QingTian Enclave Application Development on Linux
QingTian Enclave SDK
The QingTian Enclave SDK consists of a series of open-source libraries for you to develop your own QingTian Enclave applications. It includes the qtsm-lib function library provided by QingTian Security Module (QTSM). In addition, the QingTian Enclave SDK integrates with KMS APIs that provide built-in support for obtaining attestation documents and other KMS-related services. The typical examples show how to call KMS APIs for decryption in QingTian Enclave.
Type |
Description |
libqtsm APIs |
qtsm_describe_pcr |
Queries the PCR value of a specified index. |
qtsm_extend_pcr |
Extends the PCR value of a specified index. |
qtsm_lock_pcr |
Locks the PCR value of a specified index. |
qtsm_lock_pcrs |
Locks the PCR values of specified indexes in batches. |
qtsm_get_describe |
Obtains the QTSM information. |
qtsm_get_attestation |
Obtains the attestation document. |
qtsm_get_random |
Obtains a random hardware number. |
kms_generate_datakey_blocking |
Generates a new key pair and obtains the public key and private key. |
kms_generate_datakey_blocking_with_proxy |
Integrates the qtproxy and obtains the key pair. |
kms_gen_random_blocking |
Obtains a random number. |
kms_gen_random_blocking_with_proxy |
Integrates the qtproxy and obtains a random number. |
kms_decrypt_data_blocking |
Decrypts data. |
kms_decrypt_data_blocking_with_proxy |
Integrates the qtproxy and decrypts data. |
You can obtain the source code for free from the open-source repository at https://gitee.com/HuaweiCloudDeveloper/huawei-qingtian/tree/master/enclave and develop your own QingTian Enclave application based on the test example.
Vsock Communication
The following uses vsock as an example to describe how to develop QingTian Enclave applications on Linux. The vsock application in this example can only run on Linux instances.
The vsock application helps developers know how information is exchanged between the parent instance and the QingTian Enclave instance. The vsock application includes two parameters: Server and Client. You can specify the two parameters to define the roles (client or server application) for the parent instance and the QingTian Enclave instance. In the vsock application, the client application sends a simple text message over the vsock to the server application and the server application listens to the vsock and prints the message to the terminal once it receives the message.
The following describes how a QingTian Enclave instance functioning as the server application receives the hello world message from the parent instance functioning as the client application.
- Compile a SocketCommunication.py program.
#!/usr/local/env python3 import argparse import socket import sys CID_DEFAULT = 3 PORT_DEFAULT = 9999 TIMEOUT = 5 BLACKLOG_DEFAULT = 5 class Client: def __init__(self, cid, port): self.clientAddr = (cid, port) self.connect() def connect(self): self.socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_VSOCK, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.socket.settimeout(TIMEOUT) print("connecting to the server") try: self.socket.connect(self.clientAddr) except socket.error: print("client's socket connection err") sys.exit(1) def send(self, msg): print("client sends hello to the server") self.socket.sendall(msg) def disconnect(self): self.socket.close() def receiveData(self): while True: try: message = self.socket.recv().decode() except (socket.error, UnicodeDecodeError): break if message: print(message, end = " ", flush = True) print() def clientHandler(args): client = Client(args.cid, args.port) message = "Hello world" client.send(message.encode()) client.disconnect() class Server: def __init__(self, port): self.socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_VSOCK, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.serverAddr = (socket.VMADDR_CID_ANY, port) self.socket.bind(self.serverAddr) self.socket.listen(BLACKLOG_DEFAULT) def receiveData(self): while True: print("waiting for a connection") (conn, clientAddr) = self.socket.accept() try: print("connection from ", clientAddr) while True: try: data = conn.recv(256).decode() except (socket.error, UnicodeDecodeError): break if data: print("data: ", data) else: print("connection close") break finally: conn.close() def serverHandler(args): server = Server(args.port) server.receiveData() def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = "Hello world demo", prog='SocketCommunication') subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(description = "Communication roles") parserClient = subparsers.add_parser("Client", description = "Client", help = "Communicate with server using a given cid and port.") parserClient.add_argument("-c", "--cid", default = CID_DEFAULT, type = int, help = "Client's Cid") parserClient.add_argument("-p", "--port", default = PORT_DEFAULT, type = int, help = "Client's port") parserClient.set_defaults(func = clientHandler) parserServer = subparsers.add_parser("Server", description = "Server", help = "Listen on a given port") parserServer.add_argument("-p", "--port", default = PORT_DEFAULT, type = int, help = "Server's Port") parserServer.set_defaults(func = serverHandler) if len(sys.argv) < 2: parser.print_usage() sys.exit(1) args = parser.parse_args() args.func(args) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
- Create a file named Dockerfile.
#start the Docker image from ubuntu FROM ubuntu AS base-img WORKDIR /home/builder # COPY vsocket example COPY . vsocket # install relative dependencies RUN apt-get update && \ apt-get install python3 -y && \ apt-get install gcc -y && \ apt-get install gawk -y # Launch a client CMD ["python3", "/home/builder/vsocket/SocketCommunication.py","Server","-p 9999"]
- Build a Docker image.
sudo docker build -t vsock-sample-client -f Dockerfile .
- Convert the Docker image to a QingTian Enclave image file.
qt enclave make-img --docker-uri vsock-sample-client --eif vsock_sample.eif
- Boot the QingTian Enclave instance in debug mode using the QingTian Enclave image file vsock_sample.eif.
qt enclave start --cpus 2 --mem 4096 --eif vsock_sample.eif --debug-mode --cid 4
Run the qt enclave console command to view the read-only terminal output in the QingTian Enclave instance.qt enclave console --enclave-id 0 waiting for a connection
- Boot a parent instance terminal and start the client program.
python3 SocketCommunication.py Client -c 4 -p 9999
- Check that the following information is displayed on the terminal after the server application receives the message over the vsock.
connection from (3, 4180219645) data: Hello world connection close waiting for a connection
Example of Using libqtsm and SDKs
The following describes how to use libqtsm and SDK APIs in QingTian Enclave applications based on open-source sample code. The sample application can only run on Linux instances.
- Obtain the open-source sample code from the following URL and copy it to the environment where the QingTian Enclave image is built:
- Create a file named Dockerfile.
# start the Docker image from ubuntu FROM ubuntu AS base-img WORKDIR /home/builder # COPY libqtsm example COPY ./qtsm qtsm_tests/ # install relative dependencies RUN apt-get update && \ apt-get install gcc -y && \ apt-get install make -y && \ apt-get install libssl-dev -y && \ apt-get install libglib2.0-dev -y && \ apt-get install curl -y && \ apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev –y && \ apt-get install -y libcbor-dev && \ apt-get install -y libjson-c-dev # build a test demo RUN cd qtsm_tests/tests/ && \ make RUN cp /home/builder/qtsm_tests/tests/gtest_libqtsm /root/ # Launch a client CMD "/root/gtest_libqtsm"
- Build a Docker image, convert it to a QingTian Enclave image file, and boot the QingTian Enclave instance.
- Obtain the open-source sample code of SDK APIs from the following URL:
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