which the plug-in selects an idle port with the smallest port number from 31000 to 32999. The system will automatically select an idle port with the smallest port number.

Related Operations

  • Uninstall plug-in: If you do not need to use the one-click password reset function, perform the following operations to uninstall the plug-in:
    • Linux ECS
      1. Log in to the ECS.
      2. Run the following commands to switch to the bin directory and delete cloudResetPwdAgent:

        cd /CloudrResetPwdAgent/bin

        sudo ./cloudResetPwdAgent.script remove

      3. Delete the plug-in.

        sudo rm -rf /CloudrResetPwdAgent

      4. Check whether CloudResetPwdUpdateAgent exists. If it exists, go to the bin directory and delete the cloudResetPwdUpdateAgent service.

        cd /CloudResetPwdUpdateAgent/bin

        sudo ./cloudResetPwdUpdateAgent.script stop

        sudo ./cloudResetPwdUpdateAgent.script remove

      5. Delete the plug-in.

        sudo rm -rf /CloudResetPwdUpdateAgent

    • Windows ECS
      1. Uninstall and delete CloudResetPwdAgent.
        1. Switch to the C:\CloudResetPwdAgent\bin folder.
        2. Double-click UninstallApp-NT.bat.
        3. Delete the file in C:\CloudResetPwdAgent.
      2. (Optional) Uninstall and delete CloudResetPwdUpdateAgent.
        The plug-in varies depending on the Windows version. Check whether CloudResetPwdUpdateAgent exists. If it exists, perform the following operations to uninstall and delete it. If it does not exist, skip this step.
        1. Go to the C:\CloudResetPwdUpdateAgent folder.
        2. Double-click UninstallApp-NT.bat.
        3. Delete the file in C:\CloudResetPwdUpdateAgent.

          If the deletion fails, delete CloudResetPwdUpdateAgent from Task Manager first and then delete the file in C:\CloudResetPwdUpdateAgent.

  • Stop plug-in: If you do not need to use the one-click password reset function, perform the following operations to stop the plug-in:
    • LinuxECS
      1. Log in to the ECS.
      2. Run the following commands to switch to the bin directory and delete cloudResetPwdAgent:

        cd /CloudrResetPwdAgent/bin

        sudo ./cloudResetPwdAgent.script stop

      3. Check whether CloudResetPwdUpdateAgent exists. If it exists, go to the bin directory and stop the cloudResetPwdUpdateAgent service.

        cd /CloudResetPwdUpdateAgent/bin

        sudo ./cloudResetPwdUpdateAgent.script stop

    • WindowsECS
      1. Stop CloudResetPwdAgent.
        1. Log in to the ECS.
        2. Open Task Manager.
        3. On the Services tab, right-click the CloudResetPwdAgent and select Stop from the shortcut menu.
      2. (Optional) Stop CloudResetPwdUpdateAgent.
        The plug-in varies depending on the Windows version. Check whether CloudResetPwdUpdateAgent exists. If it exists, perform the following operations to stop it. If it does not exist, skip this step.
        1. Log in to the ECS.
        2. Open Task Manager.
        3. On the Services tab, right-click CloudResetPwdUpdateAgent and select Stop from the shortcut menu.
  • Restart plug-in: If the one-click password reset function is abnormal, perform the following operations to restart the plug-in:
    • LinuxECS
      1. Log in to the ECS.
      2. Run the following commands to switch to the bin directory and restart cloudResetPwdAgent:

        cd /CloudrResetPwdAgent/bin

        sudo ./cloudResetPwdAgent.script reboot

      3. Check whether CloudResetPwdUpdateAgent exists. If it exists, go to the bin directory and restart the cloudResetPwdUpdateAgent service.

        cd /CloudResetPwdUpdateAgent/bin

        sudo ./cloudResetPwdUpdateAgent.script reboot

    • WindowsECS
      1. Restart CloudResetPwdAgent.
        1. Log in to the ECS.
        2. Open Task Manager.
        3. On the Services tab, right-click CloudResetPwdAgent and select Restart from the shortcut menu.
      2. (Optional) Restart CloudResetPwdUpdateAgent.
        The plug-in varies depending on the Windows version. Check whether CloudResetPwdUpdateAgent exists. If it exists, perform the following operations to restart it. If it does not exist, skip this step.
        1. Log in to the ECS.
        2. Open Task Manager.
        3. On the Services tab, right-click CloudResetPwdUpdateAgent and select Restart from the shortcut menu.