Updated on 2025-01-10 GMT+08:00

Cloning an API

To improve API creation efficiency, you can clone an API with a custom name and path.

Policies bound to an API cannot be cloned and can only be manually bound to the new API.


You have created an API. If no API is available, create one by referring to Creating a REST API.

Cloning APIs

  1. Go to the APIG console.
  2. Select a dedicated gateway at the top of the navigation pane.
  1. In the navigation pane, choose API Management > API Groups.
  2. Click a group name to go to the Group Information page.
  3. On the APIs tab, choose More > Clone.
  4. Set the API name and path based on the following table, and click OK.

    Table 1 Parameters for API cloning



    API Name

    Enter an API name that conforms to specific rules to facilitate search.

    Enter 3 to 255 characters, starting with a letter or digit. Use only letters, digits, and these special characters: -_./:()

    API Path

    Request path of the API. Enclose parameters in braces, if any. For example: /a/{b}. Alternatively, use a plus sign (+) to match paths starting with specific characters. For example: /a/{b+}. The request path is case-sensitive.

Follow-Up Operations

After cloning an API, verify it by following the procedure in Debugging an API.