Updated on 2022-12-07 GMT+08:00

Dumping Data to DLI

Source Data Type: JSON and CSV

Table 1 Dump parameters




Task Name

Name of the dump task. The names of dump tasks created for the same stream must be unique. A dump task name is 1 to 64 characters long. Only letters, digits, hyphens (-), and underscores (_) are allowed.


DLI Database

Click Select. In the Select DLI Database dialog box, select a database.

You can only select but not enter a value in this field.


DLI Table

Click Select. In the Select DLI Table dialog box, select a data table. Only tables in DLI are supported. Before selecting a DLI table, ensure that you have the permission to insert data into the table.

You can only select but not enter a value in this field.

This parameter is available only after you select a DLI database.


  • Latest: Maximum offset, indicating that the latest data will be read.
  • Earliest: Minimum offset, indicating that the earliest data will be read.


Dump Interval (s)

Interval at which data from the DIS stream will be imported into dump destination, such as OBS, MRS, DLI, and DWS. If no data was pushed to the DIS stream during the time specified here, the dump file will not be generated.

Value range: 30s to 900s

Unit: second

Default value: 300s


Temporary Bucket

OBS bucket in which a directory is created for temporarily storing user data. The data in the directory is deleted after being dumped to a specific destination.


Temporary Directory

Directory in the chosen Temporary Bucket for temporarily storing data. The data in the directory is deleted after being dumped to a specific destination.

If this field is left blank, the data is stored directly to the Temporary Bucket.
