Updated on 2024-04-29 GMT+08:00


The CloudTable cluster mode provides a distributed, scalable, and fully managed NoSQL data storage system based on Apache HBase. It provides strong consistency and single-digit millisecond latency so it is optimal for storage and queries of massive amounts of structured and semi-structured data.

In CloudTable HBase cluster management, you need to create a dedicated cluster and can use it on demand. Dedicated clusters are physically isolated and are not affected by other services, facilitating user management. The CloudTable HBase cluster management is applicable to users with high service throughput and low delay requirements.

After a CloudTable HBase cluster is created, you can access it using the following methods:

  • Using a client to access the cluster

    For details, see Using HBase. This section describes how to use HBase Shell to access a cluster.

  • Call native open source APIs to develop HBase applications, and access the cluster through a CloudTable link.

    For details, see CloudTable Service Developer Guide.